
What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed

author:Old Ding Sports Club

Matthew Emmons

What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed

In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, in the final of the 50-meter rifle three postures, in the good situation that the last shot was 3.0 rings ahead of China's Jia Zhanbo, he actually hit the gun on someone else's target (still a relatively high 10.6 rings), and lost the championship. Jia Zhanbo won the gold.

At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Emmons made a comeback. It was still the 50m rifle three-position final, and the result was still a familiar story, Emmons was nearly 4 rings ahead in the penultimate round, and as long as he scored 7 rings, he would become an Olympic champion, and fell on the last shot again, this time his bullet hit his target, but only 4.4 rings. The winner of that competition was still a Chinese player, and Jia Zhanbo was replaced by Qiu Jian.

In 2012, Emmons played again in London. It was still the final of the men's 50m rifle, and the shocking scene happened again, the final shot emmons scored a minimum score of 7.6 rings in the whole game, and finally won only the bronze medal, when his only 50m rifle three-posture Olympic medal.

What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed

But he was also blessed. 2004 Athens Olympic Games, after the competition, both the unexpected Emmons and the Czech shooter Caterina thus met, Caterina at the beginning wanted to comfort the frustrated Emmons, but love came to who god signed a red rope for the two, love at first sight of the two people, in 2007 happily entered the marriage hall.

God closed a window for him, but opened the door to happiness for him.

What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed

And there is no shortage of medals.

What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed

Li Ning is one of the most outstanding athletes of the twentieth century, and has won fourteen world championships in his sports career, creating a myth in the history of world gymnastics and being known as the "Prince of Gymnastics".

Everyone should know more or less about how great his previous feats were, and even if they didn't, they had heard of the reputation of the prince of gymnastics. However, he made a series of very low-level mistakes at the Seoul Olympics, which can be said to have changed his life.

He had already achieved fame, but at the Seoul Olympics, China faced an embarrassing situation where no one was available, and had to let Li Ning, who was 25 years old and was already an advanced age in gymnastics, participate in the competition. Li Ning said that he did not know the reputation of his life, but sometimes there was no way.

What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed

The nightmare begins with a ring race. The hanging ring was originally Li Ning's strong point, and the hanging ring competition was in the front, which was very beneficial to Li Ning. The game had been going well, until finally Li Ning wanted to complete the action more completely and beautifully, so he pushed the lower ring, and ended up hanging his foot on the ring. This serious mistake is unprecedented in the history of the ring race.

This low-level and serious mistake hit Li Ning's confidence hard, causing him to make a series of low-level mistakes in the following races: handstand error in the parallel bars event; unstable standing in the vaulting event; and falling down while doing Thomas full rotation in the pommel horse project. In the end, Li Ning personally ranked 40 out of all the racers.

Before he was a genius and a prince of gymnastics, he was scolded as a sinner of the state and the nation after this battle, and it is said that many people sent him ropes to hang himself.

Fortunately, he is now a successful businessman, but he is still reluctant to mention the events of that year, which shows the shadow caused to him.

What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed
What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed

"Nine ball queens" Pan Xiaoting's "big ball touching small ball" incident!

Originally a nine-out-of-ten victory, because of a mistake that Pan Xiaoting herself did not expect, Pan Xiaoting lost, and the mistake that affected the direction of the whole game was also hailed as the most classic mistake in the history of billiards, not one of them!

Lost a game, but Pan Xiaoting shocked the world!

What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed

In the 2013 Fibrinth Women's Pool Open, Pan Xiaoting played lai Huishan. Drawn 6-6, in the final decider, Pan Xiaoting aimed at the No. 6 ball and prepared to attack. When bending down to hit the ball, the body accidentally touched the No. 9 ball, and the referee called out a foul. Then the opponent got the opportunity to hit the ball freely, cleared the stage with one shot, and luckily defeated Pan Xiaoting.

Finally, let's talk about a referee's mistake.

What are some of the most memorable classic mistakes in sports? Pan Xiaoting's big ball touched the small ball Emmons was blessed

At the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics, due to the negligence of the referee, the men's 3000m steeplechase actually ran one more lap.

As a result, the results of this 3000m steeplechase can be said to be worse than history (one more lap, the results are not bad). According to the standard distance, Finland's Eiso Holo, who won the championship, has actually broken the world record. The American, who finished second from the standard distance, was overtaken in an extra lap and was arranged by fate to only win the bronze medal.

Let's talk about a referee mistake.

At the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics, due to the negligence of the referee, the men's 3000m steeplechase actually ran one more lap.

As a result, the results of this 3000m steeplechase were unprecedentedly poor (nonsense one more lap). According to the standard distance, Finland's Etholholo, who won the championship, had already broken the world record at that time. The American, who finished second from the standard distance, was overtaken in an extra lap and won only bronze.

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