
The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

author:Parents Primary School

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in his class to 180 in height

Just because the mother did the right 4 things, it is really "high"

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

When parents pay attention to their children's academic performance, they often ignore their children's physiological development. For example, the height of the child. Many parents feel that when the time comes, the child will grow taller, in fact, it is not, you miss the time of the child's development, and it will be difficult to grow tall later. And boys, in particular, feel inferior when they are shorter in height than their peers. Thus not integrating into the collective.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

My aunt's child, Chen chen, is 13 years old. The child had just returned to the first week or two of junior high school and told his aunt that he did not want to go to school. My aunt felt very surprised, because Chenchen's grades were very good from the first grade of primary school, and he had always won awards, so why did he not want to go to school when he was just in the first year of junior high school? After the aunt's patient enlightenment, Chen Chen finally said the reason: because he was shorter than his peers in the class, the boys in the class laughed at him and asked him to finish primary school and then go to junior high school. When queuing up in the cafeteria to eat, many students saw that he was short, directly grabbed him by the collar, and asked him to wait in the back. Even on the way home from school, there were students bullying him, intercepting him on the way and asking him to hand over his pocket money. This led to Chenchen's reluctance to go to school and his low self-esteem.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

After listening to Chenchen's words, my aunt was very distressed about Chenchen, and the next day she took Chenchen to the hospital to see a doctor. Doctors say that children are indeed shorter than their peers, mainly because nutrition has not kept up and is genetic. The aunt thought about it, indeed, she was 153cm tall, and Chenchen's father was 165cm tall.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

But the aunt is a person who just doesn't accept defeat. Checking the information at home, studying the recipe, and finally catching up with the height of the morning in a year. By the time I went to school in the third year of junior high school, Chenchen was already 180cm tall, the tallest student in the class. Every time she returned to her hometown for the New Year, when her aunt heard her relatives boast that Chenchen had grown a lot taller, she was very relieved that her efforts had finally not been in vain. Relatives also asked their aunt for lessons, and her aunt was also very generous in passing on to them the experience she had summed up over the past year.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

First: exercise

Since his aunt knew that there were students bullying him on the way to school in the morning, he began to pick up the morning and end of school every day, and every day he ran home. After returning home, my aunt would let ChenChen jump up and touch high every day. Jumping up with both feet and jumping up with one foot takes turns. You should try your best to do every exercise and try to jump as high as possible each time. Because exercise can promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, increase blood supply to bone tissue, and make bones grow and develop vigorously. And exercise can release dopamine, which can increase people's sense of pleasure.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

On weekends, my aunt will take Chenchen to outdoor sports, such as cycling, swimming, basketball, football, etc. These activities favor the secretion of growth hormone and accelerate bone growth. In addition, outdoor exercise is conducive to the synthesis of human vitamin D, which can greatly improve the absorption and utilization of calcium, which is very helpful for growing tall.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

Second: ensure that your child gets enough sleep

Know that adequate sleep is also conducive to growing taller. Studies have shown that newborn babies need 14 to 20 hours of sleep, 2 to 3 months old babies sleep 14 to 18 hours, and 5 to 9 months old babies need 13 to 16 hours of sleep. And teenagers between the ages of 10 and 14 sleep for 9 hours. During puberty, the second period of a child's growth, sleep time needs to be slightly increased to 9 to 10 hours. So during that time, the morning and morning schedule was very regular, and I went to bed before 10 o'clock at night on weekends and started at 8 o'clock the next day. Usually, I go to bed at 9 o'clock in class the next day and get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Try to avoid playing games or playing mobile phones before going to bed, otherwise if you are too excited, it will affect your sleep. It is also possible to drink a glass of milk before going to bed to help with sleep.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

Third: keep your child in a good mood

Adolescent children's schooling is relatively heavy, and parents should not put pressure on them at this time. Don't let the child keep nagging about the poor test results once, and when he comes home, he will say who is better than you this time. At this time of adolescence, it is easy to have a rebellious psychology. The best thing is to go home and let the child feel the warmth of the family, take the child out to see the movie on the weekend, and go out to participate in outdoor activities to relax. Because mental unhappiness can make children grow slowly. Therefore, we should create a relaxed and harmonious environment for our children to relieve the pressure of school at home and maximize their growth potential.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

Fourth: it is very important that nutrition keeps up

My aunt and uncle were very busy at work before, and when they came home in the morning, they ordered takeout to eat by themselves. Sometimes when you don't want to eat takeout when you go home, you eat instant noodles or snacks. As a result, Chenchen is not only not tall but also has a particularly poor physical fitness. Colds and fevers at every turn. Later, the aunt reduced her workload and studied recipes when she had time. In the market, it seems that many children's heightening recipes, and later a nutrition expert known to my aunt recommended a set of "Children's Growing Tall Recipes" children's growing tall recipes. Aunt cooked for Chenchen according to the recipe, Chenchen especially liked, the aunt did according to this recipe for a year, Chenchen's height grew 30cm.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

The most appealing points of this set of recipes are:

His ingredients are very common in our daily lives, unlike other nutritious recipes on the market, you have to buy expensive ingredients to make. Easy to learn, novices can also do, some recipes can be made into a nutritional package in ten minutes.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

The amount of ingredients used is very clear, and if there is no scale, it can be based on the amount he describes. For example, apples, the size of a fist, weigh about 250 grams. Then when you buy it, you can look at the size and buy it, and you don't need to weigh it one by one.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

This set of books has age-sharing recipes, which are recipes designed for different age groups. There are recipes for 0 to 1 year old, 1 to 3 years old, teenagers, etc.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

This book can popularize the knowledge of children's nutrition, and what children should eat and eat less in the future can be memorized. After seeing this set of books, my aunt realized how stupid the previous behavior was, and it was really too careless for the child. However, some parents spoil their children too much, so that their children eat big fish and meat every day, so that many elements that children cannot absorb will cause children to become fat. This set of books can teach your child how to eat healthily and scientifically.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"
The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

This set of children's grow-up recipes is rich in content, with 4 themes, namely "Children's Growing Tall Recipes", "Dietary Maintenance for Common Diseases in Primary Two", "Children's Nutritious Breakfast Recipes" and "Children's Calcium-Zinc-Iron Recipes". The content of each topic is easy to understand, and each page of the recipe is accompanied by a video explanation. It's also very simple for beginners to operate. You know, whether a child can grow taller, the parents' genetics is not the dominant factor, the acquired efforts are. Be sure to seize the moment.

The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"
The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"
The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"
The 13-year-old son went from the shortest in the class to 180 in height, just because his mother did 4 things correctly, which is really "tall"

The set of books "Children's Growing Tall Recipes" has a total of 4 volumes, and the single book is only 29.8, and the price of the whole set is only 99.8 yuan. Parents money for a meal. It is more cost-effective than many parents to buy calcium tablets for their children to eat, because the elements of calcium tablets are obtained from our food, then we must be more assured and safer to make our own.

In order to increase the height of the child, it is recommended that parents can try this set of recipes! Don't wait to regret missing the best age for your child to grow tall, then it will be too late. Parents can purchase it by clicking on the link below.

【Source Book Garden】Children's Grow tall recipes 1-3-6-12-16 years old Nutrition Recipes ¥29.8 Purchase