
87 years ago, the dragon fell, hundreds of people witnessed and preserved keel evidence, "dragon" really exists?

author:Indifferent to the Strange Tribe

There are twelve constellations in the West and zodiac signs in China. When I was a child, everyone often got together to talk about their respective zodiac signs, and the proudest one must be the dragon, because the children all think that only the "dragon" is the most powerful, and in the zodiac, the other is an animal in the real world, only the dragon is very mysterious.

Some people say that dragons only exist in myths and legends, and some people firmly believe that dragons are real. Dragons have a very high status in the minds of Chinese, because we always say that we are "descendants of dragons".

87 years ago, the dragon fell, hundreds of people witnessed and preserved keel evidence, "dragon" really exists?

As early as ancient times, the dragon existed in the form of totems and beliefs, and in the thousands of years of Chinese history, the dragon often appeared in various paintings, sculptures, idioms and various ancient books, so does the "dragon" exist in this world?

In 1934, that is, 87 years ago, in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, there was a shocking "dragon fall" incident, according to the newspaper records at the time, in July and August, in the Yingkou LiaoHe River Valley, there were traces of dragons, and in August, hundreds of local people at the same time saw a giant dragon tumbling in the air, and finally fell into the reeds, when people found this dragon, there was no breath of life.

87 years ago, the dragon fell, hundreds of people witnessed and preserved keel evidence, "dragon" really exists?

The Yingkou Dragon Fall Incident had a great impact at the time, not only was there a number of media tracking reports at the time, but also a large number of witnesses and onlookers.

The local police station even transported the remains of the fallen dragon to a dock for display, and people from all over the world flocked to visit the fallen dragon, so that Yingkou, a small town in the Eastern Liaoning, became famous overnight. So is this fallen dragon in Yingkou really the legendary "dragon" that can call the wind and rain into the sky and into the sea?

87 years ago, the dragon fell, hundreds of people witnessed and preserved keel evidence, "dragon" really exists?

According to newspaper reports at the time, it was said that the Yingkou dragon was about ten meters long, and there was a pair of dragon horns on its head that were raised about one meter high, and the dragon's spine was very well preserved, with a total of twenty-nine knots, but the scales on its body were mutilated and scattered everywhere.

In early August 1934, the Shengjing Times reported a dragon fall that was said to have fallen from the sky, overturned three small boats and destroyed factory houses, resulting in the deaths of nine people, not once but twice.

Yingkou is located in the lower reaches of the Daliao River, and in 1934 locals said that a dragon was found upstream of Tianzhuangtai, and the people saw it dying and spontaneously built a pergola to water him, and the monks of the temple chanted the sutra every day and disappeared after the rainstorm.

At the sighting of hundreds of people, some onlookers secretly brought back the keels and scales they had picked up. Since it was August, the dragon soon decayed to the point where only a pile of skeletons remained, which was later stored in the collection of a school, but soon after the war broke out, the remaining keels were also lost.

87 years ago, the dragon fell, hundreds of people witnessed and preserved keel evidence, "dragon" really exists?

In 2004, CCTV approached the science column to investigate and sort out the mysterious dragon fall incident again, and found a number of surviving witnesses for interviews, but did not expect that among these witnesses who were already seventy or eighty years old, some of them secretly kept the keel they had picked up at that time.

In order to solve the mystery of the fallen dragon, the old man who collected the keel took the initiative to donate the keel, hoping to confirm the existence of the "dragon" through scientific identification, and these "keels" are important evidence to prove the true existence of the dragon.

87 years ago, the dragon fell, hundreds of people witnessed and preserved keel evidence, "dragon" really exists?

However, the identification results showed that the keel that the old man had collected for more than 60 years was only a fossil of horse bones from ancient times, and it was not a "keel" at all.

However, several old people who witnessed the fall of the dragon were not willing to accept this conclusion, because they believed that what they saw was indeed a real dragon with flesh and blood. In the end, the CCTV program group classified the Yingkou dragon fall incident as an unsolved mystery in nature, and whether the dragon really existed still needs to be explored and studied.

87 years ago, the dragon fell, hundreds of people witnessed and preserved keel evidence, "dragon" really exists?