
In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

author:Australasian history

In December 1945, one day near New Year's Day in China, the weather in Moscow was exceptionally cold, and the cold wind blew pedestrians shivering, and they couldn't help but speed up their pace to enter the warm home quickly.

There is an exception in the Moscow airport, he is not afraid of the cold weather, a man standing in the cold wind looking firmly into the distance, at this moment his heart is extremely hot, because he is about to return to the motherland after 10 years of absence, and finally can contribute to the cause of national liberation of the motherland.

This man, whose name was Mao Anying, was the first son of Chairman Mao and the martyr Yang Kaihui.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

Why did Mao Anying choose to return to China at this time?

In August 1945, for the cause of national liberation, in order to save the Chinese toiling masses from war and usher in a peaceful and tranquil life, Chairman Mao risked his life and resolutely stepped on a plane to Chongqing, and after 43 days of negotiations, finally signed the "Double Tenth Agreement" with the Kuomintang. The "Double Tenth Agreement" brought hope and dawn to the Chinese people for peace, democracy, and unity, but Chairman Mao fell ill because of this, and after returning to Yan'an, Chairman Mao, who was already overworked during the negotiations, was worried about the war and collapsed physically.

At this time, Mao Anying had planned to return to China, and the fact that Chairman Mao fell ill made him determined to return to China immediately. Later, Mao Anying expressed his wish to return to Stalin and conveyed to him the latest situation of his father, and Stalin agreed and sent two doctors to accompany him.

Mao Anying first departed from Moscow on an Illin airliner and then changed to a small plane in Dihua (present-day Urumqi) in Xinjiang to fly directly to Yan'an. When the plane entered China, looking at the scene outside the window, Mao Anying's eyes were moist, and he cried out in his heart:

"Motherland, the motherland that has been separated for 10 years, I Mao Anying have finally returned."

In January 1946, Mao Anying arrived in Yan'an.

Mao Anying, who did not see his father at the age of 18, was in an urgent mood, and Chairman Mao, who loved his son, dragged his sick body to the airport to personally greet his son.

After the plane landed, before the door of the plane could be opened, Mao Anying, who was eager to see his father, hurried toward the hatch, and Chairman Mao immediately stepped forward. After the aircraft hatch opened, Mao Anying was the first to drill out.

Seeing his father standing below waiting for you, Mao Anying couldn't wait, almost slid down the ladder and ran to Chairman Mao. Looking at Mao Anying, who was wearing a military green coat, carrying the rank of captain on his shoulders, and stepping on his feet and big leather boots, Chairman Mao smiled and said with a smile: "You have grown so tall..." Before Chairman Mao could finish speaking, Mao Anying ran up and warmly embraced Chairman Mao.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

"Daddy, Daddy, I miss you so much..." Mao An said in English in Chairman Mao's ear with earnest and excitement.

Chairman Mao was also very excited when he heard Mao Anying's words, and he also hugged Mao Anying tightly, looking at the son who had not been seen for 18 years, and now he was a tall and burly son, Chairman Mao sighed with emotion: "I miss you the same..."

On the same day, Chairman Mao, who was not good at cooking, personally cooked a home-cooked meal for Mao Anying.

Looking at his father's busy appearance for himself, Mao Anying was very touched and very happy. In the next few days, Chairman Mao and Mao Anying were inseparable, telling each other about the events that had happened to each other in the 18 years of parting, and pouring out their thoughts about each other.

It was also in this year that a young woman followed her mother to Yan'an, and her name was Liu Siqi.

In June 1946, after years of unremitting struggle by the Party Central Committee, more than 120 revolutionary volunteers and their families imprisoned by the Xinjiang warlord Sheng Shicai were freed and came to Yan'an, including Liu Siqi's mother Zhang Wenqiu and Liu Siqi's two sisters Shao Hua and Shaolin.

On the evening of June 11, this day was a memorable day for Mao Anying and Liu Siqi, and they met for the first time on this day.

On the evening of the 11th, Chairman Mao set up a family banquet to entertain comrades returning from Xinjiang, and Zhang Wenqiu and liu Siqi's three sisters were also invited to participate. On the way to the banquet, Mao Anying, who had just finished his work, also came to the banquet, and Chairman Mao happily introduced Mao Anying to everyone after seeing it:

"This is my eldest son, Mao Anying, and our father and son have been separated for almost 20 years, and it was not long before he returned from the Soviet Union..."

After listening, everyone congratulated Chairman Mao one after another, and Chairman Mao also responded with a smile.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

After that, Chairman Mao deliberately pulled Mao Anying to Zhang Wenqiu's side, pointed at Zhang Wenqiu and said to Mao Anying:

"This is Aunt Zhang, a good friend of your mother.""

After Mao Anying heard this, he immediately bowed deeply to Zhang Wenqiu. Later, Chairman Mao said to Zhang Wenqiu:

"Comrade Wen Qiu, you may be the only guest today who has ever seen Kishi Ying, remember?"

Zhang Wenqiu of course remembers Mao Anying, and she has a deep memory of the scene when she saw Mao Anying, who was still very young, in Changsha, Hunan Province, more than 20 years ago, and looking at Mao Anying, who is now in a dignified manner, she can't help but feel a thousand emotions, and her heart is also very happy.

Subsequently, Zhang Wenqiu saw the eldest daughter Liu Siqi, the second daughter Shao Hua and the third daughter Shaolin introduced to Mao Anying one by one, and Mao Anying was also very polite, bowing to them one by one and greeting them with a smile.

At the first meeting, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi were deeply impressed with each other.

Afterwards, when the two recalled their impressions of each other when they first met, Mao Anying said:

"I am deeply impressed by your (Liu Siqi's) big eyes."

Liu Siqi said even more bluntly:

"Mao Anying is tall, young and dashing, and in my eyes is a standard Prince Charming."

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

Lovers all start with having a good feeling for each other.

After the first meeting, Liu Siqi often went to Chairman Mao to play in the days to come, so her exchanges with Mao Anying became more and more frequent, and as they spent more and more time together, Liu Siqi saw more and more advantages in Mao Anying.

At this time, in Liu Siqi's eyes, although Mao Anying had been in the Soviet Union for many years, his Chinese was very good, and he was also very cheerful, easy-going, and kind-hearted, without any shelf, and was approachable.

More importantly, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi both had the same experience when they were young.

As Mao Anying said later when he replied to Liu Siqi why he wanted her as a girlfriend:

"The fate of the two of us is the same, a bitter melon on a vine. My mother was shot and killed by the Kuomintang reactionaries, and your father was also shot and killed by the Kuomintang reactionaries; I grew up in prison, and you also spent time in prison from an early age; I was a wandering child and dropped out of school, and you also dropped out of school. We have the same experience, there should be many common languages, and I believe the two of us can come together. ”

Mao Anying and Liu Siqi are "bitter melons on a vine", and the same encounter has made the two have many similar topics.

In this way, the two people who have a good feeling for each other and have a lot of common topics will naturally come together in the end.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

Mao Anying and Liu Siqi were in love with Xibaipo in Pingshan, Hebei.

In May 1948, the situation in the War of Liberation was getting better and better, and Chairman Mao and other leaders of the Party Central Committee turned to northern Shaanxi and arrived in Xibaipo, Pingshan, Hebei. A few days later, Mao Anying also rushed from the Bohai Sea in Shandong Province to Xibaipo, and then accepted the new task assigned by the party committee non-stop - to go to the nearby countryside to carry out land reform work. Coincidentally, Liu Siqi was seeing a doctor at Pingshan Hospital at this time, not far from Xibaipo.

Hearing that Chairman Mao and Mao Anying were in Xibaipo, Liu Siqi rushed to Xibaipo to visit them.

The moment he saw Liu Siqi, Mao Anying was very surprised and very happy, and said enthusiastically:

"Si Qi, you have grown tall, grown up, grown up beautiful!" Remember, when you were in Yan'an, you were still a little tall..." After saying that, he ran his hand toward his chest. After that, Mao Anying asked about Liu Siqi's recent situation.

"I went to school at the College of Letters of Changzhi North University in Shanxi, and now the school is on summer vacation. I always had malaria a while ago, but this time I used a new drug and miraculously got better. I came here, one to see My Father, and the other to see the two children of Uncle Shaoqi and Aunt WangQian, Tintin and Haihai. I didn't expect to meet you today, it's really gratifying..."

Liu Siqi happily talked to Mao Anying, and Mao Anying also listened patiently.

Soon after, After Liu Siqi recovered from his illness, he was assigned to a nearby countryside to carry out land reform with Mao Anying, along with Sun Weishi, the adopted daughter of Premier Zhou. During those years, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi went to the countryside to work together, and they also returned together at night.

Mao Anying not only cares about Liu Siqi at work, but also takes care of her in life. For countless nights, Liu Siqi sat next to Mao Anying, looking at the sky full of stars, listening to Mao Anying talk about his wandering life in Shanghai and his study life in Moscow. In this way, with the passage of time, the two young hearts gradually came together.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

Mao Anying and Liu Siqi spent a long time together, and naturally they could not hide from Zhang Wenqiu, the mother of Liu who came over.

One day, by chance, Zhang Wenqiu discovered Mao Anying's love letter to Liu Siqi, and later Zhang Wenqiu told Deng Yingchao about it, and Deng Yingchao also discovered the unusual relationship between the two after careful observation, so he told Premier Zhou about it.

After Premier Zhou determined that the relationship between the two was unusual, Deng Yingchao and Kang Keqing told Chairman Mao about the matter. Chairman Mao was naturally very happy after hearing this, not to mention that he never interfered with the free love of his children, he had always loved Liu Siqi, and he had once thought of introducing Mao Anying to Liu Siqi, and when he saw that the two of them came together without introduction, Chairman Mao was naturally very happy.

After that, Chairman Mao wrote a letter asking Mao Anying about this matter, and Mao Anying also truthfully told the fact that he was with Liu Siqi, and firmly stated that the two of them wanted to get engaged, hoping that the chairman would agree.

The two were able to marry, and Chairman Mao naturally raised his hands in favor. Of course, for the sake of prudence, Chairman Mao also specially sought out Zhang Wenqiu to seek her opinion, and planned to give this family affair if Zhang Wenqiu agreed.

After Zhang Wenqiu arrived, Chairman Mao asked her what she thought of Mao Anying and Liu Siqi together: "Listen to What Shore Ying said, he and Si Qi are very good, he also loves Si Qi, and now they are asking for an engagement, I agree, now it depends on whether you are dissatisfied with this son-in-law." ”

Zhang Wenqiu also liked Mao Anying, and replied with a smile: "Shore Ying and Si Qi have been through the letter for a long time, I know this, and now they ask for an engagement, and the chairman agrees, I am very happy." It's just that I'm worried that Si Qi's young and naïve people are not worthy of Shore Ying. ”

As for Liu Siqi, Chairman Mao was quite satisfied, and when he heard Zhang Wenqiu say that he was afraid that Liu Siqi was young and unworthy of Mao Anying, the chairman said sincerely: "I see Siqi very sensible, although she is young, she is very measured in dealing with people and things." She was a descendant of martyrs, my dry daughter, and I liked her very much. ”

Hearing Chairman Mao say this, how could Zhang Wenqiu refuse again? He said happily: "If Si Qi and Kishi Ying can really be together, be the daughter-in-law of the chairman, and often receive education around the chairman, they will be very happy." ”

In this way, the family affair between Mao Anying and Liu Siqi was thus settled. Mao Anying and Liu Siqi were overjoyed to learn that Chairman Mao and Zhang Wenqiu had agreed to this discipline, and repeatedly thanked Mother Deng and Mother Kang, who had contributed a lot in it.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

Soon, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi were ready to get married.

One day in late summer, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi came to Chairman Mao's residence to solicit opinions.

Because Liu Siqi had not yet reached the age of marriage and had not yet graduated, Chairman Mao hoped that she could finish her studies in school and get married after graduation, and Liu Siqi and Mao Anying also followed Chairman Mao's advice and prepared to wait for Liu Siqi to marry after graduation.

On October 1, 1949, a day of national celebration, Chairman Mao solemnly announced the founding of New China to the world from the top of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. On this very day, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi happily came to Chairman Mao's residence and asked him for advice on marriage.

This time, Chairman Mao did not refuse and gladly agreed to the request for the two of them to marry:

"I agree, what are you going to do with the marriage?"

"I discussed with Si Qi that the simpler the wedding, the better, we all have carry-on clothes, we also have ready-made bedding, and we don't have to spend money to buy things." Mao Anying looked happy and said happily to Chairman Mao.

Mao Anying means that the wedding does not need to be done in a big way, as long as the family has a simple meal together.

"This is a matter of joy and joy, and it should be hard and simple. But your marriage is a lifelong event, and I invite you all to a meal. Please whomever you want. You tell Si Qi's mother that she doesn't want to spend money on things. She wanted to invite anyone to come and have a meal. ”

Chairman Mao was very relieved to hear that Mao Anying did not want to hold a wedding, but he also felt that marriage was a major event in a lifetime, although simplicity was right, but he should also invite relatives and friends to eat a meal, so he told Mao Anying that he had spent money to invite relatives and friends of the two families to get together and eat a meal, just to add blessings to their wedding.

Seeing that his father had said this, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi did not refuse, and immediately discussed the guest list at Chairman Mao's residence.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

Soon, they negotiated a list of guests and handed it over to Chairman Mao.

After Chairman Mao got the list, he mused for a moment:

"You should only invite Mother Deng (Deng Yingchao), you should also invite Enlai (Zhou Enlai); you should invite Mother Cai (Cai Chang), you should also invite Fuchun (Li Fuchun); you should invite Mother Kang (Kang Keqing), you should also ask the Commander-in-Chief (Zhu De); you should invite Elder Xie (Xie Jueya), you should also invite Wang Dingguo; and Comrades Shaoqi and Guangmei should also please, and Comrade Bishi is sick, so don't bother him..."

Mao Anying was not negligent; the reason why he did not invite Premier Zhou, Commander-in-Chief Zhu, Li Fuchun, and others was not because he did not want to, but because he felt that the country was now in ruins and awaiting rejuvenation, and Premier Zhou was fully engaged in the construction of new China, and he could not run to trouble them because of such a trivial matter as getting married.

Deep down, Mao Anying really wanted to invite them to his wedding, and he also hoped that the people he respected could witness the beginning of his happy life with Si Qi.

Therefore, hearing that his father took the initiative to invite them to the wedding, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi naturally agreed with their mouths.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

On the evening of October 15, 1949, just half a month after the founding of New China, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding ceremony in Zhongnanhai.

The wedding of Mao Anying and Liu Siqi is known as the wedding of the highest standard and lowest scene in New China.


It is said that it was the highest standard wedding in New China, and that was because the guests attending the wedding at that time included Chairman Mao, Commander-in-Chief Zhu, Premier Zhou, Liu Shaoqi and other leaders of New China.

And the lowest scene, that's because the wedding is very simple, more simple than ordinary people.

There were only 2 tables for the wedding banquet, one table was for Chairman Mao, Commander-in-Chief Zhu, Premier Zhou, Liu Shaoqi, and their wives, as well as Mao Anying and Liu Siqi, and the other table was for children.

The feast is also very simple, only some Hunan hometown dishes, such as bacon, bacon and fish, which are no longer ordinary dishes.

The dress of the newlyweds Mao Anying and Liu Siqi is also very simple, Mao Anying is wearing ordinary clothes, Liu Siqi is also full of old clothes, corduroy tops, semi-new pants, the only new thing on the body, is the two sides of the mouth cloth shoes worn on the feet.

At the wedding banquet, Commander-in-Chief Zhu, Premier Zhou, Liu Shaoqi, and other leaders of the CPC Central Committee all gave them their most sincere wishes, praising them as a good couple with talented women and wishing them a happy marriage and growing old together.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

As the father of the newlyweds, Chairman Mao was even happier, smiling all night, and on the way to the banquet, he took Liu Siqi's hand and said kindly: "You are a bride today, you are already an adult, no longer a child." You used to be my dry daughter, and now you are my eldest daughter-in-law, and I wish you and Kishi Ying and Kazumi mei and progress together..."

After the wedding, Chairman Mao took out a half-used black tweed army coat and handed it to Mao Anying, saying:

"I have no other gifts for you, this is the coat I wore when I went to Chongqing to negotiate, I didn't wear it later, I give it to you now."

After Mao Anying took the coat, Chairman Mao went on to say in a joking tone:

"This coat, during the day Shore Ying can withstand the cold, at night can be used as a quilt, so Si Qi also has a share!" Two people don't have to fight! ”

After sending the gifts, looking at the happy appearance of Mao Anying and Liu Siqi, Chairman Mao Lao Huai said with relief:

"Dad owes you too much, as long as you are happy, I have no regrets."

After the wedding, Mao Anying took the gifts given to them by his father and brought the sincere blessings given to him by Commander-in-Chief Zhu, Premier Zhou, Liu Shaoqi and other elders, and he and Liu Siqi came to the wedding room on Chaowai Street in Dongcheng District.

The wedding room was an office specially vacated for them by Li Kenong, because it was temporarily vacated, the marriage room was empty, there was no decent furniture, and the only thing that looked decent at a glance was the two new quilts on the bed.

In 1949, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi held a wedding: the highest standard and lowest scene wedding in New China

This is the wedding of Chairman Mao's son Mao Anying, as simple and simple as ordinary people.

However, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi, the newlyweds who have suffered since childhood, are very satisfied and happy, because since then they have their own home and can start a happy life.

After marriage, the two spent a very happy time, inseparable, very loving.

However, this happy time was very short, just in the past year, this loving couple has been separated by yin and yang due to a war, leaving only the other half in this world to miss each other.

In October 1950, when the Korean War broke out, Mao Anying took the initiative to join the Chinese Volunteer Army and go to Korea to participate in the war.

On November 25, 1950, Mao Anying died heroically on the Korean battlefield at the age of 28.

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