
One person in the couple has blood type O and the other is another blood type, what effect does it have on the child

author:Obstetrician and gynecologist Wang Liqun

I believe that many people know that the characteristics of parents will be passed on to their children with the blood line, whether it is a good aspect or a bad aspect, it is possible to be retained, not only facial features and physique, even the blood type will have obvious inheritance.

One person in the couple has blood type O and the other is another blood type, what effect does it have on the child

So far, our common blood types are A, B, O, AB, and a special blood type is RH-negative blood.

Some people say that one of the parents has type O blood, what will happen to the child? Let's take a look.

One person in the couple has blood type O and the other is another blood type, what effect does it have on the child

Blood type O + A

If the parents' blood type is O and A, the child is often closely related to the health of the parents during pregnancy, and for the children of this combination, they will stand at the forefront of society and be closely watched by people, whether it is in learning or work will have a strong sense of responsibility.

One person in the couple has blood type O and the other is another blood type, what effect does it have on the child

Their personality charm is very unique, self-care ability is very strong, has their own ideological attitude, these people are easy to get the favor of their superiors, this person will be outstanding in society, I believe there will be a good future.

O + B blood type

For the children born to the parents of type O blood and B blood, they have strong thinking logic ability, insight ability is particularly sensitive, good memory, and the heart of exploration is full of curiosity about anything, once they are educated by the three views, these children will give people a special sense of stability and solidity.

One person in the couple has blood type O and the other is another blood type, what effect does it have on the child

This ability to think and learn is innate, and from a physiological point of view, people of this blood type are very honest with their friends and give them a strong sense of trust when interacting with friends.

Type O blood + blood type O

If both parents have blood type O, the embryos they combine are generally of higher quality, and the physical fitness of the child after birth is healthier than other fetuses.

Because the mother's eggs will automatically filter out those inferior small tadpoles actively combine with small tadpoles with good quality, the quality of the combined embryos is very high, and the children born will be more intelligent and the physical development will be better.

One person in the couple has blood type O and the other is another blood type, what effect does it have on the child

People with type O blood have a more cheerful personality, and their ability to learn decisively and wittily is particularly strong, so people with type O blood are generally at the forefront of their grades in the usual examinations, and if they are particularly serious after work, they will also have better results.

Blood type O + blood type AB

O type blood and AB blood If the husband and wife have one person is O blood, the other person is AB blood, then the IQ after the birth of the child will be relatively high compared to other babies, because after the combination of these two blood types of couples, it will enhance the baby's adaptability and curiosity, they also have a strong interest in learning, generally all aspects will be very good.

What should I pay attention to during pregnancy preparation?

【Keep a good mood】

During the pregnancy preparation, both husband and wife should try to maintain a good attitude, the mood should be relaxed, and some of the usual work should be slowed down as much as possible if there is a condition, and do not let yourself have too much pressure. If there is too much pressure during pregnancy preparation, it is not conducive to pregnancy and has an impact on future babies.

One person in the couple has blood type O and the other is another blood type, what effect does it have on the child

【Do a good job of preconception examination】

Pregnancy tests can help eugenics and reduce the probability of congenital major diseases in the fetus. Now some places are free of charge, pregnancy tests are much more detailed than marriage tests, couples with conditions can do pregnancy tests, for those with family genetic diseases should go to pregnancy tests, this step is very important.

【Taking folic acid and vitamins during pregnancy】

Jiang Yafei, director of the obstetrics department of Chongqing Jiahua Maternity Hospital, said that it is recommended to start taking folic acid and pregnancy vitamins a month before trying to conceive, which effectively reduce the probability of certain birth defects in the fetus. However, it should be noted that most pregnancy vitamins will contain 400mg of folic acid, and you must carefully check the instructions after taking it.

One person in the couple has blood type O and the other is another blood type, what effect does it have on the child

【Proper exercise】

Women need to keep exercising during pregnancy, exercise is a more effective way to promote health, and for women who are weak and physically weak, they should exercise enough during pregnancy.

In the process of exercise, you can promote the body's blood circulation, enhance the body's immunity to reduce the occurrence of diseases, if you always have a cold, indicating that the physique is a little weak, which will increase the difficulty of pregnancy, so during pregnancy preparation, you must develop the habit of exercise, promote the health of the body, and adjust well will help pregnancy.

What can pregnant fathers not eat during pregnancy preparation?

Often eat cold food, it is easy to cause stomach cold, in the preparation for pregnancy dad to enhance physical fitness, if you eat cold food, it is easy to cause stomach cold, so in the preparation for pregnancy must reduce the intake of cold food.

Spicy food is easy to stimulate the stomach, but also delay the metabolism, if you eat spicy food for a long time, the activity of small tadpoles will also have a certain impact, is not conducive to conception.

One person in the couple has blood type O and the other is another blood type, what effect does it have on the child

We should not think that only pregnant mothers need to prepare for pregnancy, and fathers also need to prepare for pregnancy, so on the road of pregnancy preparation, we must pay reasonable attention to our diet, living habits, etc., in order to give birth to a healthy baby.