
The Turkish cult leader hid 69,000 contraceptives, lured thousands of women, and was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison

author:The world is innocent

A university student with great artistic talent in Turkey locked himself in a dormitory, and after 2 months of hard thinking, he created a cult theory, and then set up a cult organization to trick thousands of beautiful women and "dedicate themselves" to them. After being arrested in 2021, 69,000 birth control pills were recovered from his mansion and sentenced to 1,075 years in prison for his heinous crimes!

A good boy nicknamed Red Apple

What is surprising is that this person who has committed the most heinous crimes was once a good boy with good character and excellent learning.

His name was Adnan Oktal and he was born in 1956 to an Islamic family in Turkey.

The Turkish cult leader hid 69,000 contraceptives, lured thousands of women, and was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison

Influenced by his parents, Octar had a deep belief in religion from an early age. When he was a child, he was definitely a good child, introverted, even very shy, did not like to talk, was a person who would blush when talking to people he was not familiar with, so he was nicknamed "Red Apple" by his friends.

Octar was a great reader, he was also very talented in art, especially interested in painting, and was particularly good at mastering color and composition since childhood. After graduating from high school, he was admitted to the Mimahinan Academy of Fine Arts in Istanbul, the capital of Turkey.

The Turkish cult leader hid 69,000 contraceptives, lured thousands of women, and was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison

This academy of fine arts is known as the best architect in Turkish history, that is, the period of the Ottoman Empire, the religious painter Mima Sinan, the central academy of fine arts in Turkey relative to the mainland. If it goes well, Octar may have become a very accomplished painter, but unfortunately went astray.

Founding of the Sect

The academic atmosphere of the Mima sinan Academy of Fine Arts is very liberal, and its artistic ideas are particularly avant-garde and trendy. In addition to discussing art and painting, there are also various fields of international politics, religion, philosophy, etc., and various innovative theories deeply affect the students of the Academy of Fine Arts.

Naturally infected by this free environment, Octar was no longer satisfied with fine arts, but inclined to study philosophy and religion, so he gave up painting and studied philosophy instead. But he also did not concentrate on philosophy, but carried out a fanatical "development" of religion. According to his classmates, Octar was very persistent at the time, and like the legendary Shakyamuni, he locked himself in his dormitory, stayed at home for 2 months, meditated hard, and finally created his own unique religious theory. Then he confidently gave lectures in the academy, preached everywhere, like a thinker.

Octal is handsome, kind-looking, deep-eyed, born with an advertising face, coupled with his pretense of mystery and depth, a rather female voice in the pulpit to talk about the philosophy of life, and even such a tall topic as "universe" and "human beings", it quickly won a round of applause, many fans. His lectures, which numbered in the hundreds, were influential on campus.

Later, as Octal's influence escalated step by step, his self-confidence was extremely inflated, so he simply dropped out of school and wrote professional books to promote his theories, which had the potential to open up sects.

At first, Octar spread his religious theories in the name of Islam, and later founded a faction of his own, which was propagated through new media, and soon attracted many people to join.

Due to the rapid development, Oktal soon attracted the attention of the police, and the government regarded his organization as a factor of instability. In 1986, Octal was arrested for trying to "use religious sentiments to change the social, economic and political structure of the country."

But at this time, Octar was only 30 years old, flesh and blood, it seemed that the career had just begun, how could he die? So he once again exerted his super high IQ, did not fight hard against the police, but pretended to be crazy and stupid, pretended to be a mental patient, laughed and scolded like an idiot, and his speech and behavior were very abnormal and absurd. At the hearing of the case, the judge determined that the man was indeed mentally ill and released him in court.

However, Octar also paid a certain price, and he was sent to a mental hospital for treatment. Despite his reluctance, he remained in the hospital until 10 months later.

After leaving the hospital, Octar returned to the mountains and began to intensify his "missionary" career. He began to vigorously promote theocracy, and in 1990 founded a "Science Foundation Research Society" to spread his "teachings" to the people under the guise of scientific seminars. At this time, Octar was more mature, he was full of heaven, kind eyebrows, with a long beard, a wise elderly appearance, very able to confuse people, and for a time many people were brainwashed and joined his organization.

Because Ofktar himself had a high IQ and a certain degree of knowledge and religious philosophy, during this period he worked hard to write four books to construct his own religious theory. He also gave full play to his painting talents and personally drew color illustrations for his works, which made his works look very similar to the same thing, rich in pictures and texts, and the articles were also quoted from scriptures, which was very attractive, so it sold well. And those who read his books naturally began to join his sect.

The Turkish cult leader hid 69,000 contraceptives, lured thousands of women, and was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison

Women who gave their lives for the Lord

After entering the Internet age, Octal's career began to develop rapidly and blossom everywhere. For more than 20 years, his congregation has grown rapidly to hundreds of thousands of people across Turkey.

Octal publicized on the Internet, using various lecture videos to "popularize science" for the people, and did everything to the extreme. His ambitions grew, and by 2011 he had started his own television station dedicated to "preaching the Word." In order to attract everyone's attention, he often broadcast a show dance on the show. He made some women with heavy makeup and very naked clothes dance provocatively, and the ratings were naturally very high.

In Octal's television shows, there are often scenes in which Octal is sitting precariously in a lavishly decorated hall, his face expressionless and serious. Around him sat a circle of beauties, all of them fiery in stature, revealing and sexy in their dress; their hair was dyed in all sorts of bright colors, some golden, some rose red, some coffee-colored, and some thick black. In front of Octar's eyes, there were always one or two beautiful girls who were dancing and scratching their heads.

The Turkish cult leader hid 69,000 contraceptives, lured thousands of women, and was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison

However, it is strange that the makeup styles of these beauties are very similar, all of them are long black eyelashes, thick black eyeshadow, highlighting a pair of eyes with upward angles. But most of those eyes were sluggish, unsightly, and seemed to be a thousand people.

It turned out that these women were all loyal believers in Octar, people who had been brainwashed by him. The reason why they are thousands of faces is because this makeup style is the favorite style of their "god" Octar, and in order to please the god, they even go crazy to plastic surgery. They have lost all of themselves, both physically and spiritually.

Damn, Octar also had to physically control the women. These women are between the ages of 15 and 40, most of them are good-looking and in good shape, and they are all completely controlled by the Sect Master and take the initiative to "dedicate themselves" to them. Some stubborn personalities, unwilling to dedicate, Octal will take coercive measures, so that the male congregation forced each other to obey him, he has also forced some young girls to die, after entering the religion, most people commit suicide.

In order to satisfy his own selfish desires and endlessly get these beautiful women, Octar tried everything he could, and he even specially recruited a lot of handsome men to enter the religion, so that these beautiful men could seduce the girls into the religion; and then preach "sexual freedom" to them, so that the girls who joined the religion would soon sink. He called these brainwashed girls his "kittens." In Octal's organization, he himself can be said to be an emperor-like being, and which woman he likes, the other party can't run. The cult of Oktal grew in size and gradually spread throughout the country, with organizations at all levels in Turkey. He not only befriended some of the biggest figures in the religious world, but also attracted many political and business figures, so he owned a huge fortune. He bought many luxury cars and mansions, frequently entered the circle of high society, and was therefore protected by high society, which allowed him to escape the law many times.

Because of Octar's control and cruelty to women, he has also been reported many times, and has been exposed and complained about by women's rights organizations and Islamic organizations. But because of Octal's strong "connections", extensive social circles, and the protection and exoneration of all parties, although he was reported several times, he repeatedly escaped responsibility and only handed in some fines.

But many acts of injustice will kill themselves, and in the end, this demon will be pulled down from the "altar" by people.

The Turkish cult leader hid 69,000 contraceptives, lured thousands of women, and was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison

The devil is caught

There was a man named Kokak, whose wife had been thoroughly brainwashed by joining the cult of Octal, so he divorced his wife. However, to his dismay, after his wife divorced, a pair of his beautiful daughters disappeared, one 19 years old and one only 17 years old. Kaukak looked everywhere and was nowhere to be found.

In 2018, Kaukak suddenly met his two daughters on a TV show.

The Turkish cult leader hid 69,000 contraceptives, lured thousands of women, and was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison

This show was run by the Demon Sect Leader Octar. Kokak saw his two daughters dressed revealingly and danced in front of Octar. His mood was extremely complicated, he was shocked and angry, sad and happy. The joy is that the daughter has finally fallen, and the sad thing is that the daughter has become like this, and there is no shame.

Enraged, Kaukak decides to save his daughter and take the cult leader to court to punish the demon.

After receiving Kokak's report, the Turkish police quickly dispatched to the mansion in Oktal to conduct a raid.

But when the police arrived, they did not find Octal, only more than 200 female believers in the mansion who looked like flowers. When asked where Octal was hiding, they didn't say anything. The police understand that they have all been brainwashed and that no one will betray their master.

Eventually, the police inquired in many ways, only to learn that Octal had escaped under the protection of his bodyguards. However, he did not escape far, and eventually the police found the demon at the airport who was preparing to escape by plane. Shockingly, At that time, Octar was accompanied by two beautiful girls, and they were the two precious daughters of the reporter, Kokak!

Kill two birds with one stone, the demon appears, and the daughter finds it. Sadly, however, the sisters had been severely brainwashed, and by this time, they were still not awake and would rather flee with the Sect Leader than return to their father.

Kaukak's heart was broken. Eventually, the police intervened and arrested them all.

It is necessary to mention that when the police searched The home of Octar, they found many contraceptives, counting, as many as 69,000 pieces, which was eye-popping. The police realized the seriousness of the problem. What do you want with so many birth control pills? There must be a reason for this!

In court, the cunning Octar replied, saying that he had too many female followers and that the pills were meant to address their physical suffering. What exactly is the pain? Finally, under the pressure of the judge, the demon admitted to the crime he had committed. Eventually he admitted that thousands of women had had sex with him. These contraceptives are designed to prevent them from getting pregnant.

The Turkish cult leader hid 69,000 contraceptives, lured thousands of women, and was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison

Not to mention the criminal acts of the Octar cult, he has committed a heinous crime just by forcing so many women (many of them underage girls) to "sacrifice" for him.

In the trial of Octar, another very serious crime of his was revealed.

In 2016, there was a coup d'état in Turkey that, despite its failure, had a great political and social impact, resulting in 200 deaths. The coup was presided over by the Turkish president's political enemy, the leader of the terrorist group Fethulla Gulen, and Oktar was Gulen's collaborator and one of the planners of the coup. This also confirmed that the reason why this evil sect leader repeatedly escaped responsibility and escaped justice was because he had a strong background background. In addition, Octal was also found to have hidden arms, money laundering, extortion, kidnapping and other acts. The lawsuits add up to more than 500 pages.

Well, Octar is suspected of establishing a cult organization, suspected of raping and seducing women, and suspected of subverting state power, each of which is extremely heinous and unforgivable. Therefore, in 2021, Octar was sentenced to 1075 years and 3 months in prison! At this time, Octal was 65 years old, and it seemed that he would not be able to get out of prison in this life, and he deserved it!

The Turkish cult leader hid 69,000 contraceptives, lured thousands of women, and was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison

At this point, Turkey's largest cult organization was finally destroyed, and after the great demon Oktal fell into the net, the whole country of Turkey celebrated.

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