
Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

author:Zichen's father scientific parenting

Hello everyone, I am the psychiatrist Zi Chen's father ~

If someone asked me what was the happiest thing about my childhood summer, I would say without hesitation, "It must be a chilled drink with my friends and watching TV with a popsicle!" ”

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

This picture really impressed me too much, and whenever I look back on it, I always smile unconsciously. However, as we grow older, people's thinking has also changed, and now every summer, we always see such a message on various social platforms, the content is the same: Do not let children eat cold drinks!

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

I was really puzzled to see this news, which is not only depriving children of childhood happiness, but also spreading anxiety. Once, after returning home from a busy day, sweating profusely, I opened the refrigerator and took a popsicle and took a big bite and ate it, which felt really "cool"! Turning my head, who was pulling my clothes? My son looked at me pitifully, as if to say, "Daddy, I'm hot too, and I want to eat popsicles too."

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

Looking at his son's longing little eyes, well, took out a popsicle and prepared to hand it to his son, who knew that he had just been bumped into by the child's grandmother. She used to have a hard time walking, but this time she snatched the popsicle I handed to my son, and scolded me with her face covered, "Last time I ate it, I had diarrhea, do you dare to give him food this time?" You are not allowed to eat it in the future! ”

Watching my son's tears swirling in his eyes was really painful, but it didn't make sense to reason with the old man, so I had to empty all the cold drinks at home to avoid the child from being sad after seeing it. However, every time he went out to see other children eating ice cream, his son was envious.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

I think that in order for children to have a good childhood memory in the future, and for children to grow up, there will not be too much gap between them and those children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from childhood, I must change the views of the elderly.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

Many parents are more strict about their children's education, or they are afraid that cold drinks will hurt their children's bodies, so they don't let their children eat at all, which is actually harmful and unhelpful for children. I have consulted a lot of information, but also observed a lot of cases around me, found that children who are allowed to eat cold drinks and children who are restricted from eating cold drinks from childhood will have a gap in 4 aspects when they grow up, and I hope that parents can take a serious look.

1. The gap in emotional intelligence

In fact, eating cold drinks in the summer and eating a small amount can make children feel very happy, and can also make children happier. If a child is often happy when he is young, his emotional self-control will be stronger. Children with strong emotional self-control have a very positive effect on the improvement of emotional intelligence. If the child is strictly restricted from an early age, it will make the child feel very depressed, and the child's emotional intelligence will be lower.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

I have a classmate, the family conditions are very good, but his family pays more attention to health, for his diet is also particularly strict, from childhood to limit him to eat cold drinks, eat snacks, he was powerless to resist at that time, can only rely on tantrums every day, throw toys to vent their dissatisfaction, as long as the family say something, it is completely a little explosive. As a result, his emotional self-control is now particularly poor, and his emotional intelligence is particularly low.

2. The gap in self-control

A child of one of my friends, when he was young, his family never gave him cold drinks, and as a result, when the child went to junior high school, he ate cold drinks for half a month behind his family's back, and ate them every day, even if he ate diarrhea.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

This is because before going to junior high school, the family is too restrictive, and when the child can leave the parents' sight and escape the control of the family, the child will have a "compensation psychology", desperately trying to eat more to compensate for the regret of not being able to eat before. Therefore, the child's self-control will be poor.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age, because of this experience and experience, coupled with the fact that parents will gradually guide their children to eat in moderation, children will have great self-control in the face of the temptation of food.

3. The gap in parent-child relationship

For children with simple thoughts, they will only judge whether their parents love themselves based on their parents' attitude towards themselves and the comparison with other children's parents. When children go out to play with their parents, other children can eat cold drinks, but they can't eat themselves, and children will subconsciously think that their parents don't love themselves.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

Since Grandma was not allowed to eat cold drinks, the son, who was originally very close to Grandma, began to slowly alienate himself from Grandma. I no longer sleep with my grandmother at night, I don't let my grandmother accompany me when I go out to play marbles, and I don't let my grandmother read stories...

4. Gap in social skills

If other children can eat but they can't eat themselves, it will be difficult to make friends. Children who can eat cold drinks from an early age are more likely to make friends, and children who are strictly restricted from an early age, for example, parents are afraid that their children will secretly buy cold drinks, or even do not give any pocket money, such children are difficult to make friends.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

Once children do not make good friends at the critical age of making friends, when they grow up, these children will become more withdrawn and difficult to find good friends.

What is the real reason why a child eats cold drinks and diarrhea?

Many parents do not let their children eat cold drinks, that is, they are afraid that their children will have diarrhea after eating, and even diarrhea and injury to the spleen and stomach. However, I have asked my pediatrician and found that the main causes of acute infectious diarrhea in children include viral, bacterial, and protozoal infections, of which:

  • Viruses mainly include norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, astrovirus and so on
  • The main bacteria are Salmonella, Campylobacter and so on
  • Protozoa mainly include Cryptosporidium, Giardia and so on

Eating cold foods is not included in the factors that cause infectious diarrhea in your child. Therefore, parents should no longer strictly restrict or even prevent their children from eating cold drinks.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and are restricted from eating by their parents have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

Some children do have diarrhea after eating a cold drink, what is going on?

1, may be the child's stomach is too sensitive: some children suffer from functional gastrointestinal disease, popular points, that is, the child's stomach is too sensitive, the brain magnifies some normal perception into pain and other uncomfortable feelings. This is not a disease, parents usually avoid these foods that induce children's reactions as much as possible.

2, cold food to eat too much: too much, any food to eat too much is not good for the body, not to mention the cold food. On hot days, children can occasionally eat some cold food, but if they eat a lot, it may damage the child's gastric mucosa, and seriously may cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

3, the timing of eating is not correct: if you suddenly eat cold food when you exercise or sweat heavily, it will cause irritation to the oral mucosa, easily make the head and facial blood vessels contract, cause cerebral artery spasm, and some children will also have symptoms of nausea and vomiting.


Parents cannot take care of their children for a lifetime, rather than letting the children "compensate" unrestrainedly in the future, it is better to guide them slowly from the beginning. What's more, this kind of experience may become an unforgettable childhood memory after the child grows up.

Some of the pictures come from the Internet, invaded and deleted

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