
In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

author:Ming Shi Ming Ming

In December 1959, Wu Ruilin, who had completed his studies at the Higher Military Academy and was preparing to transfer to the Shenyang Military Region, suddenly received a call from the General Political Department, saying that Xiao Hua wanted to talk to him.

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

Coming to the office of General Political Officer Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua said directly: "I have invited you to come today to convey to you the situation of the emergency meeting of the Central Military Commission. At 12 o'clock last night, Chairman Mao talked to Marshal He Long and Marshal Nie Rongzhen, and the chairman said that he had recently read two reports from the Navy and the Central Military Commission... The Central Military Commission decided to transfer you to serve as deputy commander of the Guangzhou Military Region and commander of the South China Sea Fleet, mainly in charge of the work of the South China Sea Fleet. Both the President and the Prime Minister agreed. ”

At first hearing about this appointment, Wu Ruilin was very surprised; he did not understand the Navy, how could he do a good job, and besides, he was already going to take up a post in the Shenyang Military Region, and thinking of all this, Wu Ruilin replied: "The Navy is a relatively complex branch of the military, my cultural level is low, and I am not suitable for naval work. ”

Xiao Hua shook his head directly, "That was the opinion of the business department, and what I conveyed was the opinion of the Central Military Commission with chairman Mao's consent." ”

"Let me think about it!"

Upon hearing that Wu Ruilin still had to consider it, Xiao Hua interrupted: "Now there is no room for you to consider, it is a matter of carrying out orders." ”

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

Wu Ruilin, who impressed Xu Qianqian

In 1915, Wu Ruilin was born in Bazhong, Sichuan, and in 1932, Xu Qiangqian commanded the Red Fourth Front Army to go north into Sichuan to establish a revolutionary base area, and Wu Ruilin joined the ranks of the Red Army as a reserve party member. ”

Wu Ruilin was deeply encouraged, and soon shocked Xu Xiangqian, within 10 days he pulled up a team of more than 500 people to establish the Sichuan-Shaanxi-Gansu-Gansu-Young Communist Pioneer Battalion, he served as the battalion commander, and after 20 days, the army was rapidly expanded to more than 1,700 people, expanded into the Sichuan-Shaanxi-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Young Communist Pioneer Regiment, and he became the political commissar of the regiment.

In 1933, in the Battle of Empty Mountain Dam, he repelled more than 20 enemy attacks and was injured and comatose for more than 20 days. Xu Xiangqian came to visit him on purpose, saw that he was awakened, and said happily: "Live, live." ”

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

After that, Xu Xiangqian asked with concern, "Who else is in your family?" ”

"There is a mother..."

Xu Xiangqian took out a captured jade bracelet and put it on his hand and said, "Xiao Wu takes this as a travel fee, go home and recuperate!" ”

Wu Ruilin went home for two days and three nights before returning to the troops, and this time the returning troops not only returned on their own, but also mobilized thousands of people to join the Red Army.

In 1934, before the Red Fourth Front left the Soviet Zone, the superiors sent Wu Ruilin as the secretary of the newly formed Shaanxi Southern Special Committee to carry out activities such as grain collection and grain collection in southern Shaanxi.

On this day, he led his soldiers under the Qinling Mountains to be attacked by enemy cavalry, and he covered the comrades to fight and retreat, until everyone crossed the river, and he was the last to cross the river.

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

He had just crossed the river, the enemy's cavalry shot at him on the opposite bank, Wu Ruilin was wounded in his left arm and fell to the ground without moving, the enemy still thought he was dead, he did not cross the river to pursue but rested by the river, Wu Ruilin endured the pain and turned around and took up the machine gun is a strafing, with the assistance of comrades, completely destroyed this enemy.

While participating in military activities, Wu Ruilin also served as secretary of the Tongjiang County CPC Committee of the Shao communist party and secretary of the Northeast Special Committee of the Young Communist Party; from the army to the localities and from the localities to the army, Wu Ruilin's "military and political excellence, and both culture and martial arts" have been fully affirmed by the leading comrades of the Red Fourth Front Army on many occasions, Xu Xiangqian called him a capable person; Zhou Chunquan called him a man of great merit.

In 1935, in the Battle of Ermaoshan Mountain, Wu Ruilin was injured in the leg, there was no anesthetic at that time, he could only use smoke to relieve the pain, operated on with a burned razor, ripped out the bullet head, and then sprinkled salt water on the wound to disinfect, he was stunned and did not say a word, he just dragged his injured leg, crossed the snowy mountain twice, crossed the meadow three times, and then walked to the revolutionary base area in northern Shaanxi.

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

When you meet a cripple, you may become a cripple

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wu Ruilin arrived behind enemy lines in Shandong to carry out guerrilla warfare.

In 1939, Wu Ruilin served as the military director of the Taishan District Committee and the captain of the fourth detachment of the Shandong Column. During the Battle of Lotus Hill, his right foot injury could no longer be cured, leaving him with a lifelong disability.

In 1940, Wu Ruilin served as the commander of the second regiment of the first brigade of the Upper East Column on double crutches, although his superiors assigned him a horse, but he rarely rode a horse, and he led the troops to march and fight with a limp, so he received the nickname of "Wu Lame Son". The soldiers also proudly said that "we are the soldiers of Wu Lame Zi", and the Japanese pseudo-Han traitors were frightened when they heard that "Wu Lame Zi" was coming.

In 1940, during a Japanese sweep, Wu Ruilin was wounded again, and a bullet hit his upper left side of his vertebrae and passed through his chest, just a finger away from the heart.

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

In 1942, Wu Ruilin was transferred to the commander of the Second Military Subdistrict of the Luzhong Military Region, and began to act on his own, and since then, he has become more and more courageous in the battlefield, and his military ability has been greatly improved.

Wu Ruilin's achievements on the anti-Japanese battlefield can be summed up in one sentence: "He commanded the battles of Zichuan, Boshan, Yangjiaheng, Laidong, Mengyin, and Yicheng, annihilated a large number of enemy, pseudo- and stubborn reactionary forces, and made tremendous contributions to the final victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan." ”

In 1945, after the central authorities decided to develop to the northeast, Wu Ruilin was sent to the northeast and successively served as the chief of staff of the Northeast Military Region, the commander of the Andong Column of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army, and the commander of the Liaoning Military Region. Xiao Hua commented that he was "able to participate in good planning and be independent."

In 1948, he became the deputy commander of the 5th Column of the newly formed Northeast Field Army and participated in the Battle of Pingjin. In the course of the battle, with steady and rapid command, he captured Nankou, Changping, the breakthrough of the Red Mountain Pass, and the Reclining Buddha Temple, occupied the Kuomintang supply base Fengtai, captured 106 enemy tanks (creating the largest number of enemy tanks captured by an army of the People's Liberation Army), blocked the enemy's road to escape to the south, successfully completed the mission, and was praised by the Central Military Commission.

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

In April 1949, Wu Ruilin was promoted to commander of the Forty-second Army, and led the main force south to liberate western Hubei and northeastern Sichuan, and then quickly captured Guangyuan and other places.

On the battlefield, he was told by the Kuomintang that "if you meet a cripple, you may become a cripple!" ”

Chairman Mao said that he spoke in a down-to-earth, concrete, and vivid manner

In 1951, Wu Ruilin and others returned to China to report on the situation on the Korean battlefield, but Wu Ruilin did not report due to his physical condition.

Soon after, Chairman Mao specially brought Wu Ruilin over to understand the situation.

As soon as Wu Ruilin got out of the car, he saw Chairman Mao waiting at the door and hurried forward to salute. Chairman Mao shook his hand and said, "You are too thin!" I heard you were tired on the battlefield and vomiting blood, what was going on? ”

"It was an internal injury, a wound that had ruptured and bleeding in the past, and now it's fine after treatment."

"The wound ruptured when it broke through the three-eighth line, right?" Can you stick with it? ”

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

"Yes, although I vomited blood at that time, the people below didn't know... When I broke through the three-eighth line, I sat on a stretcher and commanded the battle. ”

Chairman Mao sighed and said, "It is precisely because of you comrades who insist on commanding the battle that we are not afraid of anything." ”

After entering the house, Chairman Mao lit a cigarette and said to him, "Now let's get back to the point, I want to ask you a few questions." ”

Whenever he raised a question, Chairman Mao was able to make a detailed analysis and summary in a targeted manner. On this evening, the two men had detailed communication on the strategic, campaign, combat, tactics, and tactics of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

As Chairman Mao later said: "I talked with Wu Ruilin for more than 3 hours, and his speech was solid, concrete, and vivid, which conformed to our army's historical policy of 'it is better to break one finger than to break one finger.' ”

In 1953, Wu Ruilin returned to China and was stationed in Huiyang, Guangdong Province, and after 1955, he was appointed commander of the Hainan Military Region.

Just when he was preparing to show his fists and feet in the Hainan Military Region, he went to the military academy to study.

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

Inaugurated to the Navy

Xiao Hua talked so much, but Wu Ruilin still did not make up his mind and went back.

That night, Wu Ruilin did not sleep all night, thinking very much, he was not a person who was afraid of things, but when he went to the navy, he was still not sure.

The next day, Wu Ruilin and his lover Liu Jun were invited by Xiao Jinguang, commander of the Navy, and Su Zhenhua, political commissar, to a welcome banquet.

After the banquet, Xiao Jinguang said to Liu Jun: "Comrade Liu Jun, at home you are the political commissar, you must do a good job of Comrade Ruilin's work, please make up his mind to work in the Navy quickly, you don't want to drag your feet!" ”

The next day, Xiao Jinguang found Wu Ruilin again: "This time, you came to the recommendation of Director Luo Ronghuan, the commander-in-chief of the Naval Division, and it was Director Luo who pointed out that the Central Military Commission unanimously approved and approved it by reporting to Chairman Mao. ”

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

Later, Xiao Jinguang told him why he was transferred to the South China Sea Fleet as commander.

After listening to Xiao Jinguang's explanation, Wu Ruilin understood that he must take office as soon as possible.

On December 31, 1959, Wu Ruilin officially reported to the South China Sea Fleet. The next day, he caught up with the leaders of the Guangzhou Military Region to pay tribute to several chiefs in Guangzhou and the leaders of the Central Military Commission.

When he saw Lin Biao, he said to Wu Ruilin, "How did you put on your naval clothes?" ”

"The Central Military Commission transferred me to the South China Sea Fleet."

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

When visiting Mr. Zhu and Luo Ronghuai, both of them said that they wanted to talk to Wu Ruilin. After the end of the year, Wu Ruilin successively met with General Manager Zhu and Marshal Luo Ronghuan. During the conversation, they all stressed to Wu Ruilin that in the future, the development and construction of the navy should meet the needs of the development of the situation and shift the focus to the South China Sea.

After Wu Ruilin took office, after a year and a half of preparations, the South China Sea Fleet initially had a certain scale and strength, and undertook the task of defending national defense and cracking down on Chiang Kai-shek's harassment and sabotage along the southeast coast.

Secret escort to the Prime Minister

In 1963, Wu Ruilin went to Beijing to attend a conference.

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

After the meeting, Luo Qingchang found Wu Ruilin: "I just came from the premier to convey to you an important task, the premier is going to inspect the Pearl River estuary, and two chiefs are going with the premier, and then tong Xiaopeng, director of the prime minister's office, and me." ”

"How much time do you have to prepare?"

"Within five days. Confidentiality comes first, security comes first, and that's absolutely important. ”

"Do you want to report to the head of the Navy?"

"I have asked the premier, and the premier has instructed you: There is no need to raise the army and mobilize the masses, but after you return to Guangzhou, you can tell Tao Zhu and Huang Yongsheng about this matter, as well as the relevant personnel of the fleet participating in this reception mission."

Five days later, Premier Zhou arrived in Huangpu on time.

When Wu Ruilin accompanied the premier on a tour of Sun Yat-sen's former residence, he saw a photo on the wall and was very surprised and said: "Where did you find this photo?" ”

"This one was bought from a local who worked before the Whampoa Army."

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

At this time, Tao Zhu said: "Don't lose this photo of the prime minister, ask the Cultural Affairs Bureau to take a few copies." ”

The Prime Minister then instructed: "Hang up the pictures of the marshals." ”

After the visit, the Prime Minister and his party boarded a frigate and began a secret voyage...

After more than a day of sailing, Wu Ruilin sent the premier and his party to their destination, but he did not disembark, but commanded the training on the ship, and personally led 5 warships to hold a small military exercise in the nearby sea.

After the premier returned in the evening, he returned according to the scheduled route, and in order to allow Premier Zhou to rest well, Wu Ruilin ordered the fleet to sail at a low speed to minimize engine noise.

At 9 a.m. the next morning, Premier Zhou woke up, looked at his watch and said, "I haven't slept so many hours in years!" ”

In 1963, Wu Ruilin secretly escorted Premier Zhou to an island, and it was only 31 years later that he learned the truth

It was only 31 years later that Wu Ruilin learned from Luo Qingchang that he had escorted the prime minister to a secret meeting with two people who could communicate the relations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. #开国将帅 #