
Didn't receive a Children's Day gift? Why don't I send you | May Review

author:natural history

Today is Children's Day, I wish children's day to all parties and children. Pinch your fingers, you lack a Children's Day gift, it is better that I send you ah~

Of course, only critics can get gifts. Let's see what the gift is -

Mini Round Treasure

There are three models in this series: Killer Whale / Palm Ghost Owl / Arctic Rabbit, advanced simulation plush, excellent feel, selfie companion, posing invincible.

Didn't receive a Children's Day gift? Why don't I send you | May Review
Didn't receive a Children's Day gift? Why don't I send you | May Review
Didn't receive a Children's Day gift? Why don't I send you | May Review
Didn't receive a Children's Day gift? Why don't I send you | May Review
Didn't receive a Children's Day gift? Why don't I send you | May Review

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How is the draw draw?

The May 2022 "Museum" introduced sharks. Sharks are an ancient family with more than 300 million years of history and more than 500 extant species. In this issue of the magazine, not only the global sharks are taken stock, but also the whale sharks will be taken with them. In addition to sharks, there are also cute Andlovable Malay tapirs, "Coin Legend" knife coins, delicious cherries and tea and rice.

If you've read the full contents of may magazine, then please vote below for your favorite article in May's Naturalist magazine and write down the reasons for your choice in the comments section.

The list of winning users will be announced on June 2nd (yes, tomorrow), so be sure to check back to see if you've won the lottery.

You ready?

Start voting now!

After voting, let's take a look at the latest June magazine, the theme of this issue is - bees. Bees are very common insects in our lives, but it has a lot of hidden lives that you don't know about. Do all bees make honey? Is nectar honey? What honey harvesting equipment does bees have? What does a hive look like? What honey is best to eat? ...... This issue of "Naturalism" will take you to know the bees in an all-round and multi-angle way!

In addition, this issue of the magazine also interprets the new edition of the "Botanical Wild Protection List", as well as the "soil fat round" harp seal, delicious bayberry and rice dumplings... A thousand words into one sentence, go buy!

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