
In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

author:First cuisine

Summer is here again, everyone should pay more attention to sunscreen whitening! Long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause accelerated aging of the skin and will grow freckles, which can cause severe skin cancer.

For the sake of our skin health, we can usually eat more foods rich in "vitamin C", which not only improves immunity, but also inhibits the growth of melanin, saving a lot of money for repairing and whitening the skin.


Lemon is rich in vitamin C, many whitening essences are basically in the name of lemon, it can be seen that its status in the whitening industry is No.1 ah! Regular consumption not only promotes metabolism, but also fair and shiny skin. However, the taste is a bit sour, so it is not recommended that you eat lemon directly.

Recommended Practice: Lemon chicken feet

1. Prepare ingredients:

Use scissors to cut off the fingernails of the chicken's feet, break the chicken feet in half, and rinse off the blood.

Boil water in a pot, add slices of ginger and shallots to remove fishy, chicken feet to cool the pan under water, add a little baking soda. After boiling the pot, beat off the foam, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking wine to continue to cook for 2-3 minutes, turn off the heat and soak for 3-5 minutes, fish out and put it in ice water to cool. Rinse the chicken feet again, pick off the onion and ginger and change them into water.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

2. Prepare the marinade

Cut the coriander stalks into sections; a small handful of millet peppers into circles; two strips of corded peppers into rings; a handful of garlic into slices; prepare two fresh lemons sprinkled with salt and scrubbed, squeeze out the lemon juice from the middle for two, and cut the remaining lemons into slices for later.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

Prepare a clean bowl without water and no oil, add salt, sugar, sweet and spicy chicken sauce, three spoons of extremely fresh flavor, four spoons of fruit vinegar, pour in lemon juice, pour in the cut ingredients and stir well, soak for half an hour and then drain the chicken feet, then seal and marinate with plastic wrap for more than four hours to eat.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat


Tomato is the deserved king of whitening, it not only contains a lot of vitamin C can inhibit the formation of melanin, it also contains lycopene to allow the body to absorb vitamin C more fully, so it has a strong effect on whitening and anti-aging.

Recommended Recipe: Tomato fat beef stew

1. Prepare ingredients:

Soak a piece of vermicelli in hot water for 10 minutes, fish out the soft vermicelli and set aside; cut two tomatoes with a cross flower knife, soak in hot water for 2 minutes, let cool and then remove the skin and cut into small even pieces; slice a piece of ginger; cut a few shallots into segments; and prepare a box of beef rolls.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

2. Start cooking:

Heat the oil in the pot, pour in the onion ginger, 3-5 dried chili peppers to burst the spicy taste, add 15 grams of tomato sauce, 5 grams of chili sauce, stir-fry the sauce and then pour in the cut tomatoes, the tomatoes are fried out of the red juice and poured into the appropriate amount of water.

Start seasoning: Add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of sugar, 10 grams of light soy sauce, bring the soup to a boil over high heat and add it to the beef rolls, pour in a little water starch to collect the soup, wait until the beef is rolled and then you can get out of the pot, soak the soft vermicelli on the bottom of the plate, pour in the cooked beef and eat.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

White radish and carrots

White radish is called "earth ginseng", and the vitamin C in it has an antioxidant effect, which can prevent facial oxidation and long spots, and often eat it to keep the skin white.

Carrots are known as "skin food", carrots are ignored because they are common foods in life, in fact, it is rich in pectin substances, promote metabolism, help the body detoxify, and make the skin look very white and tender.

Recommended Recipe: Sprite radish

Cut the white radish into cubes; cut the carrot into cubes; cut into cubes; cut a lemon into small pieces; cut several lines of peppers and a handful of millet peppers into chili rings, and wash off the chili seeds with water.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

Then dry the green and red peppers and pour the radish together, add sugar, white vinegar, and then pour in the sprite without turnips, stir with chopsticks to dissolve the sugar, and finally seal and marinate with plastic wrap for 1 hour to eat.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat


Pineapples are cheap, delicious, high vitamin C content, now is the season, don't miss it! However, it should be noted that pineapples are best soaked in salt water for half an hour before eating, otherwise they are prone to allergies.

Recommended Recipe: Pineapple grunt meat

1. Prepare ingredients:

Cut a piece of tenderloin into diced meat, add salt, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, an egg and beat well; then sprinkle with dry starch, stir and marinate for 10 minutes; pineapple peeled and cut diagonally into thick slices; carrots are peeled and cut diagonally into cubes; cucumbers are cut into cubes in small pieces.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

Prepare two handfuls of flour, dip the marinated diced meat evenly with dry flour and set aside.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

2. Garnish blanching water:

Bring water to a boil in a pot, bring to a boil over high heat and blanch the pineapple cucumber and carrots for 1 minute to remove the water.

3. Diced fried meat:

Pour vegetable oil into the pot, the oil is 50% hot, mix the tenderloin of the dried flour, put it into the oil pan one by one to prevent sticking, turn on the medium heat for 90 seconds, fish out the oil control; the oil temperature rises to 60% heat, pour the diced meat into the pan and fry for 20 seconds and then pour out the oil control.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

4. Make sweet and sour sauce:

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add a spoonful of tomato sauce and sauté it with a spoon, add a spoonful of water, a spoonful of sugar (20 grams), an equal amount of white vinegar (20 grams), add a small amount of salt, white sugar and then hook the water starch.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

The soup is sticky and begins to bubble, pour in the pineapple cucumber carrots and stir-fry for a while, pour in the diced meat and turn on high heat to collect the juice, then put it out of the pot and plate.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat


Apples are known as the "king of fruits" because they contain a lot of water and vitamin C, fruit acid, which can not only inhibit the composure of melanin in the skin, but also have acne removal effects.

Recommended Practice: Diced apple chicken

1. Prepare ingredients:

Cut one cucumber into small cubes; one carrot into small cubes, and the side dishes are put together for later; a piece of ginger is cut into ginger slices; two shallots are cut into green onions.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

Cut 1 apple into small cubes, add 1 gram (1/2 spoon) of salt to water, cut a piece of chicken breast into small cubes, then add 2 grams of salt (1 spoon), 3 grams of cooking wine, and set aside after grasping well by hand

Beat an egg white into the pot, add the right amount of cornstarch, and use your hands to mix well in one direction to form a thick paste, pour it into the marinated chicken cubes and stir well.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

2. Garnish blanching water:

Bring water to a boil in a pot and add 5 grams of cooking wine. After the water comes to a boil, add the diced chicken, then add the diced cucumber and carrot blanched for 30 seconds to pour out the controlled water and set aside.

3. Start cooking:

Heat the oil in the pot, add green onions and ginger slices to stir-fry, add diced chicken, diced carrots and cucumbers to continue stir-frying, and then start seasoning: add 2 grams of salt (one spoon), 2 grams of chicken powder (one spoon), 1 gram of pepper (half a spoon), 3 grams of sugar (one spoon), 2 grams of chicken juice, stir-fry the seasoning and then put in the diced apples to continue stir-frying, pour in a little water starch, the right amount of open oil and turn well to put out the pan and plate.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat


Known as the "treasure trove of vitamin C", grapefruit contains 123 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of grapefruit, and regular consumption of grapefruit can whiten the skin.

Recommended Directions: Honey grapefruit tea

1。 Ingredients to prepare:

Prepare a fresh grapefruit, scrubb the grapefruit skin with table salt, scrape off the yellow skin of the grapefruit, and then cut the grapefruit peel into thin strips; peel off the flesh and set aside; prepare the right amount of rock sugar for later.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

2. Blanch the grapefruit peel in water

Boil water, open the water into the grapefruit peel and cook for 30 seconds, pour out the controlled water and set aside.

3. Start making:

Add grapefruit meat, rock sugar and grapefruit peel to the pot, pour in the water that has not been the ingredients, cook on high heat for 5 minutes without stopping to stir, the rock sugar melts, the flesh is all spread out, the grapefruit skin becomes soft and then turn to low heat and continue to simmer for 40 minutes, constantly stirring to avoid paste.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

After boiling the fruit puree, pour it in the crisper box to cool, pour in the appropriate amount of honey and stir well, put it in the refrigerator for 3 days and use it to soak in water.

In the summer, these 6 kinds of delicacies should be eaten more, refreshing and greasy, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat

(First Food Editor: Cao Cao)

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