
After the age of 50, you should control your mouth, eat less 3 things, and do more 3 things to help you live a long and healthy life

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

Regarding health and longevity, everyone's view is different, some people think that there is no major illness and disaster, it does not matter if there is a little problem, it can still live to eighty or ninety years old, while some people think that in the middle age period, we must pay attention to maintenance, manage our mouths, and establish good habits to help longevity. In fact, no matter which view, the premise is based on good physical condition, but a good body does not come casually, and it requires people to work hard.

Over fifty years old, having such a body is worth rejoicing in

Walk fast, not easy to get tired, light gait

Many people reach the age of forty or fifty years old, began to have joint pain problems, no longer like to travel as when they were young, often plastered on the legs, and the speed of walking has also dropped significantly, especially the stairs, not only joint pain and stiffness, but also always breathless, from these aspects can see muscle, heart and lungs, bone problems. Some people walk quickly, react flexibly, have full of strength in their limbs, and rarely feel tired.

After the age of 50, you should control your mouth, eat less 3 things, and do more 3 things to help you live a long and healthy life

Fast bowel movements, not easy to constipate, normal stools

After eating and digesting the day before, the intestines have accumulated a lot of waste, waiting for a suitable opportunity to discharge, some people will go to the toilet at the point, three or five minutes can be solved, and the stool traits are normal, after the discharge is relaxed, and some people are not so smooth, either the stool is not formed, or dry and difficult to solve, indicating that the spleen and stomach and intestinal function is not good, pay attention to conditioning.

Think fast, not easy to forget, and have a clear mind

Although people reach middle age, but the learning ability, memory has not become weak at all, whether speaking or doing things are methodical, clear mind, indicating that the brain function is good, such people will give people the impression of smart and capable, quick response. If you always forget important things, can't say them to your mouth, and feel dizzy, it may be that your brain is decayed.

After the age of fifty, the body can have the above performance, it is still worth rejoicing, but such a body needs to pay a lot of effort, if you do not meet the standard, there may be some places that are not good enough, but do not worry too much, remember to eat less 3 things, do more 3 things, or can improve the degree of physical health.

After the age of 50, you should control your mouth, eat less 3 things, and do more 3 things to help you live a long and healthy life

For good health, 3 foods should be eaten less

One: the meals left over from each day

It is inevitable that there will be leftovers in life, which will generally be left for the next meal and then eaten, but such food is not only not very good, but also may breed bacteria, it is best to eat less. But it is not impossible to eat a bite, some meat dishes, pasta can be left, and green vegetables, cold mixed vegetables, seafood, brine dishes do not stay, often eat easy diarrhea, but also destroy the intestinal flora.

Second: kimchi pickles to eat next meal

This kind of food is more salty, if the stomach is not very good, you must eat less, in addition, from a nutritional point of view, or freshly picked vegetables have nutrition. If you usually like pickles at home, pay attention to hygiene and the number of days, and cook them when eating, if you have already produced mold, then don't eat.

After the age of 50, you should control your mouth, eat less 3 things, and do more 3 things to help you live a long and healthy life

The third: the seasoning in bottles and cans

Now many people have developed the habit of heavy taste, and they must add spices to cook, otherwise they do not like to eat. The same is true of the dishes in the restaurant, always adding watercress sauce and hot pot base to season, so that people feel fragrant. But this type of food has a lot of oil, salt, sugar, long-term consumption will affect bone health and skin condition, promote wrinkles and spots, but also make the eyes and limbs puffy, increase weight.

The above three foods are almost every family, everyone loves to eat, but it is not good for health, when we envy others who are younger than themselves and better than their own health, we also have to think about whether there is any difference in life and diet. If you also want to pursue a long and healthy life, keep your mouth shut and try to eat as little as possible.

After the age of 50, you should control your mouth, eat less 3 things, and do more 3 things to help you live a long and healthy life

To help health and longevity, these three things can not be less

(1) After the age of fifty, it is necessary to conduct a physical examination to find out the small problems of the body

Many people do not understand their own state, usually no symptoms are good, if you wait until the symptoms are serious and then check, it is a little late, it is recommended to check once a year after the age of fifty, it is not necessary to do every item, but blood routine, heart, bone density, gastroscopy and other items to do, the first examination is best to be comprehensive, the problem place continues to pay attention, no problem where the interval is one or two years to re-check.

(2) After the age of fifty, pay attention to oral hygiene and maintain your teeth well

Most adults have oral problems, some people have not washed their teeth for decades, full of stones, inflammation is very serious, and these bacteria may also bring about the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, in order to eat Ma Ma Xiang for seven years and eighty, it is necessary to regularly check the mouth, find periodontal disease timely treatment, do not wait for loose teeth, there are defects before thinking of filling teeth.

After the age of 50, you should control your mouth, eat less 3 things, and do more 3 things to help you live a long and healthy life

(3) After the age of fifty, you should often bask in the sun to enhance the yang of the body

People to middle-aged physique deterioration, often feel weak, afraid of cold, feel uncomfortable, may be the yang weakened, it is recommended that everyone take time to bask in the sun every day, especially the back, knees two parts. Supplementing Yang Qi can help qi and blood run, increase cell vitality, and at the same time drive away cold and dehumidify, and improve hand and foot chills. The warm and melting sun shines on the body, bringing a warm feeling, helping to regulate the mood and drive away depression.

Middle-aged people may have more diseases, the diseases that have not been found before have popped up one by one, bringing a great impact on life, in fact, these are related to the usual behavior habits, if you want to be healthy and less sick, you must pay attention to diet and living, pay attention to physical examination, maybe after the age of fifty, you can be younger than your peers.


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[4] Eating too many leftovers can cause cancer! Which ones must be thrown away and which can be eaten with confidence? · Health Times.2019-02-11