
Li Changdong, the King of Military Products, collected photographs of General Chen Shiyu and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli and took a group photo with his descendants

author:New Articles for The Globe
Li Changdong, the King of Military Products, collected photographs of General Chen Shiyu and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli and took a group photo with his descendants
Li Changdong, the King of Military Products, collected photographs of General Chen Shiyu and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli and took a group photo with his descendants

When Li Changdong, the king of military products, was sorting out the collection, he saw a photo of The Commander of the Engineer Corps, Admiral Chen Shiyu, and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli, which reminded him of many collections. He had early acquaintances with Chen Renkang, the son of General Chen Shiyu, the commander of the engineering corps, and Yu Yuanyuan, the daughter of Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli, and as descendants of the revolution, they were both low-key and clean. However, every time they saw Li Changdong, the king of military products, they could see the growth of Li Changdong's red collection, see that Li Changdong brought rare collections and souvenirs every time, and appreciate this humble northern Shaanxi Hanzi in their hearts. Therefore, every time they meet, they will sign a group photo for Li Changdong, the king of military products, hoping that his red collection cause will flourish, make good use of red resources, carry forward the red tradition, and pass on the red gene.

Li Changdong, the King of Military Products, collected photographs of General Chen Shiyu and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli and took a group photo with his descendants
Li Changdong, the King of Military Products, collected photographs of General Chen Shiyu and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli and took a group photo with his descendants

Li Duqian, an old revolutionary who left Hugh, also said in WeChat: "Comrade Xiao Li! You are an amazing good young man. According to my experience as a ninety-two-year-old man. China does not yet have a second person: one to do one thing, to get strong support and assistance from people all over the country and even in the world. There is no second person. Explain you: First, you were born in the holy land of the revolution, Wa Yao Fort. Second, your ingenuity. Ideas come out of the way. According to the objective situation you are in, after your specific analysis and research, you can comprehensively improve and propose the collection of military products, which is a wonderful idea. Ideas come out of the way. The road is open. The whole country is leading to you Li Changdong. I admire you and learn from you. I always want to see you go, and I'm busy. See you one day, thank you old revolutionary. ”

Li Changdong, the King of Military Products, collected photographs of General Chen Shiyu and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli and took a group photo with his descendants
Li Changdong, the King of Military Products, collected photographs of General Chen Shiyu and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli and took a group photo with his descendants
Li Changdong, the King of Military Products, collected photographs of General Chen Shiyu and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli and took a group photo with his descendants

Seeing such a sincere message, Li Changdong, the king of military products, was very touched and said that he must go to the army compound to visit Elder Li and hope that Elder Li is in good health.

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Li Changdong, the King of Military Products, collected photographs of General Chen Shiyu and Lieutenant General Yu Qiuli and took a group photo with his descendants

Chen Shiyu (14 April 1909 – 22 July 1995). Chinese founding general of the People's Liberation Army and a native of Jingmen City, Hubei Province. During his revolutionary career, he successively served as platoon commander of the Red Army, deputy commander of the column, staff officer of the column headquarters, chief of staff of the column, chief of staff of the division, chief of section, battalion commander, chief of army staff, acting commander, principal of the school with the battalion, chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army brigade, commander of the detachment, commander of the military region, chief of staff of the field army, commander of the corps, and vice president of east China Military and Political University. He successively participated in the anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns in the Central Soviet Region, the Long March of the Red Army, the Battle of Zhiluozhen, the Battle of Pingxingguan, the Battle of Guangyang, the Battle of Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Area, the Battle of Ganyu County, the Battle of Subei, the Battle of Lunan, the Battle of Menglianggu, the Battle of Southwest Lu, the Battle of Advancing into the Central Plains, the Battle of Eastern Henan, the Battle of Huaihai, and the Battle of Crossing the River. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as the chief of education of the Military Academy of the People's Liberation Army of the Chinese, the commander of the engineering corps and the director of the military construction department, and the commander of the special engineering command. He participated in and led the construction of national defense projects and missile and atomic bomb test bases, and successfully completed the tasks of the two-bomb base project, laying a solid foundation for the development of China's missile and atomic bomb undertakings. He was awarded the rank of General in 1955.

Chen Renkang is the deputy head of the Propaganda League of the Jinggang Red Army Research Association of the Cpc Historical Figures Research Association, a director of the Eighth Route Army Research Association and the Two Bombs and One Star Historical Research Association, and a visiting professor at the Long March Cadre College.

Yu Qiuli (15.11.1914 – 3.2.1999) was a proletarian revolutionary. People from Ji'an, Jiangxi. In 1929, he participated in the Ji'an County Peasants' Revolt and the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1931. During his revolutionary career, he successively served as a squadron leader of the Red Guard Brigade, a member of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection Committee of the Soviet Government of Xianggan Province, a political commissar of the Second Army Regiment of the Red Army, a political commissar of the Independent Third Detachment of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, a political commissar of the 358th Brigade, a director of the Brigade Political Department, a political commissar of the 358th Brigade, a political commissar of the 1st Division of the First Army, and a deputy political commissar of the 1st Army. In 1935, he participated in the Long March. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as deputy political commissar of the Southwest Military and Political University, president and political commissar of the Second Senior Infantry School, director and political commissar of the Logistics Department of the Southwest Military Region, director of the General Finance Department of the Central Military Commission, political commissar of the General Logistics Department, minister of the Petroleum Industry, director of the State Planning Commission, vice premier of the State Council, director of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army, and deputy secretary general of the Central Military Commission. He was awarded the rank of lieutenant general in 1955. He died in Beijing on February 3, 1999.