
The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

author:Tan's Cultural Studies

Finishing 丨 Tan Qiming

The thirty-ninth grandson of Ke Yizu (Hongzhi Sect).

The seventeenth grandson of the Tan clan of Shaodongping Township

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

According to Xinhua News Agency, at 9 o'clock on May 21, 2022, Tan Deben, a combat hero of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, a founding colonel and an old Red Army soldier, died in Yinchuan, Ningxia at the age of 104 due to ineffective medical treatment.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Tan Deben was born in August 1918 in Yingshan County, Sichuan Province. He is a descendant of the Tan clan of Hunan Province, the Descendants of the Duke of Shirin of the Tan clan of Hunan Province, and the descendants of the Duke of Balang Jingqing. The ancestor of the Irisawa, Yuan Bagong, entered the river from Lantian in Hunan during the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, and Tan De was the eighth generation grandson of the Yuan Ba Duke: Yuan → Shi → Xing→ Ren → Lian → Loyal→ with → virtue.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Xuelin Gong moved from Taihe County, Ji'an, Jiangxi to The Xiangzhong region of Hunan, kaiji li ethnic group, Qi Xiangzhong surname into Xiangzhong first, has been more than 700 years, Xiangzhong is the birthplace of Xuelin Gong, people thrive, long-term prosperity, breeding endlessly, future generations are also mellow and virtuous, talented. This is not only the self-improvement of the clan, but also the accumulation of virtue by the ancestors, and the ze is in the future generations. Its descendants are full of talents, the peak of the kejia, the literature and martial arts, all over the north and south of the great river and at home and abroad, is the local famous and prestigious family.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

The Xiangzhong Tan clan originated from the ancient Xichang lineage in Jiangxi, and was descended from the Duke of Guoqi. The third son of Duke Yunshen, Xuelin Gong (林公), was selected to serve in Hunan as Shangxiang Linglang (Shangxiang Linglang of Changsha in the eighth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1304), the third son of Duke Yunshen, in the eighth year of Emperor Chengzong's reign (1304), and Shangxiang had jurisdiction over the counties and cities of Xiangxiang, Xiangtan, Lianyuan, Loudi, Shuangfeng, and Lengshuijiang in present-day Hunan. In the following year, Yunshen Gong died of illness, and Xuelin Gongben mourned the ceremony, that is, he welcomed his mother Yan Shi and his daughter-in-law in 1307 AD, and the family moved from Taihe County, Ji'an, Jiangxi to the Xiangzhong region of Hunan.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Xiangzhong is referred to as Xiang because of Hunan, and the jurisdiction of Shangxiang at that time was in the central hinterland of Hunan, and the current Loudi City (Louxing District, Lianyuan, Lengshuijiang, Xinhua, Shuangfeng) and the surrounding Anhua, Ningxiang, Xiangxiang, Xinshao, Shaoyang and other areas, so it was called Xiangzhong.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Like the Tan clan relatives around the world, the Tan clan in Xiangzhong has adhered to the Tan clan virtue, the sages of the Rope Martial Arts, the Humanistic Biaobing, the Voice of the Four Seas, and the Beauty of the Fang, leaving a magnificent poem in the long river of history, and the pages are brilliant!

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Hunan Xiangzhong Tan clan Xuelin Gong lineage

The Jingqing Gongzong Branch unified the class order character school

Jing Zhongzhi should dream, and Bixiu Tianwenyong.

Ru Tingzhi (Yuan) (Shi) Shixing,

Renneng (Lian) Zhong (Zhong) has (friend) virtue.

Filial piety shows Zhou Kin, Ming Ding Xun Hua Yuan.

The cloud will be new, and Hongji will be blessed.

Guangye Yu Jinglun, praise and education are expensive.

Zhi Gao presented Zi Chen, assisted by Steel Weiyi.

Di Ji Ru Fang Zhen, Fraternity and Harmony.

The group of sages praises Tai Ping, and the friendship is harmonious.

Bo Yan is proud of his males.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Tan De was originally from the Xiangzhong Tan clan Xuelin Gong lineage, and the 20th generation of the Jingqing Duke [De] character descendants.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Born in August 1918 in Yingshan County, Sichuan Province, Tan Deben joined the revolution in August 1933 and joined the Communist Party of China in January 1938. Chinese a combat hero of the People's Liberation Army and a founding colonel.

He followed the Red Fourth Front of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army through the meadows and snowy mountains three times, and successively participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, as well as famous battles such as Pingxingguan and night attack on Yangmingbao.

His experience runs through the revolutionary history of the Party. After the founding of New China, Tan Deben successively worked in the Quartermaster Department of the Logistics Department of the former Lanzhou Military Region and the 21st Army Hospital in Gansu Tianshui. He was awarded the Order of August 1, 3rd Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the 3rd Class, and the Order of Liberation, 2nd Class.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Chronology of Teddex characters

◎ In 1937, in Dai County, Shanxi Province, he participated in the night attack on the Japanese Yangmingbao airfield commanded by Chen Xilian, commander of the 769th Regiment of the 385th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, annihilating more than 100 Japanese troops and destroying 24 aircraft.

◎ In 1938, he joined the Communist Party of China in the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army in the Jindong area of Shanxi Province.

◎ In 1939, he moved to Shandong and served as a platoon leader in the special agent company of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army in Luxi Liangshan.

◎ In 1939, he participated in the Liangshan ambush commanded by Yang Yong, commander of the Fourth Regiment of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and annihilated more than 300 Japanese troops.

◎ From 1940 to 1945, he served as the director of the 31st Regiment Shoe Factory in Southwest Lu.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

◎ After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, he was transferred to the Yan'an Joint Logistics Station.

◎ After the founding of New China, he successively worked in the Quartermaster Department of the Logistics Department of the Lanzhou Military Region and the Gansu Tianshui 21 Army Hospital.

◎ In 1955, he was awarded the rank of colonel, and was awarded the Order of August 1, 3rd Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the 3rd Class, and the Liberation Medal of the Second Class.

◎In 1988, he was awarded the Medal of Merit of the Red Star of the Second Class.

◎ In 2005, he was awarded the medal for the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

◎In 2015, he was awarded the 70th Anniversary Medal for the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

◎Retired in 1982 and enjoyed departmental treatment.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Life of Tedds ben

◎ In August 1933, Tan Deben participated in the revolution in his hometown of Nanchong, Sichuan, and that year, he was not yet 15 years old and was a "little red devil". He experienced the Long March, successively participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, fought countless times in the rain of bullets and bullets, and his body was scarred and full of the imprints of war, and he was a "living fossil" of the Chinese revolution.

◎ In October 1936, the Red Fourth Front met with the Red Front in Huining, Gansu, and soon after, the whole country entered the period of the All-People War of Resistance. Tedds ben's unit was reorganized into the 769th Regiment of the 385th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and it was in this unit that he participated in the famous night attack on Yangmingbao.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

◎ In the early period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yangmingbao Airport was an important military airfield of the Japanese Army, with 24 aircraft used for reconnaissance and bombing of Taiyuan and Xinkou. In order to cooperate with the Battle of Xinkou on the frontal battlefield, the 769th Regiment, with the assistance of the local masses, entered the airfield covertly and launched a sudden attack.

◎ Tedds Ben still remembers the night of October 19, 1937, when the artillery was full of fire, the soldiers tied grenades to their bodies, pounced into the enemy group, fought bravely, and clearly remembered that after being shot in the right leg, he ran for more than 30 miles with a gun and dragged his injured leg for more than 30 miles to continue fighting. After more than an hour of fierce fighting, all the Japanese aircraft were destroyed, and more than 100 Japanese troops were also annihilated. This victory has greatly encouraged the will of the military and people of the whole country to resist the war.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

◎ Tan Deben was in the army, he made outstanding achievements in battle, and won three weighty medals of the Order of August 1st, the Order of Independence and Freedom and the Liberation Medal, which also corresponded to the Long March of the Red Army, the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation. In the rear, Ted Ben is a good steward.

◎ In 1941, after the anti-Japanese base area was economically blockaded by the Japanese army, there was a shortage of daily necessities and military supplies. In the middle and late period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Teddeb was the director of the shoe factory in the army, "At that time, there was no cloth for making shoes, and the front-line soldiers could not fight barefoot, some people took out their own clothes, some took off their quilts, donated them to the shoe factory, and in a month we delivered more than 10,000 pairs of shoes to the front." ”

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

◎ After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Tedds ben successively participated in the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, silently dedicating his strength to defending his family and defending the country. After retirement, the old man did not idle, every Qingming National Day, the old man often went to the campus, the community, the revolution memorial hall, for the citizens and students to tell the spirit of the Long March, the spirit of the War of Resistance, he hopes that young people never forget that today's life is sacrificed revolutionary martyrs with blood in exchange.

◎ At 9 o'clock on May 21, 2022, Tan Deben died in Yinchuan at the age of 104 due to ineffective medical treatment.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Tedds Ben Honors Record

◎ In 1955, he was awarded the rank of colonel, and was awarded the Order of August 1 of the Third Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the Third Class, and the Liberation Medal of the Second Class.

◎ In 1988, he was awarded the Medal of Merit of the Red Star of the Second Class.

◎ In 2005, he was awarded the medal for the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

◎ In 2015, he was awarded the commemorative medal for the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

◎Retired in 1982 and enjoyed departmental treatment.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Anecdote about Tedds Ben

◎ The only locked place in the home of the old Red Army Tan Duh Ben is a humble brown wardrobe. In one corner of the wardrobe, he treasured the most cherished treasures of the old man's life: a faded green military uniform, a yellowed old military hat, four red epaulettes with five-pointed stars, and the August 1st Medal, the Independence Freedom Medal and the Liberation Medal.

◎ When he was awarded the title in 1955, Tedros took the first photo of his life. Yesterday, after more than half a century, the young people in the photo were heroic, wearing military uniforms, military hats and medals that have been treasured to this day.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

Tan Xinping, the youngest son of Tan Deben, said: "My father regarded these as more precious than life, and when I was a child, I secretly stole medals and military uniforms out, ran to the photo studio and took a photo of the same as my father." ”

◎ In August 1933, Tan Deben joined the revolution in his hometown of Nanchong, Sichuan, when he was only 13 years old.

◎ "I am the Red Fourth Front, and I once crossed the meadows twice and turned over the snowy mountains twice. ”

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

◎ "On the Long March Road, the ground is paved, the sky is covered, chewing grass roots, eating belts..."

◎ I was young and physically young, rolling on the grass and walking forward, watching my comrades fall from the grass beach, unable to save me. ”

◎ "In the cold winter and moon, the troops walked to the Ningxia Yanchi, and we southern soldiers were still wearing shorts when we came out of the house, with cracks in our legs and blood flowing down our legs. ”

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Tedds ben was unfortunately shot in the right leg, and he dragged his injured leg with a gun for more than 30 miles; during the War of Liberation, the enemy threw a grenade and injured his left leg.

◎ One year, after the Kuomintang encircled and suppressed the pursuing soldiers, there was a cliff in front of it, and Tan Deben and his comrades jumped off a cliff more than a dozen meters deep. "I jumped down, was cushioned by a rock, and didn't fall to my death."

◎ "Bitter, at that time, really bitter!" The old man frowned and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes were filled with tears.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

◎ In the war years, no amount of pain could make this strong soldier fall, however, as long as those comrades who died unfortunately were mentioned, the old man cried again and again, "So many comrades have died, and I am lucky to live." ”

◎ In 1949, the whole country was liberated, and Teddeb did not care to go home. Soon, he hurriedly set foot on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

◎ In 1955, Tedds ben returned to his homeland for the first time, and his white-haired parents saw their long-lost son and cried with a headache.

◎ In the spring of 2013, the 95-year-old Tan Deben returned to his hometown in Sichuan again, remembering his grandmother's last wish before his death, and personally planted two pine trees in front of his grandmother's tomb.

The Glory of the Tan Clan: The legendary life of Tedds ben, a descendant of xuelin gong and a 104-year-old founding colonel

The seventeenth grandson of the Tan clan of Shaodongping Township

Tan Qiming 丨 finishing