
Spitting, burping and burping your baby

author:A Yue

After the baby is born, spitting up milk and burping is commonplace. Novice parents do not know why the baby spits up and burps, it will be very anxious, worried, afraid, and even take the baby to the hospital, in fact, spitting up milk, hiccups are normal phenomena, do not worry. Below I share some experiences with babies spitting up, burping, and how to burp.

Spitting, burping and burping your baby

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[Hiccup] (Hiccup here refers to hiccups that hiccups all the time, stop after a while, or stop by human intervention)

Most babies burp from time to time. In a sentence to describe the parents to hear the baby burping: "the emperor is not anxious, the eunuch is anxious", although the description is not very appropriate, but it is true, often the baby does not care about their own hiccups, parents are very worried when they hear it. In fact, don't worry, baby hiccups are normal, the baby burps himself, he will slowly stop burping. The old saying is not often said: "Hiccup hiccups, burp long", although there is no scientific basis, but it means that hiccups are not harmful, not to mention that adults sometimes burp. If Mom and Dad hear that your baby's burp is very uncomfortable and want to help your baby stop burping, you can try the following methods.

When your baby starts burping while feeding, you can give him a different position, try to burp, or help him relax, wait until he does not burp, and then continue to feed.

If he hasn't stopped burping after 5-10 minutes, try feeding him a few more minutes, which usually gets him to stop burping (this is my usual method).

If the baby is not hungry, we can try to feed or feed water, we can let him stop burping, but sometimes the baby does not want to eat or drink water, then hiccup or do not interfere with his hiccups to let him slowly stop burping himself. (This is also my common method)

If your baby burps frequently, try to feed him when he is quiet, and don't wait for him to be hungry, which can reduce the burp when the baby is feeding.

Spitting, burping and burping your baby

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【Spitting up milk】

Spitting up milk is a common phenomenon in early childhood. Spitting up means that your baby's milk is more than his stomach capacity, and sometimes it happens when he burps or drools. Spitting up is sometimes a bit of a hassle, but moms and dads don't have to worry, and spitting up usually doesn't cause your baby to choke, cough, feel unwell, or be in danger. Small-month-old babies are recommended to sleep on their sides, and sleeping on their left and right sides can not only prevent choking, but also sleep well on the head shape.

Sometimes babies spit out a lot of milk, which is vomiting. It is important to understand the difference between normal spitting up and vomiting. Most babies will not notice that they are spitting up, and after the baby vomits, he will react strongly, which will bring pain and discomfort to the baby. Vomiting generally occurs shortly after the baby eats milk, and the amount of milk vomited is generally more than the amount of milk that is usually vomited If you find a blood-like substance or a yellow-green substance in the vomit, you should go to the hospital pediatric department to see a doctor.

It is impossible to completely solve the problem of spitting up, but you can try to reduce the frequency of spitting up or reduce the amount of spitting up with the following methods.

Try to be quiet, peaceful and pleasant every time you feed.

Avoid interruptions, sudden noises, bright lights, and other distractions during your baby's feeding.

Burp at least every 3 to 5 minutes during the process of giving formula or bottles of breast milk. When feeding with a bottle, make sure that the hole in the nipple is not too big, not too small, too big will make the milk flow out too fast, the baby can not win, too small will make the baby suckle very hard, easy to let him inhale more air. If the bottle is flipped over and a few drops are dropped and then stopped, the hole in the nipple is the right size.

Do not let the baby lie flat to feed.

After each feeding, hold the baby vertically for 20 to 30 minutes.

Do not squeeze your baby's abdomen or make him active when just after feeding.

Try to feed before he is extremely hungry.


The hiccup method is too unintuitive in textual terms, so I will directly go to the picture.

Spitting, burping and burping your baby

The image originated from Baidu and was deleted in infringement

Thank you for watching~ Let's grow up with our children!