
Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

author:Shi Hai is up to me

A rare Chinese elderly person commemorated their golden wedding by parachuting in Australia. Among them, an old man was recently diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer, and his son took his parents around Australia in order to fulfill his filial piety, and their story touched many people.

Gu Yi, a native of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, graduated from Peking University and later went to Chongqing to start a business.

In 2013, The 42-year-old Gu Yi has become a successful person, owning his own private company, earning a lot of money, and owning a house and a car in Chongqing.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

In addition to working hard, Gu Yi's biggest hobby is photography, he is a documentary photographer, and he has become a member of the China Photographers Association.

In addition, Gu Yi was very filial and obedient, and after settling down in Chongqing, he took his parents from the countryside of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, to Chongqing to facilitate the care of his parents.

Gu Yi's originally smooth life, in March 2013, set off a huge wave.

Gu Yi's father, Gu Quanping, has always been healthy, but one day, after he ate, he had severe abdominal pain.

Gu Yi put down his work and took his father to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing, and after a series of examinations, Gu Quanping was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer, which had spread and developed very rapidly.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Gu Yi hid and cried a lot, and later in an interview, Gu Yi said how he felt at that time: "I can't accept it, a very helpless and helpless, very shocked feeling. ”

The doctor told Gu Yi that his father's situation was short, and at present, if he wanted to prolong his life, he could only undergo surgery and chemotherapy.

After Gu Quanping learned that he had stomach cancer, his mood was very depressed, and his old partner Lu Aiping looked at it and also became sad.

In order to make his father happy, Gu Yi played a movie on the tablet and then showed it to his father, but after his father looked at it twice, he twisted his head to the side and was not in the mood to watch the movie at all.

Gu Yi thought of a way, take his parents to the park near his home for a turn, it is the season of spring and warm flowers outside, maybe it will make his father feel better, after the family came to the park, Gu Yi took a photo of his parents, which is a souvenir.

It was in this park that the family discussed whether to have surgery or not, and Gu Yi still preferred to let his father do surgery.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

In the end, Gu Quanping underwent surgery, removing two-thirds of his stomach, and then did six stages of chemotherapy in a row.

After the torture of stomach cancer and chemotherapy, Gu Quanping, who is 70 years old, has become skinny and bony, and his weight has changed from more than 130 pounds to more than 80 pounds.

Gu Quanping's body was so weak that he couldn't walk, couldn't eat, and lay in bed every day, sleeping for a day.

During Gu Quanping's hospitalization, his wife Lu Aiping was hit by a car on a trip to the hospital, resulting in a hip fracture.

Subsequently, Lu Aiping was also admitted to the hospital, and Gu Yi completely gave up his work and took care of his parents in the hospital every day. Originally, he was going to do twelve stages of chemotherapy, but after Gu Quanping did six stages, he said nothing and planned to give up treatment.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Gu Quanping wrote a suicide note by hand, and asked Gu Yi to take more than ten copies, intending to give a copy to each relative, and the suicide note had Gu Quanping's farewell words to say to his relatives.

Gu Yi looked at his emaciated and emaciated father, his heart was very painful, and the past events of his childhood came to his mind one by one.

Gu Quanping and his wife were authentic peasants, and all their lives they were facing the loess with their backs to the sky. But even though it was very hard, the old couple raised three children and provided them with schooling.

Gu Yi still remembers that his parents worked in the fields before dawn, fed chickens, raised pigs, and when their three children paid tuition, their parents would go to the county town to sell eggs and pork, and use the money they earned to pay for tuition.

Gu Yi still remembers that his parents themselves are reluctant to eat and wear, but they give them all the delicious food to their three children, and buy them new clothes every year.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

It is precisely because of the hard work of parents that the three children have become a family, and Gu Yi has become an outstanding talent.

Today, Gu Yi looks at his parents on the hospital bed, white hair, haggard face, and his father has not come much, which makes Gu Yi feel regretful.

Usually busy with work, why not spend more time with your parents? Why not take your parents to feel the beauty of this world sooner?

At the same time, Gu Yi thought of one more thing, a few years ago, because he had something to go to Beijing, he asked his parents if they wanted to travel together.

After Gu Quanping listened, he shook his head and said that traveling to Beijing was too much of a waste of money, and he was unwilling to go. Lü Aiping agreed to go with his son, so the mother and son went to Beijing and saw the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City.

Because Gu Yi is a photographer, he took a lot of photos, and when he returned, he showed them to his father. Gu Quanping looked at the photos, showed a very envious look, and kept asking whether those places were fun and how much money they spent.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Gu Yi understood that his father did not like to play, but he was unwilling to spend money and was unwilling to increase the burden on his children.

It was also inspired by this incident that Gu Yi came up with a bold idea, in the limited days when his father was alive, to take his sick father to Travel to Australia, to see the outside world, and experience the exotic style.

Gu Yi knew that now that his father was terminally ill, he would never have another chance if he didn't do it.

"At that time, I thought that my father was a farmer, who had been dealing with the land all his life, who had spent his whole life in that part of the countryside, and that the farthest place I had gone to was Chongqing, where I had brought him, and that my father should have experienced more things and seen more things that he had not seen before."

In an interview, Gu Yi said what he thought at that time. After that, Gu Yi took out the map, arranged in advance, took a flight to Brisbane, then went to Adelaide, and then went to Melbourne...

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

In addition to marking the route on the map, Gu Yi also contacted the hospitals in those cities to prepare for possible emergencies in his father's body.

After all this was ready, Gu Yi put forward his idea with his relatives, but was opposed by his relatives, who all felt that Gu Quanping was seriously ill and was already 70 years old, and I was afraid that he could not withstand such a toss.

Gu Yi advised everyone that the hospital was arranged, and that from the past in China, they only needed to take a plane, and when they got there, they stayed in the caravan all the way and would not be tired.

In this way, the relatives agreed to Gu Yi's approach, and Gu Yi also knew that his father was very frugal and did not want to spend money indiscriminately, so he just told his father to go to Australia, but did not say to travel.

But even so, Gu Quanping still felt that the plane ticket was too expensive and refused to go to Australia. Gu Yi could only tell a small lie, saying that his son, who was studying in Australia, wanted to meet his grandfather and grandmother.

Gu Quanping loved his grandson very much, and when he heard that he was going to meet his grandson, he nodded his head and agreed. After Gu Yi's mother's fracture was slightly better, Gu Yi handed over the company to his wife to take care of and flew to Australia with his parents in November 2015.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Gu Quanping's grandson picked them up at the airport, and then the family went to a local Chinese restaurant for dinner, and Gu Quanping was very happy to see his grandson, and kept asking about his grandson's study and asking whether foreign life habits were habitual.

Gu Quanping's grandson also has not seen his grandparents for half a year, and he seems very happy and chats with his grandfather about his affairs in school.

Since Gu Quanping's grandson was still busy with classes, he hurried back to school after eating and did not participate in the next trip.

After Gu Quanping arrived in Australia, he felt that everything was novel and surprising.

"Those buildings are very beautiful, and there are hundreds of years of trees in the countryside, and neither person can hold them." When Gu Quanping said this, he was full of joy.

In the following days, Gu Yi took his parents around to play, which made Gu Quanping feel strange, originally he thought that coming to Australia, only a brief reunion with his grandson, and then flew back, but looking at his son's meaning, it seemed that he did not want to go back.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Next, Gu Yi told the truth to his father, saying that this time he came to Australia for a trip, and Gu Quanping was not angry because he was tricked into coming to Australia by his son, after all, he came, so he could play with peace of mind.

Gu Yi rented a caravan in the local area, and then took his parents to the beach to play, Gu Quanping and Lu Aiping, two elderly people who were over the age of old, just like two children, played on the beach.

Gu Quanping picked up some shells, caught jellyfish, and picked up a kelp from the sea, and happily said that it was a dragon.

After that, Gu Quanping lay quietly on the beach, looking at the seagulls in the sky and the foreigners around him, and suddenly felt that his heart was opened, and his mood was extremely happy.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

In the evening, the family of three caught three crabs and five fish, and also picked up some flower snails, Lu Aiping said that he would eat boiled crabs and boiled flower snails at night, but Gu Quanping disagreed, he felt that it was better to soak crabs, fish and flower snails with soy sauce and vinegar.

During the five days of playing at the beach, Gu Quanping forgot about the illness, did not take medicine, and immersed himself in happiness every day.

One of the changes in Gu Quanping is that he will take the initiative to learn, he began to learn English, and mastered some simple English words, and also learned to draw and guitar.

Speaking of guitar, this is Gu Quanping's childhood dream, he loves music, dreams of becoming a musician, and dreams of getting a guitar.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

However, at that time, the family's economic conditions were not good, there was no money to buy a guitar, Gu Quanping could only use willow leaves and willow branches to make a simple musical instrument, usually take it out and blow it.

Later, Gu Quanping started a family and was busy earning money to support his family, so he gave up his childhood musical dream, and even completely forgot about this dream.

After coming to Australia, Gu Quanping saw someone playing guitar on the side of the road, at this time his mentality was completely different, and he remembered his childhood musical dream, crouched on the side of the road, listened to the beautiful music played by the guitar, and did not want to leave for a long time.

Gu Yi saw his father's thoughts, so he went to a nearby store and bought a guitar for his father. After Gu Quanping got the guitar, he was in a very happy mood, to the point of falling in love, and constantly practiced playing the guitar every day.

After Gu Yi left the sea with his parents, he went to the Queensland campground and wandered in a lush forest.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Gu Quanping climbed up to a low tree like a naughty child, and then he laughed and waved to greet his family, and at that moment he seemed to be sixty years younger.

The old two held hands to watch the sunset at dusk, lamenting that the sunset was too beautiful, Gu Quanping said that he had never seen such a beautiful sunset, and the old two couldn't help but sing, which was the first time Gu Quanping sang in his life.

When it was time for dinner, Gu Yi was preparing a picnic, and Gu Quanping took his beloved guitar to a group of foreigners, slowly sat down, played the guitar, and sang.

The original Gu Quanping was not even willing to speak in public, but now he can sing on the spot, and he is not afraid of the stage at all, this change is very big.

A Chinese old man was singing hard, and the song was quite good, which attracted many people present, some of them sat down and were willing to be an audience, and when Gu Quanping finished singing a song, everyone present applauded him.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Gu Yi took a lot of beautiful scenery and the figure of his parents with the camera, and he wanted to record the last time of his father's life with photos, and set the theme as "The Last Journey".

"In the last days of his life, I wanted to leave more images for him, I was a documentary photographer, I took so many pictures of others every year, why didn't I take more pictures of my father?" When Gu Yi spoke, he carried a very strong sense of guilt.

Gu Yi likes to photograph the back of his parents, which has something to do with one of his experiences, when he was in middle school, one day, Gu Yi was studying at night, and suddenly saw his father appear outside the window.

He walked out of the classroom and asked his father how he had come, and he took out a lunch box and handed it to him. Gu Yi opened the lunch box and saw that inside was a pair of chicken legs and a pair of chicken wings, and his father explained that the family had killed chickens, and specially brought them over for his son to eat quickly.

A warm current poured into Gu Yi's heart, and it also made his eyes wet in an instant, because he knew that his hometown was ten kilometers away from the school, and his father had come all the way, and he had to walk back alone at night.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

The father did not say anything more, and left very happily, that back shadow, let Gu Yi unforgettable. In the back, there is the hard work of the father, there is also a strong father's love, and there is also the gratitude and concern in Gu Yi's heart.

That back shadow, like a mountain, held up a piece of heaven for Gu Yi, and that back shadow was also like the rising sun, always bringing warmth to Gu Yi.

It is precisely because of this incident that Gu Yi has a special love for his parents' back, and now his parents are old and their figure has become rickety, but the back shadow is still so familiar, or so great, so that Gu Yi misses it incomparably.

In the subsequent journey, Gu Yi photographed the backs of his parents under various beautiful scenery, such as the backs of his parents under the sunset, the backs of their parents sitting on the park chairs, and the backs of their parents sitting on the beach.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Gu Quanping has undergone tremendous changes in the process of traveling, originally he was a very honest and taciturn person, but during the trip, he would take the initiative to greet strangers.

Gu Quanping's meal volume also increased a lot more than the original, his body was obviously stronger than the original, weighed, five pounds fatter than the original, and his original white hair later grew part of the black hair, which became black and white.

All these changes made Gu Yi very surprised, originally he just wanted his father to live the last time of his life, but he did not expect that his father seemed to have changed into a person, as if he had come back to life, so he changed the theme of photography from "The Last Journey" to "Rebirth".

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Gu Quanping had forgotten that he was a terminal cancer patient, and to try anything he liked to do, experiencing many firsts in his life every day.

The first time I saw the sea, the first time I ate Western food, the first time I sang in public, the first time I painted my own work.

Gu Quanping also gave several of the works he had painted to his son, and told his son that he would frame them after he returned and collect them later, and Gu Yi agreed with a smile on the spot.

"When I go abroad, I don't want to die or die, now my body is much better, I have to pursue myself, now that I am old, I have planted the land for a lifetime, and I want to see if I can change myself." 」 Gu Quanping said what he thought at the time.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Gu Quanping also regained the romance that had been lost by him, in the process of traveling, his wife had a birthday, and he had not read any books originally, and specially wrote a romantic poem as a birthday gift for his wife.

One of the sentences, we have gone through nearly fifty years, there should be happiness in the old age, so lu Aiping on the side is very moved.

Subsequently, Gu Quanping also sang a song for his wife, which ignited the atmosphere of the scene and attracted applause, and Lu Aiping said with a happy face: "It's so good, thank you old man." ”

Romance is still continuing, December 7, 2015, is Gu Quanping and Lu Aiping's 50th golden wedding anniversary, Gu Yi specially customized a set of couple outfits for his parents.

On the back of the couple's outfit, a few Chinese characters are written to commemorate the fifty years of golden marriage, and they are also translated into English below.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

The family came to the downtown square of Canberra, and when Gu Quanping and Lu Aiping walked into the crowd hand in hand in couple costumes, they were blessed by Chinese, Australians and Americans, who applauded and cheered for Gu Quanping and asked for a group photo.

Gu Yi plans to take his parents to skydive to commemorate their fifty-year golden marriage.

Upon hearing that they had jumped from a height of several thousand meters, Gu Quanping and Lü Aiping were a little scared at first, and they shook their heads and did not want to go, Gu Yi enlightened them, saying that there was no danger, and that they could also see beautiful scenery, most importantly, this was a very meaningful way to commemorate.

Gu Quanping was persuaded by his son, so he agreed to go skydiving. Gu Yi was more worried about his parents' physical state and did not know whether he would be able to eat in the process of skydiving, so he deliberately went to the hospital to ask the doctor.

The doctor of this hospital is very responsible, to Gu Yi's parents to do a physical examination, mainly to see if there is high blood pressure, heart disease and other diseases, after understanding the physical condition of the two elderly, the doctor judged that you can go skydiving.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Two days later, they arrived at the Cairns International Skydiving Airport in Australia, when Gu Quanping felt guilty in his heart.

Because he and his wife met through the introduction of a matchmaker, it is a more traditional kind, and the old couple did not talk much about love when they were young, and they got married directly.

So Gu Quanping always felt that there was a lack of romance and ritual, and he planned to propose to his wife again, to make up for this, and he picked some wildflowers around the airport.

Then he learned the way a young man looked, holding flowers in his hand, getting down on one knee, and proposing to his wife. Gu Quanping asked his wife if he would like to marry him, and Lu Aiping replied that he was willing, he had been married for fifty years, and he was willing to accompany the old man for another fifty years.

Such a warm and happy moment made Gu Yi, a witness on the side, shed tears and was also infected by that happiness.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

Next, the family of three got on the plane and rose to fourteen thousand feet of sky, and after the hatch was opened, the family of three, who had never jumped over the umbrella, were very nervous and kept looking out the window.

A family of three, accompanied by professionals, jumped out of the plane, Gu Yi was excited and frightened, and even dared not open his eyes, and was the last to jump.

As his body kept falling, the first thing that came to mind was to find his parents and see where they were.

He opened his eyes and looked around, and when he saw that his parents were not far below, he was finally relieved.

Falling rapidly from a high altitude, which made Gu Quanping enjoy this moment very much, he shouted out loudly, and then looked around, and was instantly shocked by the surrounding scenery, he couldn't help but say a few words in a row too beautiful.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

In the end, they landed smoothly, the whole family was immersed in joy, Gu Yi hugged his mother for the first time, and then they took a group photo with the skydiving coach.

Gu Yi once said that he hopes that his parents can become different after skydiving and start a new life.

88 days later, after the trip around Australia ended, the family of three returned to Chongqing, and Gu Yi took his father to the hospital again.

Gu Quanping did a physical examination, his condition was controlled, and it was also changing in a good direction. This result surprised the family very much, and they hugged each other and cried with joy.

After a few days, Gu Yi took his parents to the park near his home again, and the last time the family came, it was in this park that they decided to have gastrectomy.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

As three years ago, it is still the season of spring and flowers, it is still their family of three, the difference is that three years ago their mood was gloomy, and now, they are very cheerful.

Three years ago, Gu Quanping was diagnosed with advanced cancer, and the doctor said that his days were running out, but now that three years have passed, Gu Quanping's body is much better than before, and the whole person's mental state is also very good.

In the park, Gu Yi took a camera and took a lot of photos of his parents, all the way from abroad to China, Gu Yi himself said that he took a total of 110,000 photos, recording many of his parents' most beautiful moments.

Gu Yi did not want to leave regrets in his parents' lives, and wanted their people to live beautifully and live wonderfully.

Gu Yi, a filial son of Peking University: In 2015, he took his cancer father around Australia, and the ending was very heartwarming after 88 days

In the countdown to Gu Quanping's life, the family cared for a love with their hearts, watched this journey with love, a special final trip, and created a miracle of life.

Perhaps companionship created this miracle, before Gu Yi was busy with work, lack of time to accompany his parents, and then his father suffered from a terminal illness, he put down his work and chose to accompany his parents, under the blessing of this affection, coupled with his father's happy mood, which made the condition better.

Life itself is also like a journey, after experiencing danger, people have height, experience suffering, people have strength, Gu Quanping experienced the storms of life, life has a bright color.