
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

author:China Youth Network

On the 18th local time, Elena Douhan, special rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council on unilateral coercive measures, held a press conference in Tehran to elaborate on the many negative impacts of unilateral sanctions launched by the United States on Iran on Iranian society.

She called on all parties to abide by international law, stressing that the United States "cannot achieve its political goals and interests through sanctions."

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

Un Human Rights Council official website: Dou Han called on the United States to lift sanctions against Iraq.

At present, in order to achieve its own political goals and interests, the round of sanctions imposed by the United States to win over allies against Russia has reached its peak.

Although only more than 40 of the more than 190 member states of the United Nations have followed the united states in sanctions, the consequences of sanctions have fallen on the heads of the whole world.

U.S. sanctions would cost the United States itself and most of the world

A series of data is enough to explain what the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the sanctions imposed by the United States and the West on Russia have brought to the world.

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has warned that conflicts and sanctions have pushed food, fuel and fertilizer prices to record highs, putting food security at risk in many countries around the world and impacting the lives of millions of people around the world.

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

Screenshot of the official website of the International Fund for Agricultural Development

The United Nations lowered its 2022 global economic growth forecast and warned that global hunger levels are at a new high, with more than 500,000 people living in famine.

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

Screenshot of the official website of the United Nations

The increased sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies on Russia have seriously disrupted supply chains and financial markets, impacted the world economy, and caused serious impacts on many developing countries.

South African expert on international issues and director of the Centre for Central African Studies at the University of Johannesburg, David S. In a recent interview with the General Radio, Monya said that Western countries are using hegemony to arbitrarily impose sanctions on other countries. As a result of spillovers from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, african markets have been disrupted, oil prices have continued to rise, and imports of cereals and agricultural fertilizers have also been affected.

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

David? Monya

India's First Mail website notes that the impact of conflicts and sanctions on developing countries is much more severe. "Advanced economies, while also difficult, can be mitigated by selling things like arms, and it is developing countries like India that are severely squeezed" and "US sanctions will make the United States itself and most countries in the world, such as India, pay a high price."

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

Screenshot of the report on the website of India's "First Post"

Even sanctions experts acknowledge that sanctions have been abused

The extreme sanctions deliberately launched by the United States against Russia are eating themselves back, and at the same time, they are becoming more and more unpopular in the international community.

Earlier this month, the European Commission submitted a proposal for a sixth round of sanctions against Russia, including a total ban on russian oil imports by the end of this year. However, due to the strong opposition of Hungary, Slovakia and other countries, the EU has not been able to unify its position on the new sanctions against Russia.

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

European dynamic network: On the 16th local time, the EU held a foreign ministers' meeting to coordinate the new sanctions position against Russia, but it still ended in fruitless under Hungary's opposition.

Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán said on the same day that these sanctions will not force Russia to submit, but will cause Europe itself to suffer. "The leaders of the European continent believe that sanctions can force Russia to submit, which is only on paper", "The Russian-Ukrainian conflict and Western sanctions on Russia have had an extremely negative impact on the global economy".

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"


Growing concerns about a global economic slowdown have complicated Western allies' sanctions against Russia.

The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrell acknowledged that the war could lead to higher commodity prices in many countries and that "all of our partners are considering and feeling the direct impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict around the world, including energy prices, food shortages and inflation".

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

The Washington Post: Borrelli says people can't stop the recession anymore.

Putin said on the 17th local time that the implementation of energy sanctions by European countries on Russia under the pressure of the United States will only cause damage to their own economy, which is tantamount to "economic suicide".

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

Screenshot of the "Energy Prices" website

Sources say the EU is drafting a plan for EU companies to use rubles to buy Russian gas while circumventing violations of EU sanctions.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on the 19th that about half of the 54 enterprises that have signed gas supply contracts with Gazprom (Gazprom) have opened payment accounts in Russian currency rubles.

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

Screenshot of Bloomberg's report

"The pain voters are willing to endure is limited"

Inside the United States, the growing economic situation has wretched the Biden administration.

The latest polls show that Biden's approval rating has fallen to its lowest point so far. 56 percent of respondents were negative about his job as president, compared with only 37 percent who had a positive view of his job performance.

Another recent poll showed that 40 percent of respondents believe it was the president's policies that caused high inflation.

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

Screenshot of the capitol Hill report

In contrast, Russia, which has been subjected to unprecedented sanctions, oil export revenues are still growing, energy trade supports the ruble to become the "best currency", putin said that the Russian economy remains stable.

Russian officials say the Russian economy has shown resilience to Western sanctions.

Data released this week by Russia's Statistical Service showed that the Russian economy grew by 3.5% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2022.

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

Screenshot of the Reuters report

Us media articles said that US diplomacy has suffered from sanctions dependence, but history has proved that relying on sanctions for diplomacy has never been useful.

The US Vox News Network commented that long before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, sanctions had become one of the common means for the United States to establish its dominant position in the world. From 2000 to 2021, U.S. foreign sanctions increased by 933 percent.

However, sanctions are not a very effective tool, as evidenced by the examples of Venezuela and Iran, which have had a negative humanitarian impact but have not been able to force capitulation and regime change.

The Biden administration's sanctions against Russia are now deeper and more comprehensive than any previous administration. But in the worst case scenario, U.S. and Western sanctions against Russia could lead to widespread instability.

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"
"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

VOX News Network, USA

In addition, the article pointed out that intensive sanctions on Russia will also change the way countries think about the free flow of capital.

Adam Posen, an expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, bluntly said sanctions against Russia would have a corrosive impact on the world economy and could lead to "the end of globalization."

"Diplomacy with sanctions is never useful"

Adam Posen

Source: Global News+