
Braised pork so good for children to eat not tired of this braised meat, everyone loves to eat, how do we do it at home to eat fat but not greasy, thin and not woody, the entrance is melted? I'll take this today

author:The chef teaches you a home-cooked meal every day

Braised pork is not boring for children to eat

This braised pork, everyone loves to eat, how do we do it at home to eat fat but not greasy, thin and not chai, melt in the mouth? Today I will share this most detailed approach with you. First of all, cut the pork belly into small pieces evenly, be sure to pay attention to the cold water under the pot, put in the fishy cooking wine, after the high heat boils, skim off the foam on it, cook for two minutes, and cook the meat thoroughly, so that you can remove the fishy smell to the greatest extent. After the meat is cooked, do not touch the cold water, to prevent hot expansion and contraction, stewed meat, ah, not easy to soft rotten. Put a dozen pieces of rock sugar, a spoonful of water, a little cooking oil, first use a spoon to crush the rock sugar for him, turn on a low heat and simmer slowly, the rock sugar first bubbles, and then bubbles, the color is slightly yellow, and finally into jujube red. Pour in the blanched pork belly, turn on the high heat to fry the pork belly until it is colored, put in a large piece of green onion and ginger to continue sautéing, fry the aroma of green onion and ginger, and then pour in a little rice wine, be sure to add a sufficient amount of boiling water at one time. The meat stewed in this way can be soft and rotten, and then add half a spoonful of light soy sauce, a little old soy sauce, the most important thing is to put in a package of such marinade meat, cover the lid, simmer over medium and low heat for about 50 minutes. Pork belly after blanching good water ah, do not give him too cold water, otherwise, hot expansion and contraction, this pork belly, how bad the stew, I will make the focus and details of the dish are shared with everyone, only hope that everyone is healthy to eat what fragrant, family health and health, support me, thank you, after the meat stew is good, subtract the residue inside, at this time, ah, put in a spoonful of salt, open the fire to dry the soup, the soup is naturally thickened, you can get out of the pot. Braised pork you do at home like I do, soft and delicious, and ah, the color is also very beautiful. The chef teaches a home-cooked dish every day, thanks to the support of the family!

Braised pork so good for children to eat not tired of this braised meat, everyone loves to eat, how do we do it at home to eat fat but not greasy, thin and not woody, the entrance is melted? I'll take this today
Braised pork so good for children to eat not tired of this braised meat, everyone loves to eat, how do we do it at home to eat fat but not greasy, thin and not woody, the entrance is melted? I'll take this today
Braised pork so good for children to eat not tired of this braised meat, everyone loves to eat, how do we do it at home to eat fat but not greasy, thin and not woody, the entrance is melted? I'll take this today

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