
Before Li Shimin died, he asked Wu Zetian: What do you do when I die? Wu Zetian said 8 words to save himself

author:Confused life vStP

As the saying goes, love the country and the mountains more love beauty, from ancient times to the present countless emperors destroyed in the hands of women. King You of Zhou, smiling for Bo, the princes of Beacon Theatre

King of Shang, spoil yourself

Yang Guang was desolate and promiscuous until the fall of the Sui Dynasty

Lord Chen Hou was also like this

Tang Xuanzong favored Yang Yuhuan, which led to the chaos of An Shi. However, Wu Zetian successfully defused the crisis with the eight words of "Green Lantern Ancient Buddha, But the Rest of His Life" and saved his life.

Before Li Shimin died, he asked Wu Zetian: What do you do when I die? Wu Zetian said 8 words to save himself

Wu Zetian was born in the seventh year of Wude (624) in Lizhou (present-day Guangyuan, Sichuan). 其父武士彟是唐朝的开国功臣,其母杨氏出生于隋朝皇室,虽然‬看似‬很‬家境‬不错‬,其实‬武则天‬在‬童年‬时期‬一点儿‬不快乐‬。 在家中‬被‬同父异母‬的‬兄长们‬老是‬随意‬欺压‬,但她年纪虽小,却已深谙为人处世之道,所以处处小心行事。 In November of the eleventh year of Zhenguan, Tang Taizong Li Shimin heard that the folk Wu Zetian was extremely good-looking and was at a marriageable age, so he summoned him to the palace to see his face.

Wu Zetian's exquisite and beautiful face and the wisdom and liveliness in his words made Li Shimin leave him behind, and he was named a wupincai person and given the title of "Wu Mei".

Before Li Shimin died, he asked Wu Zetian: What do you do when I die? Wu Zetian said 8 words to save himself

Wu Zetian did not get the favor of Li Shimin after entering the palace, and the fantasy of flying up the branches to become a phoenix did not materialize, and she stayed in the position of Wupincai for twelve years.

The girl wasted the best of her youth during these twelve years, and was imprisoned by the magnificent walls of the city all day.

In fact, this is not surprising, on the one hand, when Wu Zetian was 14 years old, Li Shimin was already 38 years old, and this huge age gap will inevitably make people feel alienated.

On the other hand, Li Shimin's favorite Empress Changsun died not long after his death, and Li Shimin's mood had not yet calmed down; in addition, Li Shimin was busy handling state affairs and did not have much leisure to have children and daughters.

Of course, the main reason is probably Wu Zetian's ambition and unusual arrogance.

Before Li Shimin died, he asked Wu Zetian: What do you do when I die? Wu Zetian said 8 words to save himself

In May of the 23rd year of Zhenguan, Li Shimin fell seriously ill and his life was in danger. Before he died, he asked Wu Zetian, "After I am gone, what will you do?" ”这句话看起来是饱含关切,忧心自己死后武则天的处境,实则是暗示武则天陪他下葬‬。

Wu Zetian had already thought of countermeasures, and in the face of Emperor Taizong's aggressive inquiry, he lightly said the eight words, "Green Lantern Ancient Buddha, but the rest of his life", implying that he would stay away from the government and would not pose a threat to the rule of the Li family.

Before Li Shimin died, he asked Wu Zetian: What do you do when I die? Wu Zetian said 8 words to save himself

Having said all this, Tang Taizong was relieved to die, but where did he know that after his son Li Zhi ascended the throne, he would take the Wu Meiniang, who had become a nun, back to the court? 最后‬李‬治‬登基‬时‬第一时间‬就把‬武则天‬接回了‬宫中‬,李世民‬哪里‬会想到‬在他‬还没‬去世前‬两人‬就有染‬了‬。 Later, Li Zhi fell ill, and the major affairs of the state were basically handled by Wu Zetian, and the country also prospered under her administration, and Wu Zetian also accumulated power during this period. Later, Li Zhi died, the crown prince took the throne, and Wu Zetian secretly proclaimed himself emperor.

Before Li Shimin died, he asked Wu Zetian: What do you do when I die? Wu Zetian said 8 words to save himself

On the Chongyang Festival in 690 AD, many ministers requested that the name of the country be changed at the request of Wu Zetian, and Wu Zetian abandoned Li Dan of Tang Ruizong, changed the name of the country to Zhou, and established himself as king, becoming an unprecedented female emperor in Chinese history. 说到最后‬;虽然有不少人‬觉得‬武则天‬称帝‬时‬心狠手辣‬,但也‬不可‬否认‬在她‬统治时期‬国泰民安‬,有‬着‬【贞观遗‬风‬】之‬美称‬。