
Bubble machine, anti-blue light glasses... Pay attention to the purchase of these children's products

author:Qilu one point

"June 1st" International Children's Day is coming, the State Administration of Market Supervision released bubble machines, children's beds, children's anti-blue light glasses, children's kitchen sets, student bags five types of product consumption tips, reminding parents to buy children's goods when they take a good safety off, live a safe, happy and healthy Children's Day.

Five types of product consumption tips especially remind consumers in the purchase and use of related goods, in addition to paying attention to the brand of the goods, price and other factors, but also need to pay attention to the purchase of common sense and common sense of use, before purchasing to confirm the age of use of the purchased products, through the formal channels to buy products produced by regular manufacturers, to see the packaging, smell, see the instructions, in strict accordance with the instructions for installation and use.

The State Administration of Market Supervision will continue to focus on products of concern to the people, such as children's products, strengthen product quality and safety supervision, and continuously enhance the people's sense of quality, happiness and security.

Bubble machine consumption tips
Bubble machine, anti-blue light glasses... Pay attention to the purchase of these children's products

Bubble machine is a popular automatic bubble blowing toy in recent years, some products can also emit light and play music, deeply loved by children. Consumers should pay attention to the following points when purchasing and using:

First, buy common sense

1. Select the product with the national compulsory certification "CCC" mark, pay attention to view the product identification information, including the product name, manufacturer name and address, inspection certificate, implementation standards, product specifications, etc. whether it is complete.

2. According to the applicable age range marked by the toy, choose products suitable for children's age, and it is generally not recommended to buy for children under 3 years old.

3. When purchasing, check the appearance of the product, choose a toy with clean materials, no sharp edge burrs, and strong parts. The volume of sound toys should not be too large to avoid damaging children's hearing.

Second, use common sense

1. Carefully check the product packaging and label instructions, read the product manual, understand the product use method, warning information, precautions and other related content, and follow the instructions to guide children to play correctly.

2. Before use, the parents should correctly install the battery or charge it, and check whether it leaks after filling the bubble liquid. Pay attention to see if the small parts are installed firmly, and whether the gap between the moving parts of the toy will hurt the child's fingers.

3. Parents need to do a good job of monitoring when children play, and the bubble water should be washed in time when the bubble water is accidentally spilled on the skin, and the hands should be washed in time after play.

4. After the use of products with electronic components, it is necessary to clean the surface of the toy with a dry soft cloth, and do not clean directly with water.

5. Do not place the bubble liquid in a place that children can easily touch, and avoid accidental drinking and eating.

Tips for children's bed consumption
Bubble machine, anti-blue light glasses... Pay attention to the purchase of these children's products

A child's bed refers to a bed product used by infants or children with a bed length of (900-1400) mm and a guardrail around the product. Consumers should pay attention to the following issues when purchasing and using:

First, buy common sense

1. Choose to buy a child bed produced by a regular manufacturer, check whether the product information is complete, understand the size, material, structure and quality of the product, and do not buy "three no" products.

2. When purchasing, children's beds should be selected according to the age group of children, and people aged 0 to 3 should choose a crib with a guardrail; people aged 6 and below are not recommended to use the upper bed of bunk beds to avoid the risk of falls.

3. Baby cots with guardrails should be marked with mattress maximum thickness limit lines in the corresponding positions. The mattress should match the specifications of the crib, the height should not exceed the limit line, the size should be appropriate, and there should not be too large a gap between the bed and the bed, so as to avoid clipping the baby's head and neck and torso. The distance between the upper surface of the mattress and the edges of the side and end face of the crib should be ≥ 500 mm.

4. The appearance of the child bed should be free of burrs, cracks and obvious deformation, no dangerous sharp edges, tips and dangerous protrusions, no ends of unsealed tubes, edges and edges should be rounded or chamfered. Holes, openings, and gaps in the child's reachable area should not jam the child's fingers and limbs.

Second, use common sense

1. Correctly install the child bed according to the product instruction manual and assembly drawings, ensure that the bed body and bed surface are firmly assembled, such as ladders, moving parts, folding devices, fasteners, etc., focus on checking whether it is safe and reliable.

2. When using, pay attention to the folding device and the fastener should be in the locked state. When children rest or play in children's beds, parents should take good care of them and prevent children from climbing railings or playing on higher beds in time to avoid card clips and the risk of falling.

3. If the child bed product has an adjustable function, the product should be adjusted according to the requirements of the instruction manual according to the child's growth stage. Regularly inspect the children's bed products, tighten the connectors and accessories, and prevent unnecessary injuries caused by loose connectors and accessories.

Children's anti-blue light glasses consumption tips
Bubble machine, anti-blue light glasses... Pay attention to the purchase of these children's products

Recently, due to the long-term use of electronic products such as mobile phones and computers for students' online teaching, children's anti-blue light glasses have been favored by consumers. Consumers should pay attention to the following points when purchasing and using:

First, buy common sense

1. The main role of anti-blue light glasses is to reduce the damage caused by harmful blue light to the photoreceptor cells on the retina of the fundus to a certain extent, and cannot fundamentally prevent myopia.

2. Children wearing anti-blue light glasses should be used under the guidance of an ophthalmologist or optometrist. When purchasing, pay attention to whether the product name, factory name, and factory address are complete, and request and save the proof of purchase.

3. High blocking rate anti-blue light lenses with yellowish color may cause color casts and aggravate eye strain, if necessary, it is recommended to buy anti-blue light glasses with color-free casts. According to the actual situation of exposure to blue light, reasonable selection of anti-blue light lenses, not the lower the blue light transmission ratio of the lens is more suitable.

Second, use common sense

1. It is not recommended that children wear anti-blue light glasses for a long time in daily life. Children's eyes are still developing, and wearing blue-light-proof glasses for a long time may affect eye development.

2. Parents should pay more attention to children's eye hygiene and use their eyes reasonably. For example, reasonable planning of the use time of electronic products for online learning, the brightness adjustment of electronic products should avoid too bright or too dark, the placement of electronic products should avoid direct light, the correct reading and writing posture and maintaining an appropriate viewing distance should be adopted.

3. Reduce video screen time outside of online learning, increase outdoor active rest time, help relax eye muscles, and relieve eye fatigue.

Children's kitchen set consumption tips

Children's kitchen set refers to mini kitchen utensils that can complete the actual cooking, including small induction cookers, pots, knives, etc. With the independent setting up of labor courses in primary and secondary schools, such products are popular in many online mother and baby stores and toy stores. Consumers should pay attention to the following points when purchasing and using:

First, buy common sense

1. When purchasing, you should choose products sold through regular channels, produced by regular manufacturers, marked with product implementation standards, and have the national compulsory product certification "CCC" mark, and refuse to buy "three noes" products.

2. Parents should choose products suitable for children's age and avoid harm caused by the age of the products that do not match the actual age.

3. Look at the appearance and smell the smell. Each component should be normal in color, uniform and bright, without burrs, and should not have odor.

Second, use common sense

1. Before use, you should carefully read the product instructions, warning information, precautions and other related content.

2. Before use, check whether there are sharp tips and edges in the children's kitchen set products, some products contain knives, and should pay close attention when using to avoid accidental cuts.

3. The power-on and power-off operation of induction cookers, rice cookers and other electrical appliances should be carried out under the supervision of adults, and beware of the risk of electric shock.

4. Induction cookers, rice cookers and other heaters and their supporting kitchenware will produce high temperatures in use, remind children not to touch high temperature parts, heated ingredients or liquids should not be too full, to avoid accidental burns.

5. It is recommended to use it within the applicable temperature range specified in the label or instruction manual, and when the product has an odor or the product parts find a change in properties, such as plastic deformation or coating shedding, it should be stopped immediately.

Tips for student school bags
Bubble machine, anti-blue light glasses... Pay attention to the purchase of these children's products

School bags are an essential learning tool for every student, and commonly used student school bags include straps, handles and travel-style levers. Consumers should pay attention to the following points when purchasing and using:

First, buy common sense

1. Check the logo. Carefully check the product information on the bag logo, such as product name, material, production plant name, address, implementation standard, etc., to avoid buying "three no products".

2. Look at the appearance. Carefully check the appearance of the bag, whether the shape is full, the curvature is natural, the paste is symmetrical, the upright and tidy, the fabric is not damaged and stained; whether the stitching is tight, whether the stitching is dense and firm, and there is a wireless head leaking out; whether the metal accessories are smooth, bright and rustless, no burrs, blisters, peeling, and shedding; it is best to have reflective materials on the bag, so that when the light is poor, it is easy to be identified and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents.

3. Try the accessories. Try by hand whether each accessory is firm and easy to use, whether the zipper is pulled and smooth, there is no misalignment, tooth loss; whether the decorative lock, plug-in parts, magnetic fasteners, etc. can be switched normally; whether the handle, the strap, the adjustment belt, and the hook and loop are not dropped and not broken under the load-bearing conditions.

4. Carry it on your back. The school bag model is selected based on the height of the student. The backpack class tries to select products with light materials and ergonomic design, the back has a soft elastic cushioning treatment support, the shoulder strap is wider and filled with buffers, such a school bag helps to disperse the weight of the school bag, reduce the pressure caused by the student's body parts, and carry it more comfortably.

Second, use common sense

1. The self-weight of the bag is best controlled within 0.5kg ~ 1.0kg. Large-scale school bags can be weighed in moderation, but the total weight after loading books should not exceed 10% of the human body weight.

2. It should be avoided to use the same side of the body for a long time to carry or drag the bag, to prevent scoliosis, high and low shoulders, crooked neck and other bad posture or health risks.

3. For school bags with layered design inside, placing larger or heavier books in the innermost compartment can alleviate the shaking caused by heavy objects in the bag when walking, so that the back of the human body is balanced.

4. The use of tie-lever-type school bags should be vigilant against tripping on yourself or others when walking or going up and down stairs, causing safety accidents.

(City speaking new language WeChat public account)