
Deformed people, dragons made of "water", "hybridization" of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: What happened to neolithic tools?

author:Scientific Principles in History

As we all know, Chinese civilization has a long history, if you start from cangjie characters, Chinese civilization can be traced back to the ancient period where the Yanhuang Emperor was located. As the first of the Chinese historical encyclopedia series of books, although its author Sima Qian is more than 4,000 years away from the ancient period, it is said that many historical records are not complete, but the tireless Sima Qian is still based on various ancient legends, in the process of writing the "History" added the description of the ancient period, so that future generations can see the mysterious style of the ancient period.

The ancient period can generally be certified as: the historical period before China's first dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, which contains the classic bridge sections such as the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the Yao Shun Zen Throne, and the Great Yu Zhishui that we are familiar with, and it is also the Taiping Dynasty that future generations will infinitely miss.

From the perspective of the development of human civilization, the ancient period was exactly in the Neolithic period (12,000 to 4,000 years ago), which was the middle and late stage of primitive society. People who have studied politics know that the simplicity of primitive society, the simplicity of human nature, coupled with low productivity and frequent natural disasters, so the practice of people in primitive society to warm up in groups is better than intrigue. Western civilization also praised primitive societies as a golden age unique in human history. Therefore, it is not surprising that the three emperors and five emperors are benevolent and love the people, and the selfless Zen concessions of Emperor Yao Shun.

Deformed people, dragons made of "water", "hybridization" of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: What happened to neolithic tools?

In addition to these beautiful legends, the Neolithic period also has a strange phenomenon that is very puzzling to future generations: people are very deformed, dragons made of water are everywhere, and as for the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", it is full of multi-species hybrids of light and strange land and land, can't help but wonder: What was the situation in the Neolithic period?

1. Deformed people

In the existing literature, humans in ancient times seem to have a strange appearance and abnormal physiological structure. For example, Cangjie, who made the characters, has 4 eyes, which probably doesn't exist in today's world. In addition, according to the "History of confucius's family", Confucius revealed such a message in answering the "reporter's question" of the envoy of the State of Wu:

The envoy of the State of Wu asked, "Who has the longest bones of a man?" ”

Confucius replied, "Dayu gathered the gods at Huiji Mountain, and when the Wind Clan finally arrived, Dayu ordered him to be killed and displayed in public." A single bone of the Windbreaker occupies a car, so he is the largest. ”

Deformed people, dragons made of "water", "hybridization" of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: What happened to neolithic tools?

According to the size of the ancient ox cart, its width should be about 1.7m, and the length of the carriage should be 3 to 4m. In this way, the height of the windproof will exceed 12 meters. Today's people are only 2.5m tall, and the highest height at that time reached 12m, which shows that at that time, people with a length of more than 3m abounded.

Besides, how was Dayu, who ascended to the throne of God, born? According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Book of Hai Nei, due to the unfavorable treatment of the water, Emperor Shun killed Cang to thank the world, at this time, Cang Fu (abdomen) gave birth to Yu, and Dayu was born.

If the record is true, then Dayu's birth is also subverting the common sense of today's people: there is no magical combination of sperm and eggs, there is no pain of pregnancy in October, of course, more outrageous: giving birth to children is no longer a woman's patent, and men can also master it, but the premise is to sacrifice themselves.

2, dragon made of water

As for the dragon, the Chinese nation is very familiar, because since the beginning of civilization, the dragon is an irreplaceable totem of the Chinese nation. In the 1980s, a song "Descendants of the Dragon" sang the voice of the Chinese people, and even more sang the resonance of the sons and daughters of China.

Deformed people, dragons made of "water", "hybridization" of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: What happened to neolithic tools?

However, what is puzzling is that as one of the species of the zodiac, the totem of the Chinese nation that penetrates deep into the bone marrow can not be found in reality. If it really exists, then it should always be "to live to see the dragon, to die to see the bone". The tiger, which is also the zodiac sign, has also run very sharply to this day, interpreting its existence with a figure visible to the naked eye. What about dragons? Now I hear only his voice but not his people.

Will it become extinct very early? Like the dinosaurs, they became history as early as 65 million years ago in the catastrophe of the asteroid hitting the earth, but they left living fossils, and they also explained how majestic they were indisputably skeleton. But what about dragons? It is said that it existed much later than the dinosaurs, so why didn't it leave evidence of bones and fossils?

In this regard, the "Twenty-Ninth Year of Zuo Chuan Zhaogong" gives the answer through the form of a question and answer from Cai Mo and Xian Zi: First of all, the dragon does exist as a totem of the Chinese nation, but it existed in large quantities in the ancient period of neolithic tools, but it was rare to see in the Spring and Autumn Period. The water officials abandoned it, so the dragon was not born. Translated into modern Chinese, it basically means that the dragon is a creature made of water, and there are also water officials to manage it. Now the water officer did not care about it, and disappeared.

Deformed people, dragons made of "water", "hybridization" of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: What happened to neolithic tools?

There are many ancient texts for the statement that the dragon was born in the water, such as: "Pipe • Water Land" has a cloud: "The dragon was born in the water, and was swam by the five colors, so the god." If you want to be small, you will become like a silkworm, and if you want to be big, you will hide it in the world. "Xunzi Zhishi" has clouds: "Kawabuchi, the dwelling of the dragon fish".

3, The Hybrid World in the Classic of Mountains and Seas

You should be familiar with the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which records this period of history in the Neolithic period of antiquity. I believe that the content inside is also familiar to everyone. From the perspective of modern biology, there is reproductive isolation between species, and this isolation is very strict, even the same genus, the same species can not be spared, such as the Siberian tiger and the South China tiger, although they are tigers, but there is reproductive isolation.

This is still the case with Siberian and South China tigers, not to mention cross-species hybridization. But what is very surprising is that the Classic of Mountains and Seas records a large number of cross-species hybridization phenomena, such as the human-faced beast body and the human-faced bird body, which is eye-opening and surprising.

Deformed people, dragons made of "water", "hybridization" of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: What happened to neolithic tools?

In the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the Great Wilderness of the West Sutra records a magical species of crow, which is a strange animal with a human face and a bird body, with two green snakes hanging from its ears and two red snakes at its feet, and is revered as the god of the West Sea and in charge of rainwater.

In addition, the Xuanyuan people, who are like snakes and human faces, have double nipples and tails, the punishment of the navel as the mouth, the shrew of the human head and the horns and tiger's claws, and so on. It is precisely because the world in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is too strange and strange that even Sima Qian, who adopted the four-eyed Cangjie, was discouraged, feeling that its content was half-true and half-false, and could not be accepted.

4, deformed people, dragons made of water, the hybrid world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: what was the situation in the Neolithic period?

Combining the written accounts of these peculiar phenomena, we will find a common feature: they are all located in the Neolithic period, and they can be used as a support for each other: since Cangjie can grow four eyes, why can't Hezi have a human face? Since the dragon is made of water, with hybrid features such as antlers, eagle claws, snake bodies, and fish scales? So why can't you gather the cards of human heads, sheep's horns, and tiger claws?

Deformed people, dragons made of "water", "hybridization" of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: What happened to neolithic tools?

As the so-called environment affects everything, the reason why the Neolithic creatures are so strange is not because these species themselves are weird, but because they are in a very different time environment than today. So what was the neolithic environment like?

The book "I Witnessed the Dragons Ruling the Earth" gives the hypothesis. It believes that the earth itself is also a living organism that will constantly change over time, thus changing the living environment on the earth. Today's modern human life belongs to the solidified time and space dominated by solids, so the laws of mechanics established by Newton with solids as the carrier have opened the door to science and promoted the leapfrog development of human civilization. It is precisely because of the rigid, non-deformable properties of solids that reproductive hybridization between species becomes an insurmountable barrier.

But during the Neolithic period, the earth was flooded everywhere, and it was the liquefied space-time where liquids dominated. Because the liquid is not stiff and easy to flow, and the fusion between different liquids is far more than solid, the characteristics presented are completely different from the current curing space-time, so there are many incredible hybridization phenomena.

Deformed people, dragons made of "water", "hybridization" of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: What happened to neolithic tools?

If this theory is true, the deformed man, the dragon made of water, the hybrid world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas can indeed be explained.