
Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

author:Sheng Hong

He Zizhen and Mao Zedong had 6 children, 5 of whom died or were lost due to war or the Long March, and li min, the only surviving daughter, became her main spiritual sustenance.

In 1953, He Zizhen wrote a letter asking Shao Shiping, the governor of Jiangxi Province, to help find his son Mao Anhong.

At this time, it has been nearly 20 years since Mao Anhong lost his voice, and the difficulty of this can be imagined.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

Finding Mao Anhong was the common expectation of Mao Zedong and He Zizhen.

He Zizhen stated in the letter that he had given birth to a boy in Jiangxi, and later because of the inconvenience of the Long March, he handed the child over to his family to raise, but unfortunately lost it, and now nianzi is eager to hope that Shao Shiping can help find it.

Shao Shiping, who received He Zizhen's letter, attached great importance to it, so he arranged for Zhu Kaiquan, director of the Provincial Civil Affairs Department, to find a suitable person to handle this matter.

Did Xiao Mao finally find it, and what happened after that? We have to start with Mao Anhong's experience.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

(Wang Jiazhen)

1. Soldiers are in chaos and accidentally lost

In November 1932, Xiao Maomao was born in Changting, Fujian Province.

At that time, the Central Soviet Region was full of red hat badges, red collar badges, red flags, and red army gatherings, so Mao Zedong named him Mao Anhong.

Not long after, He Zizhen fell ill with malaria and could not continue to take care of him, so Mao Zedong found a nurse named Rao Shuying to take care of Mao Anhong.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

Grandma Rao Shuying is a native of Jiangxi and likes to call Mao Anhong Mao Mao, so He Zizhen and Mao Zedong naturally call Mao An Hong a small hair.

Mao Anhong has thick eyebrows and big eyes, his face is slightly wider, and there is quite a shadow of Mao Zedong between his eyebrows.

For this only child who grew up around himself and He Zizhen, Mao Zedong liked Mao Anhong very much, and went to the hospital almost every day to visit the mother and son.

As long as Mao Anhong was awake, Mao Zedong would take it from his mother's hand and coax it himself.

If Mao Anhong was sleeping, Mao Zedong would be quietly watching his wife and children next to him.

Mao Anhong grew up, and from the toddler, he would follow his mother He Zizhen to welcome Mao Zedong who returned from a trip.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

As soon as he saw his father, he ran to him with a "babbling" and affectionately shouting "Daddy".

And for this son, Mao Zedong was also very spoiled.

When he was tired at work, Mao Zedong told Stories to Mao Anhong, often making Mao Anhong clap his hands and giggle.

After playing for a while, Mao Zedong would say to Mao Anhong: "Little Mao, play here yourself, Daddy is going to work." ”

For his father's departure, Mao Anhong was not willful, but instead obediently waved goodbye to Mao Zedong.

His son's well-behaved and sensible behavior made Mao Zedong full of expectations, and he once jokingly said to Mao Anhong: "People call me old Mao, you are a little Mao Mao, one more Mao than me, and you must be more powerful than me in the future." ”

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

In October 1934, the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" failed, and in order to reverse the situation, the Red Army decided to march.

In order to ensure the victory of the Long March and the safety of the children, Mao Zedong and He Zizhen decided to leave the children in the local area after discussion.

Therefore, they handed over 2-year-old Mao Anhong to Mao Zeqin and He Yi.

Before leaving, He Zizhen wanted to leave something for the child.

Thinking about it, there was nothing left for the child, so he borrowed some cotton from his fellow villagers, and then disassembled his military uniform, and sewed a small cotton jacket for Mao Anhong under the lamp, hoping that in the winter, even if he was not with the child, the child could be warm and warm.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

But no one expected that since this parting, goodbye has been many years later.

After the Red Army's Long March left the Ruijin area, the Kuomintang launched an attack on the Ruijin area and the Central Soviet Region, and the situation in the Ruijin area became worse.

In order to protect Mao Anhong, Mao Zetan and his wife decided to foster him in the local hometown, but it was not long before Mao Zeqin died while covering for the soldiers, and mao Anhong's news has not been known since.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

2. Difficult and bumpy, finally get good news

The process of finding Mao Anhong is far more difficult than imagined, and before He Zizhen wrote to Shao Shiping, He Zizhen's sister He Yi was also looking for Mao Anhong.

On the eve of liberation, He Yi thought she had found the news of Mao Anhong, and at that time she happily said to Mao Zedong: "The Mao Anhong that was lost in Jiangxi has been found." ”

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

At that time, Mao Zedong was very happy to hear this news, but when the two people compared the details such as time, place and age, they found that the information did not match Mao Anhong, and the search for relatives ended in failure.

In November 1949, He Yi, who could not let go of his worries, made a special trip to Jiangxi to find the whereabouts of Mao Anhong, but he did not want to be in a car accident in Fengtang Village, Taihe County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, and died on the spot.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

The bad news that followed broke He Zizhen's heart, and sometimes she thought that Mao Anhong really couldn't find it again.

The same dilemma, Wang Jiazhen also encountered.

In March 1953, Wang Jiazhen, who had just been working for the Civil Affairs Department of Jiangxi Province for two months, received a difficult task and organized him to find Mao Zedong and He Zizhen's lost child Mao Anhong in Jiangxi.

In order to determine whether Mao Anhong was in the Ruijin area, Wang Jiazhen searched for information many times and finally found the 1934 Ruijin County Chronicle in the county archives.

It reads: "Mao Zedong, the leader of the Communist Party, had a child who was staying in Ruijin. ”

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

This message deepened Wang Jiazhen's confidence that he would be able to find Mao Anhong.

But when he first started looking for Mao Anhong, he encountered a problem.

At the beginning of the Long March, many Red Army soldiers fostered their children in the homes of their fellow villagers in Ruijin.

At that time, in order to ensure the safety of the child, the foster care was carried out quietly, and no one knew which child was specifically placed in foster care.

Moreover, after the fall of Ruijin, the Kuomintang army carried out many strangulations in the Ruijin area, killing many descendants of the Red Army, and there were not many children who survived.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

(Now Zhufang Village)

Later, Wang Jiazhen finally learned from two peasants by visiting the old Red Army in the Ruijin area: There was a couple named Zhu Shengti and Huang Yueying in Zhufang Village, who had adopted a child around October 1934, and the information such as age and appearance was opposite to Mao Anhong, and later named "Zhu Daolai".

He is probably the Mao Anhong that Wang Jiazhen is looking for.

Hearing this news, Wang Jiazhen had a score in his heart, and the next day, he met Zhu Shengti and Huang Yueying and his wife in Zhufang Village as he wished.

In order to ensure that there were no mistakes, Wang Jiazhen first asked Zhu Shengti whether he and his wife had ever adopted a child.

The couple replied in unison: "We did adopt a child of the Red Army and named the child Zhu Daolai." ”

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

Later, Wang Jiazhen asked them for a photo of Zhu Daolai, which had many similarities with Mao Zedong.

After careful information comparison, Wang Jiazhen determined that Zhu Daolai of Zhufang Village was the Mao Anhong he was looking for.

According to zhu Daolai's adoptive parents Zhu Shengti and Huang Yueying' recollections: On a day at the end of September in the lunar calendar in 1934, 1 township Soviet cadre and 2 Red Army soldiers broke into their homes, and they were holding a child in the arms of the people who came. One of the Red Army soldiers explained: "Fellow countrymen, this is a child of the Red Army, and now the big troops are leaving, and we are also going to fight, so please take care of this child." ”

The sudden request made Huang Yueying undecided.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

(Zhufang Village, Zhu Daolai's family of Zhu Shengti who has lived for more than 20 years)

At this moment, she saw the child in her arms, probably about 2 years old, as a mother who had given birth to 4 children, Huang Yueying immediately felt painful and immediately took the child into her arms.

Seeing that Huang Yueying accepted the child, the two Red Army cadres seemed to put their hearts at ease, and once again expressed their gratitude to Zhu Shengti and Huang Yueying, and finally instructed: "Please be sure to protect this child, the Red Army will thank you in the future." ”

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

In order to protect the child, Mr. and Mrs. Zhu Shengti re-named the child and called it "Zhu Daolai". It means picking it up on the road, hoping that the name will reassure others.

However, Wang Jiazhen was in the Zhu family and did not see Zhu Daolai, and only after careful questioning did he learn that two months before his arrival, a woman from Nanjing, named Zhu Yueqian, with a letter of introduction from the Nanjing Air Force Command, claimed to be Zhu Daolai's mother and took Zhu Daolai away.

But Wang Jiazhen still immediately reported to the director of the department.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

Wang Jiazhen's discovery was of great significance, and Zhu Kaiquan, who received the news, made an urgent report to Shao Shiping.

The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee soon received Shao Shiping's message and transmitted Zhu Daolai's information and materials to Shanghai.

He Zizhen saw the photo and was sure at a glance that it was his own child Mao Mao.

Nian Zizhen was anxious, and He Zizhen immediately reported to the Central Organization Department: "Zhu Daolai is like my little hair. ”

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

He Zizhen hoped that the organization would allow Zhu Daolai's adoptive mother and Zhu Daolai to come to Shanghai, and she wanted to personally identify it.

The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, which received He Zizhen's message, quickly replied, agreeing that Wang Jiazhen and Huang Yueying and Zhu Daolai would come to Shanghai together to meet He Zizhen.

After many twists and turns, Wang Jiazhen took Zhu Shengti and his wife to Nanjing to receive Zhu Daolai, and the three of them rushed to Shanghai together.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

(He Zizhen film and television image)

In mid-June 1953, in a small building on Liyang Road in Shanghai, He Zizhen finally met his son, whom he had been thinking about day and night.

When they first met, He Zizhen affirmed that Zhu Daolai was his lost son Mao Mao, because he looked so much like Chairman Mao when he was young.

She carefully looked at Zhu Daolai carefully, the more she looked at it, the more excited she became, and the tears on her face could not be stopped, and finally she couldn't help but hug Zhu Daolai into her arms, and her voice trembled and said: "Mao Mao, you are my Mao Mao!" ”

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

The picture shows Zhu Daolai

Immediately after, Huang Yueying took out another piece of physical evidence, which once again confirmed Zhu Daolai's origin.

It was the little cotton jacket she had sewn by hand.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Huang Yueying was still so well preserved!

At the moment, He Zizhen repeatedly expressed sincere gratitude to Huang Yueying.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

The news of He Zizhen's finding the child soon spread, and He Zizhen's brother He Minxue and his wife Li Liying took the lead in rushing to He Zizhen's house.

After meeting Zhu Daolai, they also determined that Zhu Daolai was Mao Zedong's child.

Later, Chen Yi and Wei Wenbo also came to visit He Zizhen, and everyone agreed that Zhu Daolai was the child of He Zizhen and Mao Zedong.

More than half a month later, mao Zedong met Huang Yueying and Zhu Daolai for the first time in Beijing, and instead of saying that this was his son Mao Anhong, he said: "This child is very similar to Mao Zeqin when he was young." ”

He Zizhen also gave Zhu Daolai a physical examination, and the results showed that Zhu Daolai's blood type was consistent with He Zizhen.

However, not long after, a piece of news broke her happiness again.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

3. Sudden changes, relatives are difficult to defend

After Zhu Shengti and his wife stayed in Shanghai for a while, the news also spread to Beijing one after another, and the East China Bureau relayed the news to He Zizhen of the Central Organization Department, asking Huang Jiazhen, Huang Yueying, and Zhu Dao to come to Beijing, and Chairman Mao wanted to see them.

The next day, the three arrived in Beijing.

In Beijing, Zhu Shengti and his wife have been carefully taken care of, but no matter how good it is outside, they can't reach their hometown, and after staying in Beijing for more than 20 days, Zhu Shengti and his wife decided to return to their hometown.

Before parting, Zhu Daolai clasped Huang Yueying's hand and wept bitterly: "You are my biological mother, I will definitely remember you, and I will go back to see you." ”

I thought that this would be the beginning of Zhu Daolai and He Zizhen's new life, but I didn't think that there was an accident again.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

Not long after Zhu Shengti and his wife left, Zhu Yueqian, a Nanjing woman who had taken Zhu Daolai with her, suddenly rushed to the guest house in Beijing, insisting that Zhu Daolai was her and Huo Buqing's child.

Things suddenly got complicated.

After listening to Zhou Enlai's report on this situation, Mao Zedong resolutely said: "Whoeverse child it is, it is a descendant of the revolution, so give him to the people and the organization!" ”

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?

Seeing this scene, Zhou Enlai proposed to hand over Zhu Daolai to Shuai Mengqi to raise, and Shuai Mengqi's family adopted many children of revolutionary martyrs, which was just in line with the current situation.

Hearing Zhou Enlai say this, Mao Zedong also agreed.

Zhu Dao, who stayed in Beijing, went to Tsinghua High School to continue his studies, and in 1957, he was successfully admitted to the engineering department of Tsinghua University, and after graduation, he was assigned to the national defense research unit to engage in research work.

Later, I don't know what the reason was, Zhu Daolai died in Nanjing, and as to whether "Zhu Daolai" is really "Mao Anhong", this is still an unsolved mystery.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?


In the course of the revolution, many Families of the Red Army have chosen to give up their "small homes" to protect everyone, and the crisis of the country cannot be delayed, and they have chosen to sacrifice their happiness and even their lives for the sake of the country and the people.

When the people are in difficulty and the country is in danger, it is the Communists and liberation soldiers who rush to the front, and they are the models that deserve our respect and study.

Our current peaceful life is all bought for the heroic efforts of countless heroes and martyrs in the past, cherishing peace, maintaining reverence for war and sincerity for life, our country and nation have more hope.

Mao Anhong, chairman Mao's younger son, did he find it later?


"1" Wu Lijin. Mao Zedong's family life The first red wall[M].Beijing. Taiwan Straits Publishing House.2011.115-118

"2" Liu Xiaonong. Searching for the Beginning and End of Mao Zedong's Son Mao Mao[J].Essence of Literature and History, 2011(252):4-11

"3" Lai Liqin, editor-in-chief. Laterite Monument: A Collection of Revolutionary Stories in Yongding County, Fujian Province[M].Beijing. Communist Party History Publishing House.2014.230

"4" "In the Days Of Chairman Mao" Wu Jiqing