
As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

author:Pediatrician Shang Yun

People have 1/3 of their lives spent in sleep, so ensuring high-quality and adequate sleep is very important for the human body, but many people in life ignore the importance of sleep, often develop the habit of staying up late, but in the long run, the impact on the human body is also relatively large.

And now the topic of health is also getting hotter and hotter, attracting people's attention, in fact, from ancient times to the present, there are many health statements, such as "people sleep three nights, life is thinner than paper." I believe that many people have heard of this sentence, but they also do not understand it, what do the three senses refer to? Let's analyze it in detail.

As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

(1) Black and white upside down

Many people are up in the morning, do not sleep at night, in the state of staying up late, there are some people who work at night, so they often sleep during the day and go to work at night, but the impact on the body is also relatively large.

As the saying goes: "sunrise and rest, sunset and rest", this is also the natural law of nature, if this law is violated, then in the long run, the human body's biological clock will be disordered, sleep rhythm disorder.

This will affect their own health. It will also cause the yang qi in the body to be hindered and affect the normal functioning of various organs. In addition, such words will also lead to eating disorders that damage gastrointestinal health and have a greater impact on the body, so in normal times, we should pay attention to changing the habit of staying up late as much as possible, and go to bed early and get up early on time.

As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

(2) Sleep after meals

As the saying goes: spring sleepiness, autumn fatigue, summer napping, so now after entering the summer, many people often have abnormal sleepiness after eating, and they will choose that lunch break.

Indeed, the lunch break is good for physical health, which is conducive to regulating the balance of yin and yang in the body, enhancing its own metabolism, discharging toxins, and also helping to improve the work efficiency in the afternoon.

However, during the lunch break, we must pay attention to the fact that it is best not to go to bed immediately after eating, because after eating, the stomach and intestines are in a working state, if you lie on the table to sleep at this time, it will affect the blood circulation of the brain, and it will also be accompanied by dizziness and headaches.

At the same time, it will also affect normal digestion and absorption, resulting in indigestion, which will also lead to an increase in blood concentration, inducing blood vessel blockage and causing the risk of stroke.

As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

Therefore, in normal times, we must pay attention to it, it is best not to take a lunch break immediately, and we must also pay attention to controlling the sleep time during the lunch break, which will lead to the problem of not being able to sleep at night. At the same time, do not lie on the table to avoid affecting the health of the stomach and intestines.

(3) Qi sensation

Now with the pace of life accelerating. More and more young people are also in the case of high pressure for a long time, often there will be angry and grumpy situation, this time must pay attention to, it is best not to fall asleep with emotions.

Just as the so-called qi hurts the body, its own anger will affect the health of the human body, will also affect the quality of sleep, but also lead to the brain in a long-term tight state, unable to sleep peacefully, resulting in insomnia.

Not only that, often angry, will also affect the normal operation of liver qi in the body, resulting in liver blood disorders, poor operation of qi and blood, thereby gradually increasing the risk of disease, so in the usual time or try to change this sleep habit.

As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

Therefore, although this sentence sounds like some superstition, but there is also a certain scientific reason, sleep is not right for the body impact is also relatively large, so in the usual sleep, we must pay attention to change the above several behavioral habits, so as to ensure the health of the human body.

What are the benefits of getting enough sleep for the body?

Physiological role 1: Consolidation of memory

Ensuring high-quality and adequate sleep can help consolidate memory, improve memory, maintain the normal functioning of the brain, and prevent memory loss.

Physiological effect 2: Promotes the development of brain function

Ensuring high-quality and adequate sleep can also promote the development of brain power, improve brain function, maintain the operation of various neurons in the brain, and promote the development of the cerebral cortex.

Physiological effect 3: Promotes the recovery of physical strength and energy

Ensuring high-quality and adequate sleep can also help promote physical recovery, improve spirit, and prevent the problem of physical exhaustion and fatigue, especially for office workers.

As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

Physiological effect 4: Promotes growth

For children to ensure high-quality and adequate sleep, is conducive to promoting the growth and development of children, about 80% of the growth hormone is secreted in sleep of a stable sleep cycle, is conducive to the secretion of hormones, so that children grow tall.

Physiological effect 5: protection of the central nervous system

Ensuring high-quality and adequate sleep can maintain the central nervous system, help inhibit the invasion of bacteria and viruses, maintain the normal functioning of the human body, and make the body healthier.

Physiological effect 6: Enhances immune function

Ensuring quality sleep can enhance the body's resistance and immune function, reduce the risk of disease, help fight viruses, and play a strong health effect.

As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

Therefore, ensuring high-quality and adequate sleep is very important for the human body, and I hope that you can also adhere to it in life.

If you want to improve the quality of sleep, do 2 things before going to bed, and good dreams will come naturally

1. Drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed

If you want to improve quality sleep, you should also pay attention to the good habit of drinking a cup of hot milk before going to bed, which can help supplement calcium and protect bone health.

Moreover, it has the effect of nourishing the heart and calming the mind, alleviating the situation of sleep and dreams, and improving the quality of high-quality sleep, so people who sleep for a long time drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed helps to calm the mind, and good dreams will naturally come.

As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

2. Soak your feet before going to bed

If you want to improve quality sleep, you can also develop a good habit of soaking your feet before going to bed, there are many acupuncture points on the soles of your feet, and soaking your feet before going to bed can help stimulate the acupuncture points on the soles of your feet and promote blood circulation inside the human body.

Draining the toxin garbage in the body, reducing the burden on the body, and also helping to play a calming effect, improving sleep and dreams, and letting you sleep until dawn.

As the saying goes: "A man sleeps three times, and his life is thinner than paper", what does it mean? Not superstitious, it is recommended to understand

What other tips do you know about regulating sleep? You can share it in the comments below.