
Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

author:Miraculously numb and warm

Do preschoolers want to be literate? This is a question that parents are struggling with.

Especially after the double reduction, after the Ministry of Education clearly notified kindergartens that it is strictly forbidden to teach pinyin, literacy and other content, many parents have begun to let their children learn on the basis of 0 with peace of mind.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

Tong Tong Mom is also one of them, she firmly believes that it is too late for children to read after school, so before Tong Tong goes to the first grade, she refuses to give her children any form of literacy enlightenment, insisting on learning on a zero basis. As a result, the child has only been in school for more than two months, and the child's mother regrets it!

Because they are illiterate, children cannot read the teacher's board book, nor can they understand the textbook, and the teacher does not know where to talk about; the writing of homework is slow and chaotic, the error rate is extremely high, and the time spent on homework alone takes several hours every day.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

The transition of other people's children's young children is smooth and worry-free, while their own babies cry every day in learning, making trouble and hating school, so that the child's mother is on fire and regrets.

Does preschoolers who can't read count as advanced learning? If you are not literate, does it really have such a big impact?

Knowing a primary school teacher who has been teaching for more than 10 years, I specifically asked him this question, and the teacher told me that "the cognition of 'preschool literacy is advanced learning' is wrong, literacy does not mean learning textbooks in advance, but to help children reserve literacy and prepare for future learning!" The greater the literacy, the better the transition of the child in the first and second grades! ”

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

With more than 20 years of teaching experience, this teacher told me that children who do not read in advance generally have three problems in the first and second grades:

1, learning can not keep up

Illiterate children, the first problem is that they can't keep up with learning!

Chinese, math, science textbooks and exercise books are full of words, and illiterate children are like reading books.

For a class of children, the teacher's lectures are based on the progress of 80% of the children, as long as these 80% can keep up, they will continue to lecture. And children with less literacy, when others listen to knowledge, he is still busy looking for the teacher to talk about where, what is written on the thinking board, it is easy to become the 20% who is left behind, the more difficult it is to learn!

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

2, writing homework is a big problem

Illiterate children, writing homework is particularly difficult!

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

If you don't recognize words, you can't read questions, and your comprehension ability is limited. Children write homework, parents must sit on the side to help read the problem, and then explain the meaning, others do a problem in 2 minutes, your child may not be able to get a problem in 10 minutes, homework is written for several hours. Just ask if you're crazy or not!

In families where children have little literacy, when it comes to homework time, it is a family war, roaring continuously, chickens flying dogs jumping!

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

3. Discourage learning enthusiasm

The first grade is the most likely period for parent-child conflict!

Children can't understand the class, textbooks can't understand, writing homework is like suffering, not to mention the exam, the child's performance is not as good as the parents' expectations, parents are easy to get angry and yell at the child!

And children are originally upset because of learning difficulties, coupled with parental reproach, they will feel afraid and irritable about learning, more and more hate learning, forming a vicious circle.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

The teacher told me, "The harm of low literacy is really not alarmist, I have been teaching for so many years, too many children are bored with learning because of insufficient literacy, and they are left behind from the first grade." ”

The principal of a public primary school in Hangzhou once asked that "the literacy of new students should be 700-800 words before entering school, and it is best to be more than 1000 words", is this literacy requirement too high?

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

The teacher told me that in fact, preschool children are already in a sensitive period of literacy, as long as parents use the right method, the child's literacy reached 1000+ is very easy. When children learn to read, they must pay attention to these points

  • 1. The pronunciation should be accurate and clear

The teacher said that among the students he taught, many children's Chinese character pronunciation is wrong, such as "goose" read into "ne", "blue" read into "nan", etc., the parent's accent dialect and wrong pronunciation will cause great trouble to the child's learning, resulting in pinyin, Chinese character learning are confused, it is difficult to correct, so parents teach children to read, must ensure the correct standard pronunciation.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap
  • 2, can not dry force children to learn

Many parents hold literacy cards and let their children memorize by rote, resulting in children's resistance, and they are irritable when they mention learning!

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

The teacher pointed out that preschool children should learn to read and write should be the process of eye, brain, mouth and other parts of the cooperation, mobilize his whole body to literacy, the child not only learns fast and firmly, but also helps the child's concentration become stronger and stronger.

The "Guide to the Learning and Development of Children Aged 3-6" issued by the Ministry of Education also states that literacy through mechanical memory and intensive training should not be avoided.

The teacher suggested that preschool children can try to learn literacy with the "1600 Word Finger Reading Soundbook" to stimulate children's interest in learning.

No need to click the reading pen, with its own pronunciation system, the small hand can pronounce, but also self-test whether the pronunciation is neat, so that children can lay the correct foundation in pronunciation.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

In the process of literacy, children need to see with their eyes, press their hands, listen with their ears, read with their mouths, and achieve multi-party collaborative literacy, so that children can learn quickly and remember well.

The number of words exceeds 1600+, and the children learn this set of books, which fully meets the literacy needs of the first and second grades, and the children do not worry after going to school!

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

The strongest thing about this set of books is that through interactive learning, and all-round learning, fully mobilize children's enthusiasm and initiative in learning, improve self-learning ability, children have nothing to hold the book, press themselves, read a reading, easy to complete the literacy, convenient and fast.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

Parents can also enhance their children's self-confidence and interest through literacy competitions, memory competitions, word contests and other parent-child interactive games.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

Preschoolers are incredibly literate, and the key is whether you use the right materials and methods. A set of pronunciation literacy books that solves your child's troubles in teaching your child to read, and can also improve your child's initiative, which is really too convenient.

Parents who want to click on the link below can carry it home!

1600 words literacy point reading ¥88 purchase

Parents can also carry a copy of the "Preschool Literacy 1600 Words Three-dimensional Flip Book", which perfectly combines pictures, games, reading and fun to help children achieve Chinese character learning, situational cognition, and realize Chinese character enlightenment and early education.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

More than 1,600 high-frequency words used in daily life are integrated into 11 life scenes such as nature, city, family, traditional culture, and common sense of life, and the literacy is contextualized and practical, making it easy for children to understand and easily remember.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

In the process of turning over, pulling and pulling, and looking for a child, children can also achieve eye-hand-brain collaboration, promote the development of the left and right brains, play more and more intelligently, and easily consolidate memory.

Not recommended for kindergarten children to read? Elementary school teacher: After going to school, there will be three aspects that will open up the gap

One literacy book consolidates! If you want your child to "not be left behind" after going to primary school, to achieve independent reading and independent homework, a certain amount of literacy is the foundation! Move your fingers and take it home together!

Literacy Three-Dimensional Flip Book ¥59.9 Purchase