
How does a game agent make money? How do I proxy the game?

author:Create entertainment open source mobile games

First of all, I can tell you that making money is certain, with the popularity of smart phones, more and more people turn to mobile games, and from the big data in the field of mobile games every year, you can see how huge his market is, the number of players has been growing, there are more than 1 billion at present, and the development prospects are very impressive.

How does a game agent make money? How do I proxy the game?

How to make money? Xiaobian here to tell you the following:

1. Be sure to choose a qualified, formal and reliable platform to assist in operation. Be sure to choose a formal professional franchise platform, because only a reliable professional platform will have a mature system, in order to teach you how to make money in this industry, if you are unlucky to meet those small platforms, it is likely to become a victim of the industry.

2. It is the game itself, and the quality of the game determines whether it can make a flow (depending on the picture quality, gameplay, player popularity, points, player retention) and so on

3. Determine the support given by the publisher, whether the support given is sufficient, whether it is necessary, whether there is a guarantee, such as operation management, after-sales service, and promotion channel programs, etc.

4. Divided into flowing water, which is more concerned by each platform provider, such as . For your 3 w turnover this month, if the publisher gives 70%, this is a profit share of 21,000. The profit point is based on the game, and the game is different from the point.

How does a game agent make money? How do I proxy the game?

5. Finally, we must understand how to drain traffic through major platforms, which have Baidu bidding rankings and WeChat circle of friends Tencent advertising space. Douyin anchor number, Zhihu weight number, Baidu Tieba bar, b station Xiaohongshu and so on. There is also a kind of paid advertising, which is willing to spend money to do drainage. No drainage channel, no matter how good the game you can't make money!

How does a game agent make money? How do I proxy the game?

Finally, to summarize these points, to all novices want to do a little advice on mobile game platforms,

1. Without mastering certain tools, the method should not be easily entered.

2. Don't trust the flow charts that others often send you.

3. Don't believe in the so-called magical tools, this thing has a hundred effects for a hundred people.

4. This industry is not to come in and make money, adjust your mentality.

5. Listen less, see more, understand more, compare more, it is best to learn from people with results.