
Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

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Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu string and

Friends who like to listen to the radio must be familiar with Qu Xianhe, he is a famous actor, host, and before his retirement, he was the head of the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Troupe.

Qu Xianhe has acted in works such as "Tangshan Earthquake" and "Biography of The Wind and Talented Woman Shi Pingmei" on the Central People's Radio's "Novel Series", recited more than a thousand works of various kinds, and also dubbed hundreds of translated films.

Qu Xianhe's wife, named Zhang Junying, is a professor at the Central Academy of Drama, and has also broadcast novels such as "Northern Grass", "Who Do You Defend", and "Traps and Garlands" on the Central People's Radio, which are deeply loved by listeners.

The artistic couple fell in love with each other on campus, Qu Xianhe and his wife "competed" for a lifetime, loved deeply for a lifetime, and jointly performed the "most romantic thing" in the red dust...


Many people may not know whether Qu Xianhe is an expatriate or a "red second generation".

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

When he was a child, he was with his parents and sister

Qu Xianhe was born in 1944 in Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia, the father of Qu Liang, a native of Wenzhou, Zhejiang, who joined the revolution in his early years, participated in the "Nanchang Uprising" and "Guangzhou Uprising", and later engaged in underground work.

After the defeat of the revolution, Qu Liang went into exile. He has worked as a teacher in overseas Chinese schools in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries.

Qu Xianhe's mother, surnamed Zhang, is a native of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, and followed her husband abroad as a physical education teacher. Qu Xian and there is an older sister named Qu Xianyin.

In 1949, Qu Xianhe was in the first grade in Singapore, and the motherland was liberated. Qu Liang and his wife were so excited that the following year they took a pair of children to the embrace of the motherland.

Under the care of the central leadership, the family eventually settled in Beijing, and Qu Liang entered Di'anmen Middle School to teach.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Stills of Zhang Junying's "Flowers of the Motherland"

When I was a child, my face was bulging and my hair was slightly curly, which was very cute. In the classroom, the teacher asked him to recite the text, and the strings and voice were loud and full of emotion, which was deeply loved by teachers and students.

In 1955, her mother took Qu Xianhe to the movies, and that day she played "Flowers of the Motherland". Although "Yang Yongli" in the film is a latecomer, she has big eyes, can sing and dance, is lively and cute, and has since taken her as an idol.

In the autumn of that year, the Beijing Children's Palace set up an art troupe, and Qu Xianhe was divided into the drama group.

During the rehearsal, he found that there was a little girl in the dance group who was particularly familiar, but he couldn't remember her name.

Qu Xianhe inquired from the children and learned that the little girl was Zhang Junying, the actor of "Yang Yongli" in "Flowers of the Motherland". To be able to rehearse with idols, Qu Xianhe is very happy.

Zhang Was born in Beijing in 1944 to a family of intellectuals, the same age as Qu Xianhe. His father studied law in Japan in his early years, and his mother was an economist. Zhang Junying has 3 older brothers and 1 older sister, and she is the youngest child in the family.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Zhang Junying as a child

Zhang Junying is lively and beautiful, with solid basic skills, and is often praised by teachers in public. Qu Xianhe took her as an example and secretly competed with Zhang Junying.

After Zhang Junying entered junior high school, he won the silver medal for middle school students in Beijing, and Qu Xian was envious. He knew that it was very difficult to win the award, requiring three consecutive years of study and moral education to be excellent.

Qu Xianhe is not far behind, strict requirements for himself everywhere, in the high school stage, he finally won the silver medal for middle school students, and finally caught up with the idol, Qu Xianhe was very pleased.

Zhang Junying Middle School is a beijing girls' twelfth middle school, Qu Xianhe is studying in Beijing second middle school, the two schools are friendly middle schools, usually there are often parties. Although Qu Xianhe liked Zhang Junying in his heart, he never dared to take the initiative to talk, for fear of touching the nail.


At that time, there was a popular mantra, learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and walk all over the world without fear. In 1961, when filling in the college entrance examination volunteer, Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying chose science and applied for the University of Science and Technology of China.

Because both of them have literary and artistic expertise, Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying were admitted to the Central Academy of Drama in advance. Knowing that he was about to become a classmate with the girl he liked, Qu Xianhe was excited.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying in rehearsal show

On the eve of the start of school, Qu Xianhe could not suppress his inner excitement and went to find Zhang Junying. The other party's family is rich, living in a two-entry courtyard, he just walked up the steps, met Zhang Junying's mother.

The other party asked Qu Xianhe what his name was and what he meant, and he answered them one by one, so nervous that his palms were full of sweat. Zhang's mother, worried that her daughter would be disturbed, pushed that her daughter was not at home, and Qu Xianhe had to leave in sorrow.

In the Chinese opera, Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying became classmates in the same class, they practiced together, rehearsed together, and felt good about each other. At that time, colleges and universities forbade love, and no one dared to show too much affection.

In the third year, the teacher arranged for Zhang Junying to rehearse the sketch "Prairie Night" with another boy, which showed a pair of young men and women reuniting after a long absence, and the key was a hug action.

Qu Xianhe was panicked in his heart and took the initiative to ask to perform this skit, but the teacher did not express his position on the spot. As a result, the boy did not perform well, and the teacher replaced Jean Qu Xianhe. He cherished this opportunity very much, repeatedly pondering every line and every action.

Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying worked together perfectly, and their "Prairie Night" won the praise of teachers and students throughout the school. At that moment, Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying were wrapped in happiness.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Performed on the temple platform in the countryside, the second from the left is Qu Xianhe

In 1965, both graduated from college. Zhang Junying was retained as a teacher for his excellent performance.

Qu Xianhe was an expatriate who could have stayed in Beijing to work. However, he responded to the Party's call to go to the most difficult places and to the places where the motherland needed them most.

The first three of his assignment volunteer forms are filled in "Qinghai", and the fourth column is filled in "obey the assignment". As a result, he was assigned to the Qinghai Provincial National Song and Dance Troupe as an actor.

On the eve of leaving Beijing, Qu Xianhe found Zhang Junying to confess his heart, and the two formally established a relationship.

In Qinghai, Qu Xianhe was not afraid of hardship, and rode his horse to a remote pastoral area to perform for the local people. Under the stars and in the snow, they trekked to remote areas such as Yushu and Guoluo. The sincere smiles and warm applause of the herders made Qu Xianhe unforgettable.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying

Between rehearsals, he wrote a letter to Zhang Junying in Beijing in a tent with four walls of ventilation, telling his thoughts and telling what he saw and heard about the performance. Despite being thousands of miles apart, two young hearts are never far away.

However, in 1966, Qu Xianhe unexpectedly received a tearful letter from Zhang Junying.


It turned out that the special era came, Zhang Junying's father studied in Japan in his early years and was beaten into a Japanese spy. Father Zhang did not want to suffer injustice and chose to commit suicide.

The gang did not spare and turned Zhang Junying's home upside down. In order not to involve her boyfriend, Zhang Junying endured heartache and wrote a breakup letter to Qu Xianhe.

The girlfriend suffered a major misfortune, and Qu Xian and his heart ached like a cut. He wrote back to Zhang Junying with tears: At this time, I broke up with you, I am not a man, and now I just want to marry you.

After receiving a reply from her boyfriend, Zhang Junying burst into tears.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying

Not only that, Qu Xianhe also asked his sister to comfort Zhang Junying. Mother Qu is very kind, she sympathizes with Zhang Junying and her mother's plight, and also brings them to the house, makes food, and comforts the mother and daughter with language.

The behavior of her boyfriend and her family made Zhang Junying moved, and she more and more recognized her original choice.

In March 1967, Qu Xianhe issued a single certificate from the Qinghai Song and Dance Troupe and returned to Beijing to hold a simple wedding with Zhang Junying.

After marriage, the couple began a long life of separation. Zhang Junying once went to Qinghai to visit relatives, where supplies were very scarce. There are no side dishes in the shop, only kelp and fern. Due to her husband's malnutrition and yellow muscles, Zhang Junying was distressed.

After returning to Beijing, her husband became a concern that she could not let go. At that time, Beijing had a train to Qinghai every 12 days. So every 12 days, Zhang Junying bought a large bag of cakes, canned fish, sesame sauce, salted duck eggs and other side dishes, and asked the conductor to carry them to Qu Xianhe.

Every time he received a gift from his wife, Qu Xianhe's heart was full of warmth and emotion.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Xian and the couple with a pair of children

In 1968, Zhang Junying gave birth to a son, Qu Jia, in Beijing. At that time, Qu Xianhe was performing with the team at the grassroots level. By the time he arrived in Beijing, his son was more than 20 days old.

The following year, Zhang Yunying gave birth to a daughter Qu Wei for Qu Xianhe. Becoming the father of a pair of children, Qu Xianhe's heart was full of joy.

In the days of separation, Qu Xian and his wife's difficulty, but he could not help much. Every wedding anniversary or his wife's birthday, he would write a love poem and send it to her. Zhang Junying regarded this as the most precious gift and cherished it forever.

Qu Xianhe worked in Qinghai for 8 years, and in 1973 he was finally transferred back to Beijing and joined the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Corps.

On the day her husband returned to Beijing, Zhang Junying came to the train station early with a pair of children. Qu Xianhe walked out of the platform, and his son recognized him at once, opened his small arms and pounced on him happily.

The daughter did not know her father, and dragged her mother's clothes to hide behind her. The trepidation and shyness in her eyes made Qu Xianhe feel pain.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Xianhe and his wife Zhang Junying (left)

After the reunion of the husband and wife, Qu Xianhe and his wife made a division of labor, because the child was relatively unfamiliar with him, Qu Xianhe was responsible for the children's spiritual growth and cultivating the parent-child relationship. Zhang Junying did a good job of logistical support and took care of the family's diet and living.


Years of performance tempering, so that Qu Xianhe has accumulated a wealth of performance experience, in the recitation, he can accurately control the timbre, pitch and emotion of the collocation, breath mediation, words and sentences are just right.

Qu Xianhe proposed the three natures of recitation: action, imagery, and musicality. His recitation is like a highly contagious symphony, reaching the heart.

In order to recite the poem "Dayan River - My Mother", Qu Xianhe visited the author of this poem, the famous poet Ai Qing. He learned in detail about Ai Qing's life and creative background, and accurately understood every word and word of this poem.

Later, Qu Xianhe recited this poem on the Central People's Radio, which was well received by listeners across the country.

The poet Ai Qing said: As soon as I heard Qu Xian and recited this poem, I had an urge to cry.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Xian and stills from the movie "The Last Eight"

In 1977, Qu Xianhe recited the famous poet Guo Xiaochuan's masterpiece "Autumn in Tuanbowa" in public at the Beijing Workers' Gymnasium. His tone is slow and his feelings are deep, which perfectly interprets the connotation of poetry.

After the recitation, tens of thousands of people stood up and applauded, and the enthusiasm of the audience made Qu Xian and hot tears fill their eyes.

In view of Qu Xianhe's outstanding professional ability and influence in the field of art, he was elected as the head of the unit drama troupe in 1982, and two years later he was promoted to the head of the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Troupe, becoming the youngest head of the national literary troupe.

Zhang Junying is not far behind and closely follows the pace of her husband's career. In addition to completing the teaching tasks of Chinese opera, she also acted in dramas, recording "Who Do You Defend", "Northern Grass", "Traps and Garlands" and so on for the "Novel Series" program of the Central People's Radio.

Among them, Zhang Junying and Qu Xianhe broadcast the reportage "Tangshan Earthquake" and the biographical literature "The Biography of the Talented Woman Shi Pingmei" together, and the couple cooperated tacitly and complemented each other.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying

In the 1980s, the voices of Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying spread throughout the motherland through radio waves, and hundreds of millions of listeners were fascinated by their voices.

In 1987, the Central People's Radio selected the "Top Ten Performers in China", and Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying were both selected.

In addition, I will reveal a little secret to you, the dubbing of "Guanyin Bodhisattva" in the old version of "Journey to the West" was also completed by Zhang Junying.

Not only that, Zhang Yunying also independently directed more than 240 translated films (sets), and Qu Xianhe has voiced hundreds of translated films.

In 1991, the China Broadcasting Association awarded Qu Xianhe and Zhang Yunying the title of "Excellent Acting Artist".

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Jia

Under the influence of their teachings, a pair of children are both good at character and learning. After graduating from university, his son Qu Jia went to study in the United Kingdom, and after returning to China, he engaged in financial work in Beijing. Daughter Qu Wei went to the United States to study, and later worked and settled abroad.


Qu Xianhe, who served as the head of the China Coal Mine Cultural troupe for 30 years, led by example and insisted on leading actors to perform in the mine. His request to everyone is that we want to perform for the most grass-roots coal miners, and we will be "coal mining teams that do not take pickaxes."

Down to the underground more than 100 meters to comfort the front-line coal miners, some actors are afraid, Qu Xianhe took a big step, walked in the front, to cheer everyone up.

When Zhang Junying learned of this, she quietly asked her husband: At that time, were you not afraid at all? Qu Xianhe told his wife: Soldiers bear one, and bear bears a nest. If I play the drum in my heart, how can I lead the team?

Qu Xianhe's personality charm has infected a large number of people, Zhang Guangbei, Chen Wei, Zhang Shan, Zhang Hanyu, and Jin Dong are his students.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Xianhe with his wife

In 2012, Qu Xianhe retired. He and his wife did not rely on walking birds and playing chess every day to pass the time like ordinary retired elderly people.

Qu Xianhe had been busy for most of his life and couldn't stop at all. He and his wife still record together and participate in social activities together. They also co-authored two broadcast monographs.

Qu Xianhe is very strong, and if others praise his wife when recording, he must do better and win the recognition of others. Zhang Yunying laughed at him for being too calculating.

Qu Xianhe smiled and said: "You just know, when you took the silver student medal in school, I was full of energy, to catch up with you, I have been fighting with you for most of my life!"

When her husband said this, Zhang Junying was also amused.

Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying walked hand in hand through the silver wedding and the golden wedding, and in March 2022, their 55th wedding anniversary ushered in the emerald wedding.

Qu Xian and Zhang Junying: "Fighting" for a lifetime, jointly interpreting "the most romantic thing"

Qu Xianhe and Zhang Junying do a program on the TV station

Yang Hongji, Zhang Guangbei, Zhang Kaili, Chen Wei, Zhang Hanyu and others personally visited the congratulations. Qu String and romance do not change, and give his wife a valuable emerald pendant. Her husband likes to collect, and Zhang Junying gives Qu Xian and a set of Winter Olympic stamps.

Qu Xianhe made a speech in public, saying that he and his wife "competed" for a lifetime, loved for a lifetime, and continued to perform the most romantic thing in the red dust with his wife. Zhang Junying was immersed in happiness.

Qu Xianhe and Zhang Yunying have been in love until baitou, they have experienced tribulations and tests, experienced wind and rain and hardships. The love of this artistic couple touched everyone!


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