
The dissemination of pornographic books to children is a serious crime

author:Lawyer Pang Jiulin

All countries of the world will not tolerate the spread of pornography and obscenity to children. In our country, even if a pornographic picture or an obscene video is transmitted to a child through private chat, even if the child is exposed for a few seconds, it will constitute the crime of forced indecency or the crime of spreading obscene material, and will be sentenced to prison.

However, the textbooks published by the Renjiao Society actually had some pornographic illustrations of children, which were published and distributed in a dignified manner, so that thousands of children could see and poison countless teenagers.

In several illustrations, the sexual organs of the little boy are depicted, and what is even more incredible is that one of them is actually erect, and the gaze of a girl is actually cast on the boy's private part. And the girl, the ass and panties are exposed, and there are pictures of boys holding girls' breasts, and pictures of boys lifting girls' skirts.

There are also many other problems, the national flag is wrongly drawn, tattooed, the Star-Spangled Flag, and the strange English letters, which are not seen at all when reviewing.

Remembering the programs that CCTV once broadcast, primary and secondary schools in Xinjiang used Uyghur language teaching materials containing bloody, violent, terrorist, separatist ideas and other content for 13 years! The fourth Xinjiang counter-terrorism documentary, "Undercurrents : China's Xinjiang Counter-Terrorism Challenge", was broadcast on CGTN, a Chinese global television network owned by China Central Radio and Television Corporation. For the first time, the documentary revealed that under the planning of Shatar Shawuti, the former director of the Autonomous Region's Education Department, and Alimujan Maimaitiming, the former deputy director of the Autonomous Region's Education Department, Xinjiang's primary and secondary schools had used Uyghur teaching materials containing bloody, violent, terrorist, separatist ideas, and other contents for 13 years!

After investigation, since 2002, Shatar Shawuti, then director of the Department of Education of the Autonomous Region, has organized a criminal group and changed the proportion and content of teaching materials. It is a vain attempt to instill in students separatist ideology and increase national hatred by changing and distorting history, so as to achieve the goal of splitting the motherland. Members of this criminal group included Alimujan Maimaitiming, then deputy director of the Department of Education, abdurezak Shayim and Tayir Nasir, two successive presidents of the Xinjiang Education Publishing House, and two of the agency's seriously separatist editors, Vayitijan Wusman and Yalikun Meatzi. The documentary revealed that Shatar Shawuti, the former director of the Autonomous Region's Department of Education, was sentenced to death, suspended for two years, and deprived of political rights for life. Alimujan Maimaitimin, former deputy director of the Autonomous Region's Department of Education, and Abdurezak Shayim and Tayir Nasir, former presidents of the Xinjiang Education Publishing House, were all sentenced to life imprisonment.

The dissemination of pornographic books to children is a serious crime What is the crime in this case? First of all, the production and publication of pornographic and obscene materials constitutes the crime of disseminating obscene materials, and the circumstances of disseminating obscene materials in this case are serious and spread to minors, and they should be given a heavier sentence.

Article 363 Whoever, for the purpose of making profits, produces, reproduces, publishes, sells or disseminates obscene materials shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also be fined;  Whoever provides a book number to another person and publishes an obscene book or periodical shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also be fined or fined individually; whoever knowingly provides a book number for the purpose of publishing an obscene book or periodical shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 364 Whoever disseminates obscene books, periodicals, films, audio-visuals, pictures or other obscene materials, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years, criminal detention or public surveillance.  Whoever disseminates obscene materials to minors under the age of 18 shall be given a heavier punishment.

Some children's book illustrations have not been completely reviewed and tried and proofread Second, the editing and publishing review personnel constitute the crime of dereliction of duty and are investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

The discipline inspection and supervision organs should take the lead in this case, jointly educate, publish, and form a special case team to investigate and deal with it, so as to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

The dissemination of pornographic books to children is a serious crime

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The dissemination of pornographic books to children is a serious crime

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The dissemination of pornographic books to children is a serious crime

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The dissemination of pornographic books to children is a serious crime


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The dissemination of pornographic books to children is a serious crime

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The dissemination of pornographic books to children is a serious crime

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The dissemination of pornographic books to children is a serious crime

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