
Is a person's lifespan related to weight? After the age of 50, what range is the most appropriate range for weight control?

author:Dr. Duan talks about health

It is said that it is difficult to buy old and thin, weight has a very large impact on human health, with the change of national eating habits, more and more people have obesity problems, excessive bloated figure and obese posture, will bring great hidden dangers to health, but also induce a variety of chronic diseases and cardiovascular diseases, increase their own risk of cancer. #爱乐养生 #

With the increase of age, the function of various tissues and organs of the body gradually decreases, and the body will also appear a series of aging signals, such as gray hair, wrinkle growth, elder spots on the face, hunched over, of course, there will be many people who are blessed in middle age.

Is a person's lifespan related to weight? After the age of 50, what range is the most appropriate range for weight control?

If you look closely, you will find that those elderly people will always have bloated posture, walking and swinging, feel that people's life expectancy and weight have a certain correlation, the thinner the elderly are happy is right or wrong, may wish to understand together.


Is a person's lifespan related to weight?

A study published in the 2021 international journal Annals of Epidemiology, in which researchers found that people who weighed slightly more in their later years were more likely to live longer than within the normal range than with the lifetime BMI.

In fact, as early as 1948, German researchers had followed up for 5,000 volunteers for several years, and they divided the 5,000 volunteers into two groups, one group of people maintained a normal diet, but the weight was fat, and the other group of people properly controlled their mouths, and the weight was thin or normal, after years of tracking and investigation experts found.

Is a person's lifespan related to weight? After the age of 50, what range is the most appropriate range for weight control?

The heavier the body, the longer the life expectancy, the thinner the person, will be because of poor autoimmunity, often cold fever, small diseases, viability is significantly lower than the fat figure of the person, and those who are overweight the risk of cardiovascular disease and chronic diseases is about 50% to 60%.

It can also be judged from this that people's life expectancy does have a certain correlation with weight, and the closer the body mass index is to the normal standard, the longer the life expectancy of people, and the risk of future diseases will be lower.

So there will be such a performance, because the human subcutaneous fat can store more energy, fat can help people better resist wind and cold, improve their own immunity and resistance, is a secret weapon to protect physical health.

For the elderly with a thin body, due to the thin layer of subcutaneous fat, they cannot resist the invasion of viral bacteria well, and the risk of disease is further increased.

Elderly middle-aged and elderly people who want to live a long and healthy life must control their weight reasonably and gain or lose weight in the healthiest and most correct way.


After the age of 50, what range is the most appropriate range for weight control?

50 years old is a hurdle for people, people after 50 years old will obviously feel that the physical energy is not as good as before, the physical fitness is getting worse and worse, and the middle-aged and elderly people after the age of 50 want to know whether their weight is within a reasonable range, according to the BMI index.

BMI = weight (kg) ÷ height (m)

If the BMI index is guaranteed to be between 18.5 and 24, it belongs to the body standard, but for the middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 50, as long as the BMI index is guaranteed to be between 24 and 28, it is reasonable, once the value is obtained, more than 28 indicates that your weight is excessive, you must pay more attention, pay attention to diet, and do not let bad living habits develop.

Is a person's lifespan related to weight? After the age of 50, what range is the most appropriate range for weight control?

In addition to the BMI index can measure the standard weight of the elderly, for adult men, if the waist circumference exceeds 85, the adult female waist circumference exceeds 50 is also neutral obesity, and excessive accumulation of abdominal fat will bring great danger to health, and will also induce diabetes hyperlipidemia and hypertension.

The weight of the elderly after the age of 50, want to control within a reasonable range, to use the most scientific and correct method, do not blindly lose weight or gain weight, whether you are too thin or too fat, you must adjust in time, under the guidance of a professional doctor to complete.


The elderly are too fat, what harm will they bring to the body?

1. Induce hypertension

Hypertension is also known as "rich disease", most patients diagnosed with hypertension basically have the bad habit of overeating, often consume too much greasy and spicy food, often consume too much salty food, will inhibit the production of potassium ions in the body, resulting in elevated sodium ions to induce hypertension.

Excessive obesity will make the heart overloaded, blood pressure rises, obese people if they can not lose weight in a short period of time, reasonable weight control, blood pressure will become higher and higher, and eventually induce hypertension complications.

Is a person's lifespan related to weight? After the age of 50, what range is the most appropriate range for weight control?

2. Induce hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia is also a kind of cardiovascular disease, excessive obesity, will make the body more and more fat, a large amount of fat can not be fully digested and absorbed by the body, will always be piled up in the blood vessels.

It leads to an increase in the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood vessels, and a large amount of fat enters the bloodstream with the blood circulation, resulting in thick blood stools, inducing hyperlipidemia, and if cleaned up in time, it will also block the blood vessels, causing more serious cardiovascular complications.

3. Prone to fatty liver

Fatty liver is also a common complication in the elderly population, excessive obesity of the body, the body fat content increases, if not digested in time to excrete the body, a large amount of fat will accumulate in the liver resulting in hepatosplenomegaly, inducing fatty liver.

Is a person's lifespan related to weight? After the age of 50, what range is the most appropriate range for weight control?


If the elderly are too thin, what harm will they bring to the body?

1. Malnutrition

If the elderly usually eat too little, often reluctant to eat, reluctant to wear, love to eat vegetarian food does not love to eat meat, in the long run, the development of the body will be due to insufficient nutritional intake of malnutrition, serious will also lead to osteoporosis and iron deficiency anemia, inducing a series of chronic diseases.

2. Deterioration of physique

If the weight of the elderly who are too thin cannot be controlled within a reasonable range, their physique will also deteriorate, their immune function will be reduced, their resistance will decrease, they will not be able to resist the invasion of viruses and bacteria, and the weather will catch a cold and fever if they get slightly cooler.

Is a person's lifespan related to weight? After the age of 50, what range is the most appropriate range for weight control?

3, easy to get skin diseases

If the elderly are too poor, it will not only lead to malnutrition in the body, but also very easy to get skin diseases, too thin body does not have enough nutrients, moisturize the skin, the skin stratum corneum will become thinner and drier, the secretion of sebaceous glands will decrease, sebum aging, skin itching, aging speed is accelerated.


How should the elderly after the age of 50 reasonably control their weight?

(1) Exercise appropriately

Many elderly people are reluctant to exercise, feel that they are old, their physical strength is not as good as before, and they will be breathless every two steps, but long-term sedentary non-exercise will affect the blood flow of the whole body and will also induce varicose veins in the lower limbs.

The elderly who are overweight must let themselves move, take 20 to 30 minutes of time every day, choose to walk or jog, so that the more soothing aerobic exercise, adhere to it in order to improve physical fitness, improve immunity, and reasonably control weight.

Is a person's lifespan related to weight? After the age of 50, what range is the most appropriate range for weight control?

(2) Eat reasonably

Elderly people after the age of 50, if the figure is too fat, must learn to avoid eating, eat less greasy and spicy food, sugar and salt should also eat less, quit smoking and limit alcohol, diet is mainly light, each meal is guaranteed to be 7 to 80% full, do not eat too much.

The elderly who are too thin can eat a little more lean meat appropriately, supplement the vitamins and nutrients required by the body, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables containing vitamins and dietary fiber, meet the body's nutritional needs, the daily intake of calories is lower than the consumption, long-term adherence, in order to better control weight.