
Weekend Highlights Review: More than 100 Cases of MonkeyPox Infection Worldwide Huashan Hospital calls for strict prevention of the introduction of the epidemic! Some listed companies have responded to existing test reagents

author:Straight Flush Finance

Macro news >>>

Li Keqiang: China will unswervingly expand its opening up to the outside world and continue to build a large market and a hot land for foreign investment

Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council attended the 70th anniversary forum of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade at the Diaoyutai Fanghua Garden on the evening of May 19. Li Keqiang stressed that China will unswervingly expand its opening up, and the door to opening up to the outside world will only open wider and wider. We will continue to deepen the reform of "decentralization and management of services", create a market-oriented international business environment based on the rule of law, clarify transparent and stable and predictable regulatory rules, further relax market access, ensure that foreign-funded enterprises enter the fields that have been opened equally in accordance with the law, strictly protect intellectual property rights, and continue to build China into a large market in the world and a hot land for foreign investment.

Beijing Haidian District implements upgrading control measures throughout the district to work from home

The Office of the Leading Group for the Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic in Haidian District, Beijing, reported on May 21 that from 12:00 on May 21 to 12:00 on May 28 (tentative), Haidian District implemented upgrading control measures and implemented home office. Units in the region fully implement the requirements for working from home. If it is really necessary to go to the post, the person who arrives at the post holds a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours and implements the "two points and one line" work of the family unit. Reduce gathering activities, and implement epidemic prevention requirements such as not gathering together and not gathering. Except for supermarkets, vegetable shops, catering institutions that guarantee basic living needs (only provide takeaway services, cancel dine-in), medical institutions, pharmacies, etc., all indoor cultural entertainment, sports and fitness venues, and various training institutions in the area are temporarily closed.

Shanghai accelerates the full resumption of work and production after June 1 The timetable for the resumption of work and production in the three phases is clear

On the 20th, the Office of the Shanghai Municipal Leading Group for the Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic issued the "Implementation Plan for the City's Continuous Consolidation of the Achievements in Epidemic Prevention and Control and the Orderly Resumption of Work and Production", which clarified the timetable for the resumption of work in shanghai in three stages and the requirements for epidemic prevention and control. According to the "Plan", Shanghai should promote the resumption of work and production in three stages: the first stage, from now until May 21, to focus on restoring the industrial chain supply chain; the second stage, from May 22 to May 31, expand the resumption of work and production; the third stage, after June 1, accelerate the full resumption of work and production.

China Securities Regulatory Commission: Further give play to the function of the capital market to support the regions and industries seriously affected by the epidemic to accelerate recovery and development

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued the Notice on Further Giving Play to the Functions of the Capital Market to Support regions and industries seriously affected by the epidemic to accelerate their recovery and development, focusing on increasing direct financing support, implementing the policy of deferring the extension of the period, optimizing the supervision work arrangement, and giving play to the role of industry institutions, and increasing policy support in terms of enterprises applying for initial listing, listing on the Beijing Stock Exchange, refinancing, mergers and acquisitions, corporate bonds, asset securitization products, etc.; Flexible arrangements such as extensions are made for the time limit of financial information; through off-site methods such as video conferencing, as well as the reduction or reduction of relevant fees for listed companies and exchange members, reflecting regulatory flexibility and temperature; and giving full play to the role of securities and funds and futures operators to help fight the epidemic and resume work and production. The Notice is mainly aimed at areas and industries seriously affected by the epidemic, including Shanghai, Jilin and other areas that have fully implemented measures such as sealing and control management and static management, as well as industries seriously affected by the epidemic such as catering, retail, tourism, civil aviation, highways, waterways and railway transportation. Subsequently, it will be dynamically adjusted according to the changes in the situation.

SAFE: Financial institutions should guide customers to follow the principle of exchange rate risk management with "value preservation" rather than "value added" as the core

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued a notice on measures related to further promoting the foreign exchange market to serve the real economy. It is mentioned that financial institutions should continue to strengthen the capacity building of exchange rate risk management in the real economy and guide customers to establish a risk-neutral concept. Support enterprises to manage exchange rate risks, comprehensively consider product types, customer classification and hedging demand characteristics, and handle foreign exchange derivatives business for customers that are compatible with their risk tolerance and hedging needs, and reduce the uncertainty of production and operation. Pay attention to guiding customers to follow the exchange rate risk management principle of "value preservation" instead of "value-added" as the core, focusing on the main business and hedging and hedging. Enrich the foreign exchange market products for customers, and add RMB to foreign exchange ordinary American options, Asian options and their combination products to the customer foreign exchange market. Financial institutions that are already qualified for customer options business can carry out the above new product business on their own. Expand the scope of cooperation in handling RMB-to-foreign exchange derivatives business, and qualified banks can provide counterparty banks with RMB-to-foreign exchange cooperative derivatives business services with corresponding product qualifications, including cooperative forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange, cooperative foreign exchange swaps, and cooperative currency swaps.

Financial news >>>

Haitong strategy: the large bottom of the A-share 3-4 year cycle has appeared At this stage, the new infrastructure is better

Haitong Securities Strategy Team pointed out in the research report on May 22 that since the opening of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect in November 2014, the correlation between the Sino-US stock market has risen, but it is still a weak correlation, of which A-shares have obviously followed the decline. Since the end of April this year, the sharp decline in US stocks has not followed, stemming from the misalignment of the economic cycles of China and the United States and the different valuation positions of the stock market. The big bottom of the A-share 3-4 year cycle has emerged, positive factors are accumulating, and the new infrastructure is better at this stage, such as the digital economy and the low-carbon economy, and the future will gradually pay attention to consumption.

Hang Seng Index Company: Include 4 companies including SMIC in the Hang Seng Index Weilai is included in the Hang Seng Technology Index

The Hang Seng Index Company announced the quarterly inspection results, including SMIC and other four companies in the Hang Seng Index, excluding AAC Technology, the number of constituent stocks will increase from 66 to 69, and the number of constituent stocks will remain 30 by including WEIO Group in the Hang Seng Technology Index, excluding ASM Pacific. Alibaba's weight in the HSI was lowered to 6.48%, and the weights of Tencent Holdings and Meituan were raised to 8.00% and 6.71% respectively. SMIC has a weight of 0.60% in the HSI. NIO's weight in the Hang Seng Technology Index is 0.52%.

Nearly 20 *ST companies will be terminated

Since May, a total of 18 *ST companies have issued termination announcements. Among them, 8 companies were terminated by the exchange for delisting clauses that "the audited net profit of the most recent fiscal year was negative and the operating income was less than RMB100 million, or the net profit of the most recent fiscal year after retrospective restatement was negative and the operating income was less than RMB100 million". The data shows that as of now, the latest closing price of 11 A-share companies is less than 1 yuan / share, which may touch the delisting standard of par value, all of which are *ST companies, and most companies have touched the delisting standard of financial indicators. At present, all 11 companies have been suspended.

Since the second quarter, 913 companies have been surveyed by public funds since the second quarter

Since the second quarter, the enthusiasm of public funds to investigate A-shares has steadily increased. The data shows that since the second quarter, 913 A-share listed companies have been surveyed by public funds. Among them, 84 companies have been investigated by 50 or more public funds; Goertek (002241), Qiaqia Food (002557), Mindray Medical (300760), Unigroup Guowei (002049), Junshi Biological, Lizhong Group (300428) and other 6 companies have been intensively surveyed by more than 100 public funds. Hu Bo, manager of Rongzhi Investment Fund under, said, "Maintaining a high degree of prosperity of new energy, science and technology and other tracks is still the main direction of China's economic development in the future and the focus of industrial upgrading, the vast majority of enterprises are growth enterprises, after the early stage of full adjustment, the investment value has gradually emerged, so it has attracted many public funds to gather for research."

Sankei Shimbun >>>

Lithium hexafluorophosphate 3 months price waist chopper Experts say it is a positive

The external quotation of lithium hexafluorophosphate is about 260,000-280,000 yuan / ton, and the price is cut compared with the high of 600,000 yuan / ton. Financial commentator Wang Chikun said that the release of upstream production capacity and the general lack of operating rate under the influence of the epidemic, coupled with the endless emergence of various new battery technology routes, are the main reasons for the decline in the price of lithium hexafluorophosphate. For the recent decline in the price of lithium hexafluorophosphate, many industry experts also believe that compared with the previous disorderly rise, the price of lithium hexafluorophosphate is gradually returning to rationality, which is also a positive for the healthy development of the industry.

Domestic passenger flights will be financially supported from tomorrow

Starting on May 21, domestic passenger flights operated by domestic airlines will be supported by financial cash subsidies if their revenues fail to cover variable costs. The funding policy for domestic flights, led by the Civil Aviation Administration of China, will be implemented for two months and will involve 4,500 flights. At present, each airline has reported its flight plan that can be supported by the "guaranteed subsidy", and the number of "guaranteed subsidized flights" that each airline can fly in the past two months is determined by the flight volume share of each airline's domestic flight in the past month. According to the policy publicity of the Civil Aviation Administration of China for each airline, the principle of this subsidy policy is to ensure that the domestic flights that the airline flies up are constantly losing, that is, if the income of a certain flight cannot cover the variable cost, then the difference between the two is made up by the state, but the maximum subsidy does not exceed 24,500 yuan per hour.

Henan: Research and plan the construction of hydrogen refueling stations in the Zhengzhou urban agglomeration to support the use of existing sites and facilities to carry out comprehensive oil, gas, hydrogen and electricity supply services

The General Office of the People's Government of Henan Province recently issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Accelerating the Development of the New Energy Vehicle Industry. The opinions put forward that the construction of hydrogenation facilities should be promoted in an orderly manner. Study and plan the construction of hydrogen refueling stations in the Zhengzhou urban agglomeration, formulate supervision measures and special plans for the construction of hydrogen refueling stations, and improve the construction, operation and safety management mechanism of hydrogen refueling stations. Guide enterprises to build hydrogenation infrastructure according to hydrogen fuel supply, consumer demand, etc., and improve the level of safe operation. Support the use of existing sites and facilities to carry out integrated oil, gas, hydrogen and electricity supply services.

Company news >>>

Weier shares: Wholly-owned enterprises intend to increase their holdings in Beijing Junzheng shares by no more than 4 billion yuan

Weier Shares (603501) announced that Shaoxing Weihao, a wholly-owned enterprise, intends to increase its holding of Beijing Junzheng (300223) shares for no more than 4 billion yuan, and the cumulative number of Beijing Junzheng shares held after the increase does not exceed 50 million shares, not exceeding 10.38% of the total share capital.

Shengxiang Biologics: The monkeypox virus nucleic acid detection kit has been stocked to quickly identify monkeypox virus

According to the official micro-news of Shengxiang Biology on May 22, Shengxiang Biological Scientific Research Products have been stocked with monkeypox virus nucleic acid detection kit (PCR-fluorescent probe method), which can quickly identify monkeypox virus by specifically detecting the nucleic acid fragments of monkeypox virus. The reagent has the characteristics of high sensitivity and simple operation, which is suitable for rapid diagnosis of related diseases caused by monkeypox virus infection, and is compatible with the fluorescent PCR platform and the Shengxiang Biological POCT platform, which can be quickly applied on the well-established new crown nucleic acid detection platform.

Tianqi Lithium: SQM, a shareholding company, achieved a net profit of US$796 million in the first quarter

Tianqi Lithium (002466) announced that the participating company SQM achieved a net profit of 796 million US dollars in the first quarter, and the company held a total of 23.02% of its shares, because SQM's performance exceeded the company's forecast data in the first quarterly report, predicting that the company's net profit in the first half of 2022 will increase by about 620 million yuan.

BYD Releases CTB Technology Battery System Volume Utilization Rate Increased to 66%

Lian Yubo, president of the BYD (002594) Automotive Engineering Research Institute, introduced that the volume utilization rate of BYD's CTB battery system has increased to 66%, and as a body structural part, it participates in the safety of the whole vehicle, doubling the torsional stiffness of the whole vehicle. BYD's latest SEAL model uses CTB technology and high-voltage charging system, and is equipped with a new generation of blade fast-charging batteries, charging for 15 minutes and driving 300Km.

COSCO Offshore Holdings: The controlling shareholder intends to increase its holdings of A shares and H shares of the company by 1.5 billion yuan to 3 billion yuan

COSCO Offshore Holdings (601919) announced that cosco Shipping Group, the controlling shareholder, increased its holding of 500,000 A-share shares of the company on May 20, and from May 19 to May 20, it increased its holding of 3.0255 million H-share shares of the company. In addition, the controlling shareholder, COSCO SHIPPING Group or its wholly-owned subsidiaries, intends to increase its holdings of A and H shares of the Company within 12 months from the date of commencement of the increase, and the total amount of the shares of the Company intended to increase is not less than RMB1.5 billion and not more than RMB3 billion.

Overseas news >>>

Prime Minister of Hungary: We do not accept irrational decisions by the EU on an economic footing

On May 21, local time, Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán said when talking about the sixth round of sanctions against Russia that he would not accept irrational measures taken by the EU economically, "all these unconsidered sanctions against Russia, (once implemented) will destroy Hungarian agriculture, which will have a serious impact on the Hungarian economy." Orbán made the above statement when Serbia participated in the 89th International Agricultural Exposition novi Sad.

The WHO, the largest monkeypox outbreak in the history of Europe, held an emergency meeting

The World Health Organization (WHO) held an emergency meeting on Friday to discuss the recent monkeypox outbreak, which followed more than 100 confirmed or suspected cases in Europe. The WHO discusses this issue with the Contingency Programme Infectious Disease Hazard Strategy and Technical Advisory Group (STAG-IH), which advises on infection risks that may pose a global health threat. The team will not be responsible for deciding whether to declare the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, WHO's highest form of early warning currently applicable to the COVID-19 pandemic. Monkeypox is a viral infection that is more common in West and Central Africa. Germany calls it the largest ever monkeypox outbreak in Europe, with at least nine European countries – Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom – as well as the United States, Canada and Australia reporting cases. Spain reported 24 new cases on Friday, mainly in the Madrid area, where the local government closed a sauna linked to most of the infections.

India's iron ore export tariffs have been raised to 45%-50% since May 22

According to the Ministry of Finance of India, the Indian government raised its iron ore export tariffs on May 22, and the export tariffs on iron ore of different iron grades and varieties were raised to 45%-50%. Mysteel believes that this tariff adjustment will mainly have some impact on the import volume of 58% of its fine ore and Indian pellets, and the impact on the import of pellets is greater than that of powder ore, and the impact of less than 58% of the fines is greater than that of more than 58% of varieties. The reduction in the number of Indian pellets to China may be more obvious, and some traders have made it clear that they will not fulfill their pellet contracts after June. Due to the high price of the pellets, and the simultaneous sales of Indian pellets to the European market, and the obvious differences between the Indian pellets from the perspective of quality and pressure resistance, the original sales price of the port was to raise the cost performance at a low price. At present, the sales price of domestic pellets is 1300 yuan / ton, equivalent to ABOUT 176 US dollars / dry ton, if the price of Indian pellets is raised by 45%, it is expected that the existing steel mills using Indian pellets will be adjusted to a more cost-effective domestic pellet.

India plans to reduce the import tax rate of coking coal and coke from 2.5% and 5% to 0 tariffs

According to the News of the Ministry of Finance of India on May 21, in order to alleviate the high level of inflation in India, the Indian government introduced an adjustment policy for import and export tariffs on steel raw materials and products on May 22. The import tax rate of coking coal and coke will be reduced from 2.5% and 5% to 0 tariffs; the export tariffs on hot-rolled, cold-rolled and coated plate coils with a width of more than 600 mm will be increased from 0% to 15%, and the export tariffs on iron ore, pellets, pig iron, rods and wire rods and some stainless steel varieties will also be increased to varying degrees.

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