
5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks

author:Gangnam Book
5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks

The master of traditional Chinese medicine is the highest honor in the chinese medicine industry, and those who receive this honor are undoubtedly the leaders in the industry.

The following 5 are "female Chinese medicine masters", take a look at their different "health tips".


Chai Songyan: Happy and happy, take care of yourself.

Chai Songyan said, "Modern people are busy at work, the pace of life is fast, the family pressure is high, if they get sick, their hearts are miserable." ”

It is precisely because of understanding the suffering of patients that she loves her profession.

Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation.

As long as you can make the kidney qi consume more slowly, you can live a younger and longer life.

Therefore, the first thing to delay aging is to protect kidney qi and avoid excessive consumption.

5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks

Chai Songyan believes that "medicine is not as good as food supplement, food supplement is not as good as sleep supplement, sleep is the best tonic."

If you want to have a good night's sleep, you must maintain a peaceful state of mind, a pleasant mood, and avoid excessive mood swings.

Chai Songyan has a "hobby": listening to crosstalk.

This habit she maintained for decades. She said, "Crosstalk brings me joy, listening to a short section before going to bed every night, accompanied by laughter, smoothly falling asleep, feeling the beauty of tomorrow."

5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks


Liu Minru: According to people's conditions, it is not conventional.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Liu Minru believes that health care is dynamic, comfortable and developing, and there is no rigid health care method. The most important thing is to find the right one for you.

As the saying goes, the people take food as the sky.

Most of the diseases of modern people are "eaten", do not know how to temperate, eat sea plugs, often an important cause of disease.

If you want a healthy body, grasping the "first level in the world" with a good mouth is the only choice for the wise.

In life, Liu Min has two "no eating": do not eat supplements, do not eat fried food.

5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks

Now, people's living standards have improved, chicken, duck and fish meat is commonplace, fruits and vegetables are various, and their nutrition can fully meet their own needs.

Blind supplementation will cause excess nutrition and bring burdens to organs such as the spleen and stomach and liver.

Excessive intake of fried food, body fat will increase, followed by fire, indigestion and other phenomena.

Liu Minru summed up his health "6-character secret":

Self-discipline, self-discipline, self-reliance.

Freedom is not to restrain oneself: "Sleep when you want to sleep, stay up when you say, and be completely casual"; self-discipline means that there is a principle, a bottom line, and absolutely do not do what should not be done; self-discipline is to play the piano, sing, paint, and cultivate sentiments.

5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks


Zhu Nansun: Remember the beautiful, forget the troubles.

When it comes to diet, nutritional balance is the first principle. On this basis, it is appropriate to be light, which is of great benefit to health.

Eat less foods that are high in oil, salt, sugar, and calories.

Many diseases of modern people are related to eating and drinking, eating and drinking, becoming healthier and more beautiful.

People who can't eat or drink will cause trouble for themselves.

Emotionally, open-minded and optimistic, positive and upward is the best state.

5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks

Sentimentality, anxiety and depression can trigger a series of physical changes, and over time, a variety of diseases will arise.

Gorky said that happiness is the greatest thing in life.

In daily life, happiness is not only a manifestation of the sunshine mentality, but also a health care technique.

Zhu Nansun believes that "if a person wants to be healthy, he must understand pleasure"; "Happy things are remembered, and unhappy things are forgotten."

Blindly entangled in the past and unable to extricate yourself, the dark clouds will roll in your heart and thunderstorms will increase.

Keep happy and happy, keep the spring breeze full of faces, and everywhere you go is beautiful scenery and auspicious clouds.

5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks


Zou Yanqin: Knowing cold and knowing heat, everything has a degree.

In terms of diet, Zou Yanqin has a principle: no more than three pieces of delicious things, and no matter how delicious things are, as long as there is nutrition, they will eat one or two pieces.

She also said that there is no "spicy" in her dietary dictionary.

As a family of Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, she listened to her father's teachings when she was a child and never ate cold drinks. He said that "the stomach likes warmth and does not like cold", "the kidneys also like warmth and do not like cold", and cold food hurts the stomach the most.

5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks

The body's qi and blood, food absorption, rely on the spleen and stomach to absorb and transport to promote; rely on the kidneys to eliminate the body's metabolic toxins, the body can balance health.

The kidneys and spleen and stomach are the basis of nature and the nature of nurture, respectively, to care for them is to know the cold and know the heat, and the diet is moderate.

Zou Yanqin believes that if a person raises his body well, he will be energetic and do more with less; if he does things well, he will be at ease, and sleep at night will be very sweet.

The formation of a virtuous circle is a high degree of responsibility for one's own body. Do not live up to others, do not live up to the time, natural and transparent.

5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks


Greene: Love life and cherish the present.

Ge Linyi said that most of the current digestive tract diseases are caused by eating too well, the previous stomach disease was hungry, and the current stomach disease is eaten.

People who truly love life, first of all, pay attention to their own physical health, do not smoke, do not drink, do not stay up late, do not worry.

When encountering difficulties, they will be positive and optimistic and do everything possible; when they encounter injustice, they will be self-happy and self-comforting.

5 "female Chinese medicine masters": health care, they have their own tricks

She believes that many people are plagued by diseases and are closely related to their living habits, bad habits are the root of all diseases, and good living habits are healthy and prosperous.

Some people are muddy during the day, entertained to death at night, and stay up until they are exhausted.

Some people overeat, revel in excess, sing and dance, and still have no end in the middle of the night.

There are also people who work overtime is commonplace, spare no effort to earn money, struggle to sleep and forget to eat, and are in a state of mental tension for a long time, and the pressure is great. In the long run, it has also laid hidden dangers for diseases.

Ge Linyi said that by changing the diet and living habits, try not to use medicine to solve.

Eating every meal and sleeping well is the greatest responsibility for your own health.

Cherish the present, love life, and life will inevitably get better and better. The body must be getting better and better.