
Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

author:Jing Yan History

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In his revolutionary career, Chairman Mao marched shoulder to shoulder with many revolutionary comrades and experienced countless wonderful revolutionary stories together. Not only Chairman Mao, but every ancestor in revolutionary work was the protagonist of a thrilling moment.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Wu Jiqing

As Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Wu Jiqing was in danger when he was seriously ill. The doctors at the hospital actually sent Wu Jiqing to the morgue to wait for his death when he was still alive. Fortunately, Chairman Mao sent someone to visit and saved Wu Jiqing's life.

Chairman Mao attached great importance to Wu Jiqing's bizarre encounter and ordered someone to investigate it. No one expected that the results of the investigation would make Chairman Mao furious and make many soldiers sweat coldly.

Bullied and took the gun, fortunately became the leader of the guard

Wu Jiqing, born in 1909, once used the name Wu To pass on. Wu Jiqing was born in a small village under Huichang County, Jiangxi, named Xia Village, which has beautiful scenery and simple folk customs.

No matter how good the natural environment of life, Wu Jiqing's youth is still the same as that of poor children all over the country: he cannot read books, cannot eat, and his whole family has been insulted and exploited by landlords.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

The landlord's long-term workers are harvesting wheat

In 1930, 21-year-old Wu Jiqing was working as a long-term worker at the landlord's house. On this day, Wu Jiqing was working, and the son of the landlord's family punched and kicked Wu Jiqing for no reason just because he was in a bad mood. The young and vigorous Wu Jiqing was enthusiastic and immediately fought with the landlord's son.

Wu Jiqing, who had been doing hard work for many years, was strong and strong, and without much effort, he knocked the landlord's son to the ground. The landlord's son, who had fallen to the ground, scolded Wu Jiqing and said that he must be killed. At this time, the painful memories of being bullied for many years rushed into Wu Jiqing's brain.

By the time Wu Jiqing reacted, the landlord's son had already been beaten and bruised. Wu Jiqing looked at his blood-stained fist and realized that he had run into trouble. In order not to burden his family, Wu Jiqing left home and lived a life of uprooting.

Because he was afraid that the landlord's family would catch up with him and seek revenge, Wu Jiqing did not dare to work long jobs anymore, and could only find some short-term jobs that were barely enough to make ends meet during the journey. During the war years, no matter how capable Wu Jiqing was, he could not find any work. Finally, Hungry and cold, Wu Jiqing fainted on the road.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Fortunately, Wu Jiqing was found by the nearby Red Army and rescued. When Wu Ji woke up, he was wearing clean clothes that had been changed, surrounded by warriors who cared about him, and his compatriots brought him hot dishes and hot rice.

After a few mouthfuls of hot rice into his mouth, Wu Jiqing couldn't help but shed tears, and he found the feeling of home. After recovering, Wu Jiqing voluntarily applied to join the Red Army and officially joined the Party four years later.

In fact, Wu Jiqing had the idea of joining the army before, but he was reluctant to be a relative at home. Now, Wu Jiqing finally realized that there was no future for enduring oppression.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

After joining the army, Wu Jiqing was meticulous about training and treated people and things with kindness and simplicity. Soon, many of the leaders in the unit knew about this sturdy young man. During this time, Chairman Mao needed a new guard, so the leaders of the unit naturally thought of Wu Jiqing.

After months of scrutiny, Wu Jiqing was brought before a leader. The leader cordially inquired about Wu Jiqing's life and work and asked him if he would like to serve as a guard. Wu Jiqing saluted and expressed his willingness to obey the order.

After this, Wu Jiqing learned that this leader was the famous Chairman Mao. Wu Jiqing felt very honored to be Chairman Mao's guard and devoted 120,000 enthusiastic people to guard work. This guard job, Wu Jiqing has been doing for six years, and it is precisely because of this job that Wu Jiqing's life has reached a higher level.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Chairman Mao

Work and study are not wrong, fortunately thank the old man as a teacher

As a guard, Wu Jiqing's main job is security, but in the special era, the work of guards is more than that. Wu Jiqing took the initiative to worry about Chairman Mao's food, clothing, and living, but he was concerned about chaos and made mistakes.

As we all know, Chairman Mao loves spicy food, and Wu Jiqing, as a guard, also knows this very well. Revolutionary life was very hard, eating soup and water, not even many peppers.

After eating too many light dishes, Chairman Mao was a little lost in appetite. Wu Jiqing looked in his eyes, anxious in his heart, thinking of getting some chili peppers for the chairman to eat. On this day, when Wu Jiqing passed by the courtyard of the local villager, he found that the family had pepper skewers hanging at the door. This red and tongtong color instantly made Wu Jiqing excited.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Excited, Wu Jiqing, who was still a new soldier at the time, forgot the discipline of the army and directly knocked on the door of his hometown. Wu Jiqing told his fellow villagers that he wanted to order peppers and give them to Chairman Mao to eat. Seeing the Red Army, the compatriots were very enthusiastic, and when they heard that it was for Chairman Mao to eat, the villagers did not hesitate to give a large bunch of chili peppers to Wu Jiqing.

Holding the chili pepper, Wu Jiqing happily ran to the cooking class and gave the pepper to the soldier of the cooking class. In the evening, the fried peppers were served to the table, but Chairman Mao frowned. If there are peppers in the cooking class, and they have been taken out to eat them, why are there suddenly peppers fried today?

After asking about the origin of the pepper, Chairman Mao did not blame Wu Jiqing, but patiently told Wu Jiqing that there were "three major disciplines and eight points of attention" in the army, and it was not possible to take the things of his fellow villagers casually. Speaking of this, Chairman Mao put down his chopsticks, called the secretary general, took out the money to buy peppers, and asked Wu Jiqing to send it to his hometown.

Only then did Wu Jiqing realize that even if Chairman Mao could not eat the pepper himself, he would not let his fellow villagers suffer losses. Wu Jiqing hurriedly took the money and sent it to his hometown and apologized to his fellow villagers.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

After this incident, Chairman Mao found that Wu Jiqing had received insufficient discipline education, so he arranged for him to attend classes with other soldiers. In order not to disappoint Chairman Mao's painstaking efforts, Wu Jiqing studied very seriously. But the teacher reported that because Wu Jiqing was illiterate, the learning progress was far inferior to that of the rest of the warriors.

Therefore, Chairman Mao began to look for opportunities to give Wu Jiqing an opportunity to tutor culture. Soon after, Wu Jiqing accompanied Chairman Mao and participated in the Long March. Along the way, the bloody rain and wind, several degrees of nine deaths. Wu Jiqing used his own practical actions to let Chairman Mao see his tenacity and bravery.

Chairman Mao admired Wu Jiqing more and more and saw his potential. After the large troops arrived in northern Shaanxi, during a meeting with Xie Jueya, Chairman Mao mentioned the situation of Wu Jiqing. After Xie Jueya heard about it, he expressed his willingness to teach Wu Jiqing.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Xie Jueya

Xie Jueya is known as one of the "Five Elders of Yan'an", who passed the late Qing Dynasty and participated in the May Fourth Movement. Fortunate to receive Xie Lao's teaching, Wu Jiqing cherished it very much, and he conscientiously completed the homework assigned by Elder Xie. Wu Jiqing, who was originally illiterate, could read five characters a day and wrote silently a hundred times a day, and his cultural level rose sharply in a short period of time.

For Wu Jiqing, a diligent and hard-working student, Elder Xie was very fond of him and gradually regarded Wu Jiqing as his son. However, the good times did not last long, and Wu Jiqing suddenly fell seriously ill and was bedridden.

Life is inevitable to encounter illness and pain, and lie in the morgue

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Film and television stills

Shortly after the end of the Long March, Wu Jiqing left Chairman Mao's side and entered the management section of the Ministry of National Economy. At the time of his illness, Wu Jiqing had been transferred to the central government cooperative as the director of the cooperative.

At that time, the weather was cold, and Wu Jiqing, who was working hard, accidentally contracted typhoid fever. At first, Wu Jiqing thought that he was just an ordinary fever, and he had never seen any serious injuries or serious illnesses during the Long March, so Wu Jiqing did not pay attention to this disease, but continued to work with the disease.

Wu Jiqing did not expect that with the passage of time, the symptoms of fever not only did not slow down, but became more and more intense. A few days later, Wu Jiqing burned so hard that he couldn't stand steadily, but he still felt that the fever was not a bullet and injury, and there was no need to waste medical resources.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

The comrades who worked together could not bear to look at it and told Chairman Mao about Wu Jiqing's situation. Chairman Mao telephoned and told Wu Jiqing that he could not hide his illness and avoid medical treatment, and sent someone to send Wu Jiqing to the hospital.

After Wu Jiqing came to the Red Army Field Hospital in Shuigouping, the attending doctor diagnosed him with severe cold and severe illness, and that Wu Jiqing's disease was contagious and had to be treated in the hospital.

After being hospitalized, Wu Jiqing was groggy and often couldn't wake up. Chairman Mao was worried about Wu Jiqing's situation, often sent people to the hospital to visit and encourage him, and he also found time to visit Wu Jiqing in the hospital. But Wu Jiqing is worried about the spread of the disease and hopes that everyone will come to visit less.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

At that time, it was still in the war years, and there was a shortage of medicine in the Red Army hospital, and Wu Jiqing could only use some basic drugs, and his condition almost did not improve. A week later, Wu Jiqing began to fall into a coma, and a crisis quietly began to descend at this time.

For Wu Jiqing's condition, Xie Jueya, as a teacher, is very concerned and is also the person who visits Wu Jiqing most often. On this day, Elder Xie came to visit Wu Jiqing again, but found that Wu Jiqing's hospital bed had changed. Elder Xie quickly found Wu Jiqing's attending doctor and asked where Wu Jiqing had gone.

The attending doctor said very coldly, "That comrade has been sent to the morgue."

He's dead? How can it be so sudden? Elder Xie suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, and he was old enough to ask the white-haired person to send the black-haired person.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Xie Jueya

After slowing down for a while, Elder Xie suddenly realized that something was wrong. When I came to visit several times before, the attending doctor always said that Wu Jiqing's condition had been stabilized, and it was normal to fall asleep, so how could he suddenly die? Therefore, Elder Xie offered to see Wu Jiqing's body.

Hearing Xie Jueya's request, the attending doctor seemed a little panicked, saying that the corpse may also be infected with diseases, and advised Elder Xie not to see it.

The doctor's attitude made Elder Xie suspicious, and in order not to scare the snake, Elder Xie pretended to leave in disgrace. In fact, Elder Xie went to a place where the doctor couldn't see and did two things.

The first thing happened, Elder Xie found a few people, secretly looked at the suspicious attending doctor, and did not let him leave the hospital.

The second thing, Elder Xie found Zhang Xiuying, a doctor he knew well in the hospital, who was a female soldier of the Red Army, and Elder Xie trusted her very much.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

After the arrangements were made, Elder Xie and Zhang Xiuying went to the morgue together to find Wu Jiqing's body and see if there was anything suspicious about his death.

Careful investigation revealed the truth, fortunately escaped death

Xie Jueya lived in the war years, and it was already common to live and die, but he regarded Wu Jiqing as his son. At this time, to see Wu Jiqing's body, Elder Xie's footsteps were extremely heavy.

Walking into the morgue, a "death breath" swept over his face, and Old Xie staggered to Wu Jiqing's side and shook Wu Jiqing's hand with trembling. One second, two seconds, time passed silently. Suddenly, Elder Xie reacted from his grief, and in addition to being cold, Wu Jiqing's body had something different.

It's the pulse! Elder Xie felt a pulse on Wu Jiqing's wrist! Worried that he was mistaken, Elder Xie quickly asked Zhang Xiuying to come and see it. After Zhang Xiuying confirmed, Wu Jiqing was indeed alive.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

The image comes from the Internet

Elder Xie was overjoyed and quickly asked someone to send Wu Jiqing back to the ward, and Zhang Xiuying was responsible for treatment.

Seeing that Wu Jiqing had been carried back, the attending doctor was a little alarmed. Elder Xie saw the attending doctor and was angry. Elder Xie scolded the attending doctor, why did he send the living to the morgue, and as a doctor, he could not even distinguish between the dead and the dead?

At this time, the attending doctor also tried to argue that Wu Jiqing was terminally ill and that instead of wasting hospital beds, it was better to send him to the morgue. Elder Xie didn't bother to listen to his cunning arguments, and directly let people control the attending doctor. Subsequently, Elder Xie called Chairman Mao and reported to Chairman Mao on the situation in the hospital.

Hearing that Wu Jiqing was sent to the morgue while he was still alive, Chairman Mao was furious and ordered a thorough investigation of the neglectful attending physician.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Chairman Mao

After hanging up the phone, the more Chairman Mao thought about it, the more uneasy he became. In special years, the lack of medical treatment in hospitals is a common phenomenon, and there may really be no medicine to treat Wu Jiqing in hospitals. Therefore, Chairman Mao summoned a medical soldier and asked him to go to the hospital to ask what medicine Wu Jiqing lacked.

Chairman Mao said that no matter what medicine is missing, it can be taken from one's own spare medicine.

Chairman Mao firmly believed that Wu Jiqing was a strong soldier who had experienced the Long March and would certainly not be defeated by illness. With the concern of comrades, Wu Jiqing's condition improved and he returned to normal work and life again.

Although Wu Jiqing's escape from death began with illness, the most dangerous thing was the deliberate neglect of the attending doctor. At the same time as the relationship between Wu Jiqing and Wu Jiqing, Chairman Mao ordered someone to investigate the attending doctor. After the results of the investigation came out, the entire Red Army hospital took a breath of cold air.

The Red Army hospital hid the killer, and the crowd was shocked

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Xie Jueya

Fortunately, Xie Jueya sent people to control the attending doctor, so that the attending doctor could not escape.

Investigations revealed that the attending physician was not from a revolutionary background, but had been captured in battle. This person claimed to have studied medicine and had a good attitude of surrender, so after investigation, he was gradually trusted by the organization. After being captured for a period of time, he entered the Red Army Hospital as a doctor and was gradually promoted to chief physician.

Colleagues in the Red Army Hospital all believed that the attending doctor had good medical skills, was a revolutionary comrade loyal to the Communist Party, and was suitable for the treatment of important people. That is why, Wu Jiqing, as a patient sent by Chairman Mao, will be treated by the attending doctor.

Who would have thought that the attending doctor of this clever hand rejuvenation was actually a Kuomintang spy who was lurking very deeply. In medical work, spy doctors seem to be serious about their work, but in fact they are always looking for opportunities to sabotage and murder patients.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Ruins of a Red Army hospital

This time, because of Wu Jiqing's affair, the doctor who was a spy was caught. Before that, it is unknown how many revolutionary fighters were killed by spy doctors. The soldiers experienced a hail of bullets and bullets, but were killed in a seemingly safe Red Army hospital.

When Chairman Mao learned of the results of the investigation, he was heartbroken. The doctors and patients in the hospital are in a cold sweat, and such a "dark mine" is buried around, if it is not dug out, I don't know how many people will be hurt. Eventually, Chairman Mao ordered the execution of the spy doctor.

After the "rebirth," Wu Jiqing often said that it was Chairman Mao and Elder Xie who gave him a "new life," without whom he would have died in the morgue. From Yan'an to Inner Mongolia, from the Ministry of Trade to the Production and Construction Corps, Wu Jiqing worked hard for the rest of his life until his retirement in 1984.

Chairman Mao's guard, Wu Jiqing, was sent to the morgue alive, and after escaping, he found out the real culprit behind the scenes

Chairman Mao

After his retirement, Wu Jiqing wrote a book called "In the Days Around Chairman Mao," which was full of gratitude and concern for Chairman Mao. Life is very long, and the years have not consumed the ruggedness of the revolutionary career, but will only make the precious memories shine brighter.

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