
The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

author:First Chef

Time flies really fast, and a few days is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is one of the traditional festivals in the mainland, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Chongwu Festival, the Duanyang Festival, etc., which is the fifth day of the fifth month of the fifth month of the lunar calendar every year.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

What are the traditional folk customs on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival? It is estimated that the older generation is more clear, but for the young people of the new era, many people may not know much.

In fact, the Dragon Boat Festival is also a day to commemorate the Chu poet Qu Yuan, on this day in addition to eating rice dumplings, but also popular to hang wormwood, eat food, drink Xionghuang wine and other traditional customs.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

As the saying goes: "Qingming willow branches, Dragon Boat Festival hanging wormwood", dragon boat festival hanging wormwood, as early as ancient times has been popular in the folk, legend to the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, there will be five poisonous monsters to plague the human world, these five poisonous monsters refer to snakes, centipedes, spiders, geckos, scorpions.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

It is generally believed that hanging wormwood can eliminate diseases and dispel plague, according to scientific research: wormwood contains a variety of volatile oils, has an aromatic odor, can deworm and sterilize, and has an inhibitory effect on a variety of bacteria in life.

Hanging wormwood on the door on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, can play a role in dispelling the plague and warding off evil spirits, inviting blessings into the door, and also means that it can bless the safety and health of the family, and the blessing is at the door, and the year is smooth.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

One. When is it suitable for harvesting wormwood?

Hanging wormwood on the door, in fact, there are also a lot of exquisite, generally think that the sooner the better, because the Dragon Boat Festival Yang Qi heavy, harvesting wormwood are responsible for the men in the family, usually in the morning when the sky is not yet light, men will go to look for wormwood, when choosing wormwood, it is best to choose those that grow vigorously, leafy, so that wormwood can play a greater medicinal value.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

Harvested wormwood can be cut from the root or uprooted, so that it can be kept fresh for a long time, and the effect of warding off evil spirits will be better.

Two. What does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"?

Hanging wormwood seems to be a simple job, in fact, it is also exquisite, in general: when hanging wormwood, it is best to use a red rope to bundle up the wormwood, which means that the blessing is at the door, and the blessing is locked without leakage.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

At the same time, when hanging wormwood, generally pay attention to hanging double numbers, can not hang single numbers, avoid three long and two short, because in the folk, are good things into pairs, do not avoid singular, wormwood on the choice of 6, 8 can be, of course, not the more the better, you can choose the long rod of wormwood, upside down hanging, will make the smell of wormwood volatilize more full, the effect of insect repellent is better.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

Although the Dragon Boat Festival is suitable for hanging wormwood, but not every family is suitable, such as pregnant women and babies at home, it is not suitable for hanging wormwood, after all, the aroma of wormwood is too strong, and after wormwood is dried, it will scatter a lot of fine particles, if inhaled by infants and young children into the mouth and nose, it will cause adverse effects.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

Three. What is popular to eat during the Dragon Boat Festival?

1. The Dragon Boat Festival is popular to eat zongzi.

Legend has it that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the Chu State, faced the pain of subjugation of the country, and on the fifth day of the first month of May, Qu Yuan held a large stone and jumped into the Miluo River and committed suicide.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

2. The Dragon Boat Festival is suitable for eating yellow eels

On the fifth day of the first month of May, it is also the most nutritious time for yellow eels, as the saying goes: "Dragon Boat Yellow Eel Race Ginseng", because the yellow eel meat is tender, almost thornless, especially suitable for the elderly and children to eat, from the perspective of Chinese medicine: yellow eel is warm, has the effect of tonifying the qi, warm and yang spleen and other dietary therapeutic effects.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

Recommended recipe: Braised eel

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

1. Prepare about a pound of eel, first remove the efferation of the eel, lay flat on the cutting board, put a flower knife at a distance of half a centimeter, so that the eel can taste, and then chop into 3 to 4 cm long segments, put into a small pot, cut into small pieces of garlic, cut into green onions, cut into slices of ginger, and then put in a small handful of red peppers for later.

2. Cut half of the onion into slices, one green pepper into triangular pieces, and half a red pepper into pieces for color matching.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, cool water into the eel segment, use a spoon to push a few times, blanch the water for a minute, remove the mucus on the surface of the eel, pour into a colander, rinse twice with water.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

4. Add cooking oil to another pot, the oil temperature is 60% hot when the eel section is down, the oil is poured out for about 15 seconds to control the oil, the eel through the high temperature lubricating oil, can instantly lock the water, increase the tender taste of the outer crisp.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

5. Add a spoonful of cooking oil to the pot, pour garlic to fry incense, pour into a colander with oil, add half a spoon of cooking oil to the pot, pour in the onion ginger and red dried pepper to stir-fry, add 5 grams of watercress sauce, 3 grams of oyster sauce, stir-fry, pour in green and red peppers and onions, quickly stir-fry a few times, pour in the right amount of water, and start seasoning.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

6. Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove fishiness, a small amount of soy sauce, white pepper, sugar, and then pour in the eel segments and fried garlic, and then add a little old soy sauce to tone the background.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

7. Change to medium-low heat and continue to cook for 3 minutes, so that the eel slowly into the flavor, then hook a little water starch, drizzle a little bright oil, simply stir-fry evenly, delicious.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

3. Brine eggs

In the Nanchang region of Jiangxi, the Dragon Boat Festival also has the custom of boiling tea eggs and brine eggs, generally on the shell of the boiled eggs, painted red, packed in a mesh bag, hung on the neck of children, implying that children can be fierce and auspicious, safe and happy.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

Recommended recipe: Spiced marinated eggs

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

1. Prepare 6 to 8 eggs, wash the shell and set aside, boil water in the pot, add the eggs under cold water, cover the pot and cook on high heat for 6 to 8 minutes. Remove the boiled eggs and peel off the shells for later.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

2. Scratch a few knives on top of the egg to make the egg more flavorful, cut a small piece of ginger into ginger slices, cut half a green onion into horse ear slices, and then add a few red dried peppers, an octagonal, two fragrant leaves, and a small piece of cinnamon for later.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

3. Take a small bowl, put in 10 grams of rock sugar, prepare a can of beer for later, heat the wok, add a little cooking oil, pour in rock sugar, gently crush with a spoon, stir continuously, fry the sugar juice from white to reddish brown when off the heat, pour in the peeled eggs, shake the wok, put in the green onion ginger and large ingredients, stir-fry a few times, so that the eggs are evenly sugar-colored.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

4. Pour a can of beer to increase the flavor, add an appropriate amount of water, add soy sauce, salt, white pepper to an appropriate amount, shake the wok, avoid egg sticking, cover the pot, change the heat to simmer for about 15 minutes.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

5. After the eggs are boiled, turn off the heat, put them on the plate, control the soup, and then use a colander to fish out the onion and ginger and large ingredients, boil the soup, hook a little water starch, collect the soup until it is viscous, pour a little oil, and turn off the heat.

6. Finally, pour the soup on top of the brine eggs, put a few cucumber slices to garnish, and the delicious taste is ready.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

4. Drink male yellow wine

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

Xionghuang wine is generally made of liquor and male yellow, with the development of science and technology, modern people have found that Xionghuang contains disulfide arsenic, there is a certain degree of toxicity, although it belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, but the dosage must be a doctor to mix, so basically no longer drink Xionghuang wine.

However, xionghuang does have the effect of "insecticidal detoxification, antibacterial, anti-tumor", which can be used to make Dragon Boat Festival sachets, which add male yellow, cinnabar, lavender, wormwood leaves, etc., fragrant overflowing, ward off evil spirits and repel insects.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

5. Mung bean cake

Mung bean cake is a popular food in the south, the Dragon Boat Festival, eating mung bean cake, meaning flying yellow Tengda, meaning that students in the college entrance examination, can achieve the desired results, and in the north, we all like to drink some mung bean porridge.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

Recommended recipe: Mung bean porridge

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

1. Prepare a large bowl, put in 100 grams of mung beans, add an appropriate amount of water, soak for two hours after washing, put a small piece of white fungus into a bowl, also add water to soak for two hours, put a small handful of rice into a bowl, also soak for two hours, fish out the white fungus and cut into small flowers for later.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the casserole, pour mung beans and rice respectively, boil on high heat, reduce the heat to continue to cook for 20 minutes, stir a few times with a spoon to avoid rice sticking to the pan, after 20 minutes, mung beans and rice have been boiled and flowered, then add white fungus and continue to cook for 10 minutes.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

3. After boiling the white fungus out of the gelatinous, put in a few grains of rock sugar according to your own taste, and when the rock sugar melts, then put in a small handful of goji berries, stir a few times with a spoon, and the taste is delicious.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, what does it mean to hang wormwood "three long and two short"? What's so important about eating? Knowledge has increased

Well, today's customs and cuisine about the Dragon Boat Festival are shared here, if you have different views and suggestions, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, thank you for reading, we will see you in the next issue.

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