
More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

author:Words are deeply different

On June 6, the barnyards are cooked one by one, july 14, and the ghosts grab the barley, and on September 9, the barley is sweeter than the glutinous rice wine. This is a nursery rhyme from the mountain countryside. The meaning is that in the sixth month of the lunar calendar, the wild fruits on the mountain are ripe.

Whether it is the terrifying Ghost Festival or the ninth of September, the children will go up the mountain to pick wild fruits to eat. The wild fruits introduced below are wild goods that many people have eaten as children. I don't know if you still recognize it.

1. Barnyard

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

 The barnyard, also known as the myrtle, is a wild fruit that grows on the hills and blooms in early March of the lunar calendar and begins to ripen in June. When ripe, the fruit is black, and when it is half ripe, it is purple-red, and its fruit is sweet and fragrant, delicious and evocative. But eating too much will cause constipation.

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

 The root of the barnyard can be medicated, which can activate the blood circulation and stop diarrhea, treat rheumatic bone pain and low back pain. The cider made from the barley fruit is a good health wine. Therefore, when I was a child, I not only picked barley to eat, but also picked up home to sell some pocket money.

2. Yellow tooth fruit

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Yellow tooth fruit, also known as dragon mango, is a fruit grown from an evergreen tree, much like mangosteen. However, its fruit is yellow after ripening, and there is a substance in the flesh of the fruit, and the tooth age turns yellow after eating. Its taste is similar to mangosteen, although it is not as sweet as mangosteen, but the taste of sweet and sour is very appetizing. And its peel can be made into a sour and salty salty peel after pickling, which is very appetizing after eating.

3. Mangosteen

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Mangosteen is very similar to yellow tooth fruit both fruit and tree, the difference is that the skin of mangosteen is thinner than that of yellow tooth fruit, and it tastes sour yellow tooth fruit.

4. Cow eggs

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Also known as August fried, cucumber, wild banana, etc., its scientific name is blunt medicine wild papaya. Its fruit tree is a vine plant that usually grows under large tree roots and in stone crevices, forming a large clumps of powered wood.

Because bamboo weaving used to flourish, and its vine stem is tough and strong, and the whole body is black and bright, it is now rare to be cut down to weave crafts.

5. Prickly pear

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Prickly pear, also known as spring return, is the fruit of the perennial deciduous shrub reeling flower of the Rosaceae family, a nutritious fruit for nourishing fitness, and a rare fruit. It is somewhat soft and sticky to eat.

Sixth, the ground barnyard

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Ground barley is also known as wild eggplant, ground pomegranate, paved brocade, it and the barnyard belong to the same category and also belong to the same subject, the same as the wild peony family plants.

However, the taste of the ground barley is sweet and sour, the taste is not very good, only chop wood is too thirsty to pick a little to eat. And it grew as short as grass, and the old man said that the big snake often came into contact with it and could not eat it.

7. Mother of fire charcoal

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Charcoal mother is a common Chinese medicine, also known as Red Earth, Charcoal Star, white rice. Its vine can also be eaten, very sour. The flesh is translucent and the core inside is black. It doesn't taste good, it's just juice, but its flesh is very crisp.

8. Laigou grass

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Scientific name "Amaranth grass", is an herbaceous plant, the most common grass in the vegetable garden and the field stem, the root hard block edible, a little sour.

9. Hydrochloric acid fruit

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Salt Frost Cypress, Salt Tree, Salt Frost Tree, Salt Cloth Root, Wild Lacquer Tree, Female Tree, Five-Fold Tree, Dry Salt Basket, Pu Salt, Mountain Salt Jing, Shan Pu Salt. It is a deciduous shrub or small tree, 2-8 meters tall. The petioles and inflorescences are densely hairy and often grow on barren slopes and terraced edges.

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

The fruit is a bunch of strings, and the surface of the fruit is covered with a layer of white cream-like salt, usually sucking the fruit in the mouth, and the taste is salty and sour.

10. Wild peony fruit

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

It is a deciduous shrub or small tree, 2-8 m tall. The petioles and inflorescences are densely hairy.

The fruit of the wild peony is a juicy berry, and the content of vitamin C in the fruit is comparable to that of the traditional fruits pear and banana. And has the characteristics of high potassium and low sodium, which is conducive to maintaining the acid-base balance of the body.

11. Vines

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Vine plantain, also known as mountain banana, yellow banana, is a kind of vine-like shrub, the stem and leaves have a fine and soft hair distribution, the leaves are turquoise, the flowers have a special fragrance, its fruit is edible, the taste is very delicious. Vines like to grow by streams, mountain roads and barren slopes.

XII. Red vertebrae

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

Red vertebrate is the fruit of the national second-level protected plant red vertebral tree, when it is not ripe, it is wrapped like a chestnut with a clump of skin spines, and the skin spines crack after the fruit is ripe, as long as it is shaken a few times on the pole, the fruit will fall like rain. Its fruit is delicious and very fragrant after being sautéed.

More than a dozen kinds of wild fruits that are grown by fast-growing eucalyptus and will disappear, come and see, have you eaten them?

These wild fruits can not only be eaten, but some can also be used in medicine, but due to the high economic value of fast-growing eucalyptus, more and more mountain forests have been burned and planted with fast-growing eucalyptus, and in the near future, they may only be seen in rare botanical gardens.