
Princess Margaret - a very beautiful flower, rich and diligent, suitable for novice cultivation

author:Dual-core plantation

Recently, many people have started to grow flowers at home, like many people in my circle of friends who have begun to dry their own flowers, which look really beautiful. Some people will create a small garden on the balcony, as if it were a small ecological circle.

There are also some people who plant some more atmospheric flowers in the yard, and I recently saw a very beautiful flower called Princess Margaret, which I have never seen before.

Princess Margaret - a very beautiful flower, rich and diligent, suitable for novice cultivation

In fact, I think it is really a very good thing to raise flowers at home, because we raise flowers at home, and we can enjoy such beautiful flowers. It can play a role in decorating the home, and it can also purify the air, which is really a three-for-one.

If you can choose some flowers with tenacious vitality, you don't need to waste time to take care of it, it can grow very well. Like Princess Margaret's vitality is very tenacious, it is quite simple to manage, and it belongs to the vine this month season.

Princess Margaret - a very beautiful flower, rich and diligent, suitable for novice cultivation

I don't know if you have ever learned about the vine this month, the advantage is that the branches grow very quickly. Its branches can grow very long, the climbing ability is also very strong, and it can form a whole romantic sea of flowers in the later stage. Princess Margaret' most important advantage as a climbing vine is that its branches are relatively upright.

Unlike branches with some flowers, if you don't take care of it, it grows crookedly without beauty. Even if you don't take care of Princess Margaret to let it grow freely, the beauty is also very strong, and Princess Margaret's leaves are emerald green all year round, which looks very beautiful and can also relieve your eye fatigue.

Princess Margaret - a very beautiful flower, rich and diligent, suitable for novice cultivation

There are really very few types of flowers that can be maintained outdoors in the northern region, in fact, most of the flowers can survive in the warm environment of the south.

But Princess Margaret's hardiness is very good, it can still survive tenaciously, in the winter it may have some leaves begin to fall off, but you don't have to worry. It is not because the temperature is too low that it is going to die, but some of the old leaves are faded and new leaves are slowly grown.

Princess Margaret - a very beautiful flower, rich and diligent, suitable for novice cultivation

When spring comes, you'll notice that its branches are green again. The next year, more beautiful flowers will bloom, and Princess Margaret's flowers are also very special in color, orange-yellow.

We see more of the color of the big red and purple flowers, and when we see this fresh and elegant color, we will feel very happy in our hearts. When the flowers in our home bloom, there are not only beautiful flowers, but also a strong floral fragrance, and the faint aroma is very good.

Princess Margaret - a very beautiful flower, rich and diligent, suitable for novice cultivation

In fact, when it comes to floral fragrance, everyone must also be more worried, will the floral fragrance be too strong to feel more exciting? But in fact, Princess Margaret does not have such a problem, although it is more floral, but it can only float far away and will not make you feel very pungent.

You plant a Princess Margaret at home and you can smell it from 10m away. But when you walk into it, it still has that faint aroma and doesn't feel bad.

Princess Margaret - a very beautiful flower, rich and diligent, suitable for novice cultivation

You have a yard at home, you must plant it, if you have a yard at home but do not take care of any flowers, will not it feel very wasteful? After you plant it, you can give it a little water and fertilization to make it grow well.

It is best to apply some bottom fertilizer to the soil before planting it, so that there is enough nutrients for it to flower later, and it will bloom more flowers.

Princess Margaret - a very beautiful flower, rich and diligent, suitable for novice cultivation

In the south, the north can actually be planted, and now this season is also the best time to plant it, don't miss it. An orange flower on the late branch looks delicate and very beautiful.

Moreover, the flowering period is also relatively long, and it is not easy to fall flowers. If you like it, don't hesitate to do it. You can also smell the good smell of flowers, which can purify the air and benefit a lot.

Princess Margaret - a very beautiful flower, rich and diligent, suitable for novice cultivation

Now is also the best time to plant, friends who love flowers and plants do not miss it! Plant it now, and soon you will see romantic and lovely flowers blooming, adding a unique color to your life, and when friends come to visit you, they will praise your elegant taste and make you have more face!

【Four seasons planting】European moon vine this month flower seedling climbing vine flower rose fragrance four seasons open ¥79 purchase

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