
Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health? Can diabetics eat it?

author:Pediatrician Shang Yun

Eggs as a common high-nutrient food in life, and it is rich in protein and a variety of nutrients, the appropriate use of some eggs has certain benefits for health.

However, in recent times, there is a saying on the Internet that scientists have found that eating more than 6 eggs a week will endanger personal health, and the statement here has also attracted people's attention.

Many people say that I eat one egg a day, so there are more than 6 eggs in a week, but it has not affected the body.

Of course, there are also some people who think that the cholesterol content in eggs is relatively large, especially if the yolk intake is too much, it may increase the burden on the blood vessels, so it is not recommended to eat it often.

Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health? Can diabetics eat it?

Therefore, there are different views on eggs, and there is no clear answer, so if you eat more than 6 eggs a week, will it have an impact on the body?

First of all, let's understand what are the benefits of eggs?

1. Brain and intellectual

If you usually eat some eggs, you can help play a role in brain nootropics, especially the yolk is rich in lecithin and calcium iron phosphorus and other nutrients.

In particular, bile is necessary for the synthesis of brain neurotransmitters , acetylcholine , which can help improve brain function, but also improve memory, making your mind smarter and smarter.

Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health? Can diabetics eat it?

2. Protect the eyes

If you often eat some eggs in life, you can also help protect your eyes, especially the yolk contains two antioxidant substances, lutein and zeaxanthin can protect the eyeballs, from ultraviolet damage, to prevent vision loss, blurred vision.

Especially for the elderly, it can also help reduce the risk of cataracts in the elderly, which is beneficial to eye health.

Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health? Can diabetics eat it?

3. Enhance resistance

Eggs in the nutrients are also relatively rich, often eat some eggs, which protein and a variety of nutrients, is conducive to helping to enhance the body's immune function, improve their own resistance, reduce the risk of disease, more conducive to personal health.

4. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Proper consumption of some eggs can also help protect the health of blood vessels, prevent the problem of atherosclerosis, and have a good effect in preventing cardiovascular diseases, which is conducive to prolonging their own life and is more conducive to personal health.

Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health? Can diabetics eat it?

Therefore, it can be understood that eating some eggs often has certain benefits for physical health, so will eating more than 6 eggs per week affect personal health?

Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health?

The nutritional content of eggs is relatively rich, which has certain benefits for good health, and some studies have found that eating too many eggs per day is not good for health, especially the weekly intake should not exceed 6 grams.

Between 2003 and 2005, researchers in a region of Anhui Province, aged 45 to 64 to 9,444, were enrolled in a study that recorded weekly food intake, different frequencies, and basic health indicators during the year.

Follow-up surveys over a 14-year study showed that 72.5% of people who ate less than three eggs per week, 3 to 6 people who ate more than 6 eggs per week, and 7.8% of people who ate more than 6 eggs per week in 19.7%.

Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health? Can diabetics eat it?

In a 14-year follow-up survey, 814 people died tragically. Excluding the results of other effecting experiments, the researchers found that egg intake was closely linked to death.

According to the study analysis, the risk of death of respondents who consumed less than three eggs per week and 3 to 6 did not change significantly, and the risk of death increased by 35% in people with more than 6 eggs per week, so it was concluded that eating more than 6 eggs per week had a greater impact on physical health.

Of course, although there is such a statement, but there are certain limitations, the participants included in the study, living in the region relatively poor economic conditions, and the weekly intake of food, different quantities and frequencies may have a certain record deviation, so it will also affect the results of the study.

Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health? Can diabetics eat it?

But can not say that eating too many eggs will increase the risk of death, eggs in the nutrients rich appropriate consumption of some eggs has certain benefits to health, as long as the control of a good amount will not cause harm to the body, and when eating eggs should also pay attention to the following two kinds of eggs are best to touch less, so that it is conducive to their own health.

1. Loose heart eggs

When eating eggs in normal times, we must pay attention to it, like some sugar heart eggs are not recommended to eat, although this egg tastes very delicious, there are many people who think that they can save the nutrients in it from being destroyed.

But in fact, like this egg machine contains a certain bacterial virus, it is easy to increase the risk of disease, affecting the health of various organs, so like this sugar heart egg is also recommended to deal with as soon as possible.

Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health? Can diabetics eat it?

2. Washed eggs

Many people here may pay more attention to hygiene, like some eggs will choose to clean after buying, and then put in the refrigerator to store that this can reduce some of the bacteria Uncle layout, on the contrary, such behavior habits are easy to cause serious impact on the body.

Because like some eggs have a protective film on the surface, if it is washed with water, it may cause the protective film to be destroyed, and enter the inside of the egg through the stomata on the egg, resulting in the breeding of bacteria, which will also cause serious damage to the body and increase the risk of disease, so this egg is not recommended to eat often.

Does eating more than 6 "eggs" a week have an impact on health? Can diabetics eat it?

Can diabetics eat it?

Appropriate consumption of some eggs, indeed good for physical health, in addition to controlling weight, there are many people in the usual more entangled, for some diabetics, in the end can not eat eggs? Will it affect blood sugar? After all, the cholesterol content is relatively high.

In fact, there is also a certain study on this, and it is found that people who eat one egg or eat more eggs every day have an increased risk of diabetes by about 59.7%.

Therefore, it is believed that too many eggs will affect the stability of blood sugar. After a series of observations and comparisons, it was indeed found that eating too many eggs increased the risk of diabetes.

But there are other factors that cannot be directly determined today that there is a certain connection with diabetes, and it is also necessary to avoid other factors in order to ensure the health of the body.

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