
It is very important to supplement the spleen in summer, and no matter how busy you are, you must cook these 3 kinds of porridge for your children

author:Sister Zhao Huo talks about health

When summer comes, children are more greedy, and the stomach is always prone to problems. The health of the spleen and stomach is the top priority in the child's digestive system, and Chinese medicine has said that "the spleen and stomach are the foundation of acquired development and the source of qi and blood", which shows the importance of the spleen and stomach.

If the child's spleen and stomach are weak, it will directly affect the child's nutrient absorption, which will have an impact on the child's qi and blood, especially in the summer, the diet should pay more attention, and a little inattention will hurt the child's spleen and stomach.

Summer spleen supplement is very important,

No matter how busy you are, you have to cook these 3 kinds of porridge for your children!

Let's take a look at what the doctor says?

It is very important to supplement the spleen in summer, and no matter how busy you are, you must cook these 3 kinds of porridge for your children

When summer arrives, some children will become unappetizing and do not want to eat. At this time, the yang qi in the body circulates the surface of the body, the yang qi of the spleen and stomach is reduced, the spleen and stomach are particularly susceptible to damage, and the child will also appear to some extent hot and restless, and the appetite is not strong. It is recommended to give children more millet porridge, which is good for the child's spleen and stomach, and less sick.

It is very important to supplement the spleen in summer, and no matter how busy you are, you must cook these 3 kinds of porridge for your children

Recommend 3 kinds of delicious and easy to make porridge:

1, millet yam red date porridge, improve immunity.

2, millet egg yolk pumpkin porridge, inhibit the virus to supplement the spleen and stomach.

3, millet peanut red bean porridge, enhance intelligence to supplement the brain.

It is very important to supplement the spleen in summer, and no matter how busy you are, you must cook these 3 kinds of porridge for your children

How to judge the child's spleen and stomach deficiency?

Eating: Loss of appetite, picky eating, anorexia, or excessive consumption but thin body.

Tongue: Normal children's tongue should be reddish tongue, thin white tongue, if the child's spleen and stomach discord will appear white tongue, there will be a sour rot in the mouth.

Skin: Rough, dry, dull, pigmented, and even chronic eczema.

Digestion: Children will often bloat after meals and may even have vomit or indigested food in their stools.

Constitution: Due to spleen and stomach disharmony, poor nutrient absorption, there will be palm fever, poor resistance, and repeated colds.

Sleep: Sleep is not steady, when sleeping, the eyes will show a small slit, crying at night, and there will be teething and grinding teeth.

Spirit: Will be more "lazy" than the average child, do not love sports, or a little activity on love to sweat, love to lose temper, often cry.