
US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

author:Give me time to rate a ball

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the NBA, the well-known basketball magazine SLAM recently announced its selection of the top 75 teams in history in reverse order. Today it updated the second bullet ranking information, that is, the teams in the range of 65 to 55. Two of the teams that have caused widespread discussion in recent years have appeared in this range.

NO.65 1983-1984 Los Angeles Lakers Regular season record 54 wins, 28 losses Runner-up

The Lakers, coached by Pat Riley and led by Abdul-Jabbar and Magic Johnson, did not beat the Celtics in Game 7 of the Boston Garden Finals. The Celtics' home advantage lies not only in the fans, but also in the weird parquet floor, and only the home team players can master the blind spots that can't bounce the ball. Throughout the Finals, Abdul-Jabbar averaged 26.6 points per game, and after the battle, the number of Magic Johnson championship rings was equalized by Bird, who entered the league that same year.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.64 1976-1977 Philadelphia 76ers Regular season record 50 wins, 32 losses Runner-up

The 76ers are of course Dr. J. the most famous, but they also include two future coaches (Doug Collins and Mike Dunllivi), as well as three fathers of future All-Star players (Joe Bryant, Harvey Cousins, and Henry Bibby). However, they all lost to Luke Wharton's father, Bill Walton, the Blazers in the Finals. On the fight daddy, Little Walton is really worthy of his teammate Kobe Bryant.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.63 1967-1968 Philadelphia 76ers Regular season record 62 wins, 20 losses Overall champion

The 76ers ended the regular season with the league's best record, thanks to a well-balanced roster, with six players averaging double-digit points per game. Among them, Chamberlain is naturally the most powerful, he played 81 times in the regular season, averaged 45.5 minutes per game, and scored a large double-double with 24.1 points and 24.2 rebounds, and in the playoffs, his average rebounds per game reached a frightening 29.1, which also helped the team win the championship all the way to victory over Cincinnati Royals (the predecessor of the Kings), Boston Celtics, and San Francisco Warriors.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.62 2001-2002 Sacramento Kings Regular season record 61 wins, 21 losses stopped in the Western Conference Finals

For old Kings fans, game 6 of that year's Western Conference Finals with the Lakers was their biggest "draw." The moment they walked into staples center with match points in hand, it was as if they had already been awarded, and the whole game was a cutscene to enter the seventh place. The Lakers made a full 27 free throws in the fourth quarter of the game, and the referee made several controversial decisions that directly influenced the outcome of the game. When the series came to Game 7, the Kings team suddenly lost power in a good situation, and the regular season champion stopped in the division finals.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.61 1995-1996 Seattle Supersonics Regular Season Record 64 wins, 18 losses Runner-up

The supersonic team set the best regular season record in team history, with Payton and Kemp bracing up the interior and exterior, hawkins and Schlumpf providing long-range firepower, and they dominated the entire West. Sadly, they ran into what was probably the best Chicago Bulls in history, the 72-10 Bulls. The tenacious Seattleman was still able to win two cities in a row even after 3-0 in the Finals, but Michael Jordan was Michael Jordan after all, the insurmountable mountain of that era.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.60 1956-1957 Boston Celtics Regular Season Record 44 wins, 28 Losses Overall Champion

A dynasty was born. The Celtics, led by Cusi, Russell and Heinthorne, stood on the stage of the Finals for the first time in that year and won the first of the 17 titles in team history. And in the next 9 years, the Celtics based on this subject won an 8-consecutive championship and unlocked 9 crown achievements in 10 years.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.59 2017-2018 Houston Rockets Regular Season Record 65 wins, 17 losses stopped in the Western Conference Finals

Without Cosmic Courage, or Paul not straining his hamstrings, the Rockets would have ranked higher, but no championship would have been limited in convincing. In that year's regular season, even if the Rockets fell behind by 20 points in the opening, fans had great confidence in their turnover. Paul's sudden injury prevented the Rockets from showing this resilience in front of the Warriors, with the Rockets scoring just 25 points in the second half of game six in the Western Conference Finals and 0-of-27 consecutive three-pointers in game seven of the Western Conference Finals, both puzzling and embarrassing records.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.58 2004-2005 Phoenix Suns Regular season record 62 wins 20 losses ended in the Western Conference Finals

Nash's arrival made the sun leap and transform into the sharpest spear. Although they don't pay much attention to defense, they still have the best record in the league. Under Nash's fast-paced offense, no one can dunk like Sean Marion unless he's Amare Stoudemire, Joe Johnson and Quentin Richardson can blast a cold arrow from anywhere outside the three-point line. But this is, after all, a newly formed team, and it is still immature when facing the Spurs. The Western Conference Finals were 4-1 out and lost a little bit crisply.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.57 2019-2020 Los Angeles Lakers Regular season record 52 wins, 19 losses Overall champion

Due to bubble parks and Kobe Bryant, this year's Lakers' playoff trip will be remembered for many years. The entire Lakers showed amazing cohesion and execution during the year. James is responsible for giving orders, leading the whole field, leading the league with assists, Anthony Davis is omnipotent on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends, and role players are hard at work. In the turbulent bubble park, the Lakers only lost a total of five games in the four-round series, which is also a very difficult result.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.56 2009-2010 Boston Celtics Regular Season Record 50 wins, 32 Losses Runner-up

Although the Celtics had some stumbles in the regular season, it did not prevent them from leading the defending champion Lakers 3-2 in the Finals. Garnett, Ray Allen and Pierce built the basic game of the team, Rondo grew rapidly, Perkins was much more pragmatic than he is now, and the roaring SkyLaheed Wallace could still shine. In the final moments of the seventh game of the finals, they still had the hope of winning the cup away from home, only this time the goddess of victory chose to let Kobe Bryant and Gasol complete the revenge scene.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

NO.55 1996-1997 Utah Jazz Regular Season Record 64 wins, 18 losses Runner-up

The Jazz have had a lot of great seasons in the Carl Malone, John Stockton generation, but that's probably the best. Malone was named the league's most valuable player, and the Jazz set a regular-season winning record that still holds today. Stockton was fully functional and helpful to everyone, while Jeff Hornaseck and Brian Russell were extremely threatening on the outside. The Jazz look good, but as always, the Bulls look better, and that's just the jazz's first two consecutive years of losing to Jordan.

US media review of the 75 major teams (NO.65-55): The Rockets ranked 59th in the 18th season, and the 20 Lakers ranked 57th

With NO.75-NO.66 ranking:

75. 1997-1998 Indiana Pacers Regular season record of 58 wins, 24 losses, stopped in the Eastern Conference Finals

74.1994-1995 Orlando Magic Regular season record 57 wins, 25 losses Runner-up

73.1986-1987 Boston Celtics Regular Season Record 59 wins, 23 Losses Runner-up

72.2011-2012 Oklahoma Thunder Regular Season Record 47 wins, 19 losses Runner-up

71.1992-1993 Phoenix Suns Regular season record 62 wins 20 losses Runner-up

70.1988-1989 Los Angeles Lakers Regular season record 57 wins, 25 losses Runner-up

69.2018-2019 Toronto Raptors Regular season record 58 wins 24 losses Overall champion

68.1961-1962 Boston Celtics Regular season record 60 wins 20 losses Overall champion

67.1980-1981 Philadelphia 76ers Regular season record 62 wins, 20 losses stopped in the Eastern Conference Finals

66.1984-1985 Boston Celtics Regular Season Record 63 wins, 19 Losses Runner-up