
Myth becomes reality: China's "artificial sun" (IV)

author:Judge the matchmaker

"Artificial sun" - China's new generation of controlled nuclear fusion devices

Myth becomes reality: China's "artificial sun" (IV)

Social Emergency Relief Reports Grand Strategic Thinking Looks at the Future of Energy

Liu Jing Liu Rongqing

China's new generation of controlled nuclear fusion device "China Circulator Ii M", because it can be like the sun, the lighter atomic nuclei (such as hydrogen deuterium tritium tritium) combined into heavier atomic nuclei (such as helium), releasing a large amount of energy, so it is figuratively called the "artificial sun" program. Once successful, it will be an inexhaustible treasure trove of clean energy, greatly improving the current problem of resource overexploitation and environmental pollution caused by human beings' excessive dependence on fossil fuels.

Today, China's "artificial sun" core technology (in the field of steady-state high-parameter magnetic confinement fusion research) is ahead of Western countries such as the United States and Japan, and has moved to the center of the world fusion stage and the international frontier. China's self-developed "artificial sun" has entered the final stage. Once the nuclear fusion device is available, its temperature will be 10 times higher than that of the sun, reaching 200 million degrees Celsius, which can at least meet the electricity demand of human beings for the next 100,000 years.

In reality, China really has an "artificial sun" experimental device, and there are two: one is the hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the "Science Island" in the western suburbs of Hefei, Anhui Province, which is known as the "Oriental Super ring", the all-superconducting Tokamak Nuclear Fusion Experimental Device (EAST for short); the other is the China Circulator No. 2 M Device (HL-2M) located in the Southwest Institute of Nuclear Industry Physics of The China Nuclear Group in Chengdu, Sichuan. At 14:02 on December 4, 2020, a new generation of "artificial sun" device, the China Circulator No. 2 M Device (HL-2M), was completed in Chengdu and achieved its first discharge.

The advent of China's "artificial sun" broke through the sky in the water with one stone. The fusion storage device independently designed and developed by the mainland can achieve continuous nuclear fusion maintenance for about 300 seconds as early as the early 21st century. This fusion storage device, by far the most advanced fusion technology in the world, has completely broken the silence of the fusion research industry.

China has no pollution, only need to extract deuterium, tritium in seawater new technology - a cup of seawater energy equivalent to 300 liters of gasoline, that is, can make human beings from oil to nuclear civilization.

Breaking news of scientific experiments in the media is closely linked to predictive reporting. "Predictive reporting, also known as predictive journalism, is a way of reporting on things or development trends and future prospects based on scientific and dialectical analysis of facts that have not yet occurred and are likely to occur, based on scientific and dialectical analysis of facts of the present and the past." (Liu Rongqing, Liu Ting, Journalism and Folklore, Vol. II, p. 652)

Scientific experiments are a process by which scientific and technological personnel understand objective reality. The media's breaking news of scientific experiments also has a step-by-step prediction and reporting with practice, from shallow to deep, from perceptual understanding to rational understanding and even a spiraling upward process. Because the prediction stands on the basis of the facts, not the speculation. For example, the breaking news of the results of the "artificial sun" experimental device in the Chinese media is written and published linearly over time. On January 5, 2013, the Hefei Institute of Materials of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that the neutral beam injection system of the "artificial sun" experimental device assisted by the heating project successfully achieved 100 seconds of long pulse hydrogen neutral beam induction on the comprehensive test platform. In February 2016, the Hefei all-superconducting tokamak physics experiment achieved the longest duration plasma discharge with an electron temperature of 50 million °C. On November 12, 2018, EAST achieved another 100 million °C plasma discharge; on May 28, 2021, the all-superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device created a repeatable high temperature of 120 million °C for 101 seconds, while also achieving 160 million °C for 20 seconds of operation. On the evening of December 30, 2021, the device set another world-high-speed operation of 1,056 seconds of long pulses of high-parameter plasma (17.6 minutes) at a high temperature of 70 million °C. For the first time in the world, an artificial solar installation exceeded the "thousand seconds" time, setting a record for the longest time for the world's tokamak device to run high-temperature plasma. Gong Xianzu, head of the experimental operation of the East device in Hefei, said: "This time, the long-pulse high-parameter plasma with an electronic temperature of nearly 70 million degrees Celsius was maintained for 1056 seconds, and the injected energy reached 1.73 GJ, which is of great significance to the experiment - the realization of the thousand-second plasma operation lays a solid scientific and experimental foundation for the future construction of a steady-state fusion engineering reactor." ”

Oriental Supercyclic (EAST) is a fully superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device completely independently developed by the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The experimental device has been under construction for 10 years. With a diameter of about 8 meters and a weight of more than 400 tons, it is also the first medium- to large-scale non-circular cross-section nuclear fusion science experimental device that has been built in all tokamak experiments in the world.

"Simply put, the ultimate product of the 'easiest' deuterium-tritium fusion reaction on Earth is helium and energy-carrying neutrons, which are very clean." Dr. Yan Rong of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.

Helium is a clean energy source with no carbon emissions, no radioactive waste, no catastrophe of fuel rod fuse, more stable than wind and solar energy, and is considered an ideal "ultimate energy source". "Once nuclear fusion energy is mastered, humanity will achieve 'energy freedom.'" The main raw material supporting this fusion reaction, deuterium, is extremely abundant on Earth. It is estimated that the energy released by deuterium extracted from 1 liter of seawater after nuclear fusion reaction is equivalent to the energy of 300 liters of gasoline combustion. The ocean contains about 40 trillion tons of deuterium, theoretically releasing enough energy for fusion reactions to be used by humans for tens of billions of years, almost endlessly. As a result, imitating the principle of solar fusion reaction to create a "sun" is considered by scientists to be the best solution to the human energy crisis. The principle of nuclear fusion is that atoms with smaller masses, such as the isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium, free electrons outside the nucleus from the shackles of the nucleus under extremely high temperature conditions, and the two nuclei collide and polymerize to generate new and heavier nucleated helium, releasing huge energy due to mass loss and mass-energy conversion.

According to science and technology daily Beijing reported on August 8, 2019, the first medium-scale spherical tokamak fusion experimental device in the mainland, ENN "Xuanlong-50" was independently designed and built in Langfang, Hebei Province, and achieved the first plasma discharge, officially launching physical experiments. This device is another magnetically confined high-temperature plasma experimental device after the tokamak fusion and the star-replicator fusion device. Enn Ao's "Xuanlong-50" plant construction project was launched in October 2018. Its rapid completion provides a relatively fully functional experimental platform for accelerated fusion research, and its goal is to strive to commercialize fusion energy within 30 years. The report means that the mainland's nuclear fusion devices have gone through the experimental stage and are moving towards the production stage.

The Hefei all-superconducting tokamak device is just a nuclear fusion experimental reactor, and the next generation of "artificial sun" on the mainland, the China Fusion Engineering Experimental Reactor (CFETR), has completed the engineering design and begun construction. This is a much larger fusion reactor. According to the news of "Jintou Network" on September 29, 2021, its fusion reactor host key system comprehensive research facility plans to build a nuclear fusion engineering experimental reactor by 2035 and start large-scale scientific experiments of practical power generation; by 2050, the fusion engineering experimental reactor experiment will be successful and a large fusion commercial demonstration reactor will be built, and the technology of controllable nuclear fusion power generation will be initially mastered, and human beings will no longer worry about energy problems. According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency on December 4, 2020, China officially built an "artificial sun" and discharged it, which means that China's mastery of nuclear fusion technology has gone further.

According to Fatih Birol, the director of the International Energy Agency, China will surpass the United States as the largest nuclear power country by 2030. At present, the world's nuclear power construction is relying on Chinese manufacturing, and Hualong No. 1 in China's energy field is one of the representatives. At present, including Pakistan, France, Britain, Kenya, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Kazakhstan, etc., more than 20 countries have a strong interest in Hualong-1 cooperation.

Predictive reporting has the function of warning the world and preventing problems before they occur. Such news "points out the brilliant future of mankind, but also points out that certain dangers, crises, and disasters may occur, and warns the people of the world to take corresponding countermeasures to turn dangers into disasters, turn dangers into safety, and turn defeat into victory." (Liu Rongqing, Liu Ting, Journalism and Folklore, Vol. II, p. 654)

For the same scientific experiment on the "bright future of mankind", different countries may have opposite positions and attitudes due to different interests. More than 20 countries, including developing countries, emerging "BRICS" countries, and Western developed countries such as Britain and France, have a strong interest in cooperation with China's Hualong I, while US nuclear energy companies have tried to sanction China through the White House because of their bleak prospects. The sanctions imposed by the United States on the world's scientific promotion of the use of nuclear fusion technology and the benefit of mankind are chaos, obstacles, dangers, and disasters. Predictive reporting in the field of science should anticipate the events in which US imperialism constantly creates obstacles, dangers, and disasters in the process of promoting science and benefiting mankind in order to maintain hegemony over the world.

On October 11, 2018, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that because China may transfer U.S. nuclear technology to a new generation of Chinese nuclear submarines, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and other military technologies, it will issue a ban that will strictly restrict the export of civilian nuclear technology to China, and this restriction will take effect immediately.

In accordance with the U.S. government's sanctions on the use of China's nuclear technology (on August 14, 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce added CGN and its affiliates to the "Entity List"), the US media immediately brewed fake news about a Class 0 operation incident at China's Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, smearing and suppressing China. CNN wrote about a potential accident on the level of the 3.11 Fukushima nuclear accident in a nonsensical trick. The Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong is a joint venture between China CGNpc and EDF. CNN spread rumors on its June 13, 2019 program that there was a so-called "leak" at China's Taishan nuclear power plant. All the sources of its fake news are "the U.S. government was evaluating a report last week" — unnamed U.S. officials and U.S. government documents— and nothing was said about CGN's sanctions by the United States. CGNpc issued a statement on the 13th that the environmental indicators around taishan nuclear power plant are normal. Because "the Chinese side does not admit the leak", Framatome, a subsidiary of EDF, which is involved in the operation of the Taishan power station, contacted the US side to "ask for help" and seek exemptions for technology sharing. CNN also reported that the Biden administration determined that Taishan had not reached the "level of crisis." But reports say "it is unusual for a foreign company to unilaterally contact the U.S. government for help." "Farmaton contacted the U.S. government in the hope of obtaining an exemption to share U.S. technical assistance to resolve the incident at a Chinese nuclear power plant." "If the leak continues, or even worsens, it will put the United States in a complicated situation." What is even more outrageous is that CNN falsely claimed that China's security departments "relaxed the standards for radiation monitoring in order not to stop nuclear power plants"; with ulterior motives, the Chinese nuclear safety departments were portrayed like Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company, deliberately concealing facts and constantly revising government standards, with the purpose of "not shutting down nuclear power plants" in order to prevent nuclear power plants from shutting down.

Defining what news is, The Associated Press said: "Journalism is still fair and objective, and while today's journalists have to make their own way between truthfully reporting events and expressing personal opinions, the Associated Press is a powerful force for objectivity in the American journalism industry." As a cooperative group jointly owned by newspapers of all natures, it is impossible to report events on the basis of a certain opinion or prejudice. This eventually became the standard of conduct for the entire journalism industry as well. Jerry Schwartz, "How to Be a Top Journalist AP AP News Reporting Handbook," p. 15, Central Compilation Press, July 2003, 1st edition.) )

The Chinese proverb listens to its words and observes its deeds. "As a business, most American newspapers, whether owned by newspaper groups, are still independent family businesses... The quality of the news is not so good. (Leonard Downey Jr. and Robert G. Kaiser, Americans and Their News, p. 116, CITIC Press, April 2003, 1st edition.) The U.S. media is by no means boastfully "fair and objective," and its "standard of behavior for the entire news industry" is precisely under the influence of the "political correctness" of the White House, the Pentagon, and Capitol Hill, "reporting on events according to a certain point of view or bias." They are "born" with hostility toward socialist China and "double standards" that run counter to the logic of ordinary people. The US crackdown, blockade, sanctions, and distortions on China have long been regarded as the norm by its media. The Chinese media can only look at each other with "dogs can't spit out ivory in their mouths" and "a dog barks on the day, a hundred dogs bark".

The Chinese media should understand that the US blockade and sanctions on China's high-tech innovation are determined by the nature of its imperialist monopoly capital, and that it cannot be obtained, rented, or bought, and can only be created by relying on backbone Chinese to overcome thousands of difficulties and hardships. "A little more difficulty is afraid of something. Blockade, blockade for ten years and eight years, all China's problems have been solved. (The Collected Works of Mao Zedong, p. 1500, Four Volumes, People's Publishing House, April 1964, 1st Edition.) )

About the Author:

Liu Jing, graduated from aviation college and a master's degree in political economy from Northwest University, has worked in state-owned enterprises for a long time and served as an executive in mixed-ownership enterprises. Familiar with and understand the management of state-owned enterprises, with rich experience in enterprise management. During his work, he has successively obtained the American Association of Trainers (AACTP) certification of the facilitator, the most well-known professional coach of the International Erikson International Coaching Center, invited as a state-owned enterprise trainer, focusing on business management, team leadership, effective communication, career planning, and professional quality improvement. In recent years, I have deeply felt the impact of traditional family education on children's physical and mental health, earnestly studied and experienced the transformation of parents and children's education and family construction, passed the psychological counseling assessment of the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, obtained the certificate of wisdom parent coach, and paid attention to the growth of adolescents, family education, and workplace decompression. At the same time, influenced by the family, he assisted his father in completing research on news reports and news monographs. At present, he is editing the "Social Emergency Assistance Reporting Science".

Liu Rongqing, pen name Bu Yuan, xinfeng drunk, was born on October 16, 1940 in Xinfeng Town, Lintong County, Shaanxi Province. The disciplines created include journalism and folklore (the two-volume monograph of the same name was published by the China Federation of Literature and Literature Publishing House in 2008) and social emergency relief reporting (two volumes of 1 million words have been collected and awaiting publication). The four-volume 3-million-word essay "Jumping in and Out of the News Black Hole" was published by Writers Press in 2008. The two-volume Poems and Paintings are ready for publication. He is a member of Chinese Folklore, an advisor of Shaanxi Folklore Society, a visiting professor of Northwest University of Political Science and Law, a member of the expert database of Shaanxi Provincial Press and Publication (Copyright) and Film Quality Inspection Center, a member of Shaanxi Writers Association, and an advisor of Shaanxi Peasant Poetry Society.

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