
After a meal, it is good to walk, the doctor reminds: after 50 years old, often do 4 things or better than walking

author:Doctor Yong popular science chat

50 years old is an important period of life, whether it is a big problem or a small problem, it all starts from this age, so 50 years old is a very important turning point, to do a good job of health matters.

There are some major diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, bone diseases, chronic diseases, cancer, etc. are easy to find people over 50 years old, in order to reduce the chance of disease, prolong life, after the age of 50 to pay attention to health.

Walking is recognized as a good for the health of the exercise, suitable for every age group, and the amount of exercise of walking is not large, do not need to use equipment, nor are they limited by the venue, many people know that walking after meals is good for the body, what are the benefits in the end? Let's take a look.

After a meal, it is good to walk, the doctor reminds: after 50 years old, often do 4 things or better than walking


What are the benefits of walking after a meal?

Good for the heart

Studies have found that walking for half an hour a day can reduce the incidence of metabolic syndrome, but also inhibit the occurrence of a range of heart diseases, reduce the risk of diabetes and stroke.

Helps with sleep

Frequent walking at night can make you sleep more comfortably, and walking can increase the level of hormones that make people relax, in addition, walking will make the body temperature rise, the brain is signaled to lower body temperature, and it also helps sleep.

Keep in a good mood

Finding a place with fresh air after a meal for a walk can make the cerebral cortex excited, inhibition and regulation process improved, can make people relax, relieve the tiredness of the day, and also make the mood better.

After a meal, it is good to walk, the doctor reminds: after 50 years old, often do 4 things or better than walking

Improve the body's circulatory metabolic capacity

A walk after a meal can speed up the speed of circulation and metabolism in the body, ensure a smooth blood supply, and to a certain extent, reduce the risk of cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction and other diseases caused by increased blood viscosity.

Relieves the body's digestive stress

Walking after meals can also promote blood circulation, speed up the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and strengthen the digestive capacity of the body, this exercise is very suitable for the elderly with weak intestinal peristalsis ability.

Although it is said that walking after meals has many benefits for the body, people after the age of 50 often do the following four things, which may be better than walking.

After a meal, it is good to walk, the doctor reminds: after 50 years old, often do 4 things or better than walking


After a meal, it is good to walk, the doctor reminds: after 50 years old, often do 4 things or better than walking

Quit bad habits and develop good ones

The formation of many bad habits brings great threats to physical health, such as smoking, drinking, staying up late, eating and drinking, these bad habits will invade our bodies and eventually cause diseases.

After the age of 50, if you want to get sick less, you must develop good habits, change bad habits, and eat more healthy foods, which are good for protecting your health.

When you have nothing to do, you can go to massage, acupuncture, or play ball and chess with good friends, which is good for heart and brain health and can also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

After a meal, it is good to walk, the doctor reminds: after 50 years old, often do 4 things or better than walking

Regular medical examinations to escort your health

There are many diseases that have no obvious symptoms in the early stages, so it is difficult for us to detect them in time, and regular physical examinations can detect the disease early and intervene.

Physical examination can escort health, it is recommended that people after the age of 50 should do a physical examination every year, can find abnormalities in the body in time, so as to achieve early detection and early treatment to avoid the deterioration of the disease.

Get enough sleep

Studies have proved that ensuring adequate sleep can increase brain cells, especially the oligodendrocytes that produce myelin, which is an essential substance for brain work and repair of the brain, so ensuring adequate sleep can protect the brain, and people after the age of 50 should ensure adequate sleep to provide a healthy environment for the brain.

After a meal, it is good to walk, the doctor reminds: after 50 years old, often do 4 things or better than walking

Maintain an optimistic mindset

Although we can't control aging, we can keep ourselves in a young mental state, full of expectations for life, do more things that interest us, and be able to move our minds and brains and have a good mood.

50 years old is a very important age turning point, I hope that everyone can pay attention to it, develop good habits in life, exercise appropriately, maintain an optimistic attitude, ensure adequate sleep, regular physical examination, and promote good health.