
History of Jiaodong: Where does the jurisdiction of "Yaqian County" with Taocun as the station?

author:Jiaodong story meeting

Previously, we have successively introduced some historical divisions of Jiaodong to you, and the theme of this time is also related to it, and the zoning to be introduced is "Yaqian County".

Yaqian County was established in the 1940s. At that time, in order to adapt to the war environment, many new counties were added to the Jiaodong base area. Some of these counties continue to this day (there was a brief merger in between), such as Laixi County and Rushan County (now both county-level cities), and some were abolished after a few years, such as Yenan County and Wulong County. Yaqian County falls into the latter case.

Since the department is named after the geographical location (before Asan), the approximate location of Yaqian County is not difficult to judge. But where does its specific jurisdiction cover? Many friends may not have a complete concept. Next, we will make a brief introduction based on historical materials.

History of Jiaodong: Where does the jurisdiction of "Yaqian County" with Taocun as the station?

Before introducing the jurisdiction, first look at the basic situation of Yaqian County.

The former name of Yaqian County was as the Asan Base Area. In 1941, after the Battle of Asan, Taocun (Qixia) and the surrounding areas (Haiyang Guocheng, Muping Guanshui, etc.) were liberated. Since then, after several years of construction, the Asan base area has become increasingly consolidated. In this context, the Jiaodong District Administrative Office decided to set up Yaqian Experimental County by separating a number of towns and villages within the base area of Asan from the former Qixia, Haiyang, Muping, Rushan and other counties. On January 28, 1945, the Bureau held a general meeting to officially announce the establishment of Yaqian County.

According to the "Chronicle of Qixia County, Chronicles", the newly established Yaqian County was successively stationed in Guocheng, Taocun and other places (of which the time in Taocun was longer, and later generations mentioned the Yaqian County station, usually only Mentioning Taocun), which was abolished in January 1950.

History of Jiaodong: Where does the jurisdiction of "Yaqian County" with Taocun as the station?

(▲Zoning map of Yaqian County in the Chronicle of Qixia County)

From the above description, it is not difficult to see that the jurisdiction of Yaqian County is divided into four counties: Qixia, Haiyang, Muping, and Rushan (muhai county was established in 1941 and renamed Rushan county in 1945), and was later divided into 10 districts. According to the Records of Qixia County, the 10 districts are: Taocun District, Yushan District, Guanshui District, Xujiadian District, Changsha District, Gushan District, Facheng District, Guocheng District, Mashi District and Linsi District.

Among them, Taocun District and Yushan District (district station Liulianhe) are roughly analyzed from Qixia, Guanshui District and Gushan District (west of the district station) are roughly analyzed from Muping, Xujiadian District, Changsha District (district station Changsha fort), Facheng District, Guocheng District, Linsi District (district station battlefield berth) are roughly analyzed from Haiyang, and Mashi District (district station Mashidian) is roughly analyzed from Rushan (Note: The villages at the junction are mostly fine-tuned, so it is called "general body"). After the abolition of the former county in January 1950, the above areas were basically transferred back to the original counties.

Compared with the current zoning, the above areas are roughly equivalent to: the southern part of Taocun Town in Qixia City, the eastern and southern parts of Tangjiabo Town (excluding Tangjiabo Village), the western part (including Guanshui Village) and the south (formerly Buxitou Township) of Guanshui Town in Muping District, all of Guocheng Town in Haiyang City, all of Xujiadian Town, the northern part of Facheng Town (including Facheng Village) and the western part of Yazi Town of Rushan City (formerly Mashidian Town).

History of Jiaodong: Where does the jurisdiction of "Yaqian County" with Taocun as the station?

It can be seen that although the seat of Yaqian County is permanently located in Taocun in the former Qixia County, its proportion of jurisdictions analyzed from Haiyang County is actually larger.

If you describe it as a natural landmark, Yaqian County is roughly an area surrounded by Mount Arimashi (east), Mount Hayashi (south), Laozhai Mountain (west), and Mount Asa (north).

Although Yaqian County has not existed for a long time, it has also left several deep memories. A more typical example is the construction of the Jiaodong Martyrs' Cemetery (Yingling Mountain). According to the "Chronicle of Qixia County", on May 1, 1945, the cemetery broke ground on Lingshan Mountain in the eastern foothills of Yashan Mountain, and was completed in 1947, so Lingshan was renamed Yingling Mountain. During this period, it was under the rule of Yaqian County.

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