
In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

author:We're talking a little bit

Mr. Nan Huaijin, a famous Chinese scholar, once said that "Journey to the West" is a good book, and the reason for doing things for people is all in it. To some extent, "Journey to the West" writes the truth of a person's life in the world from a unique perspective, and it has left a deep memory for countless people today.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

After 9981 difficulties in obtaining the True Scriptures, many readers believe that each of the four masters and disciples experiences in reality has a correspondence. So where are the Kingdom of Wuji, Che chi, and Baoxiang that they are passing through? Did these countries really exist in history?

The classic book Journey to the West, it makes sense to read it tirelessly

Literary writer Lu Xun believes that "Journey to the West" is the first magic novel with romantic themes in ancient mainland China, this novel mainly takes Sun Wukong, the Eight Precepts of pigs, sha monks, and Tang monks as the protagonists, from the birth of Sun Wukong to the Great Haunting of the Heavenly Palace, the whole process of taking the Western Heavenly Scriptures as the main writing background, the personality characteristics of each character are vividly depicted. According to historians' analysis, the historical time of "Journey to the West" should be 627 AD, that is, during the reign of Tang Taizong Li Shimin. Xuanzang, who was only 25 years old at the time, wanted to go to India to study, and Xuanzang set out from Chang'an City and passed through Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other places, experiencing many difficulties, and finally arrived in India.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

Xuanzang studied Buddhism in India for two years and gave a speech at a large Buddhist lecture, which was praised and welcomed by many people. In 645, Xuanzang returned to Chang'an City and brought back 657 Buddhist scriptures, which gave the people of the Tang Dynasty real contact with the Buddhist scriptures. Wu Cheng'en, the author of "Journey to the West", used this history as a background to criticize and ridicule the incompetence and cruelty of the ruling class in the feudal period. He showed the readers what the four masters and apprentices saw and heard along the way, and fully showed the dimwitted image of the emperor in the world who believed in Taoism and indulged in female color, and the Jade Emperor who was worshipped by the world was nothing more than an arbitrary and judgmentless person.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

In order to be able to suppress Sun Wukong, he had made all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, but he still could not defeat Sun Wukong, and this also showed the spirit of resistance of a part of the population represented by Wu Cheng'en. Today's historians and literary writers believe that Sun Wukong is the representative of the peasant rebel army, he is brave and fearless, and at the same time he stands tall in the sky, is a light in people's miserable life, and also carries the hope of hundreds of people who want to turn themselves into serfs and sing. All in all, the reason why "Journey to the West" can be passed down to this day and is still timeless is because it contains many principles of doing things, and to this day, it can still give people a series of ardent hopes.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

Chapter descriptions have context and are based on what they have been through

Literary writers believe that the background of the story described in "Journey to the West" has a certain historical basis, so the countries it passes through can also find corresponding archetypes in history. For example, when the four Tang monks passed through the Wuji Kingdom, they met the king of the Wuji Kingdom who had died unjustly, and in order to reunite the family, Sun Wukong salvaged the body of the King of the Wuji Kingdom in the well and gave him a new life.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

Historians have found that the prototype of the Wuji Kingdom is the Aqi ni kingdom in the Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty. In history, although the country is superficially magnificent and glamorous, its ruling class is dirty and the rulers are even more faint. For various reasons, the country has long been in a state of disintegration, and the slightest carelessness will lead to the risk of annihilation. Historians have combined ancient and modern maps to determine that the country of Wuji in Journey to the West is Xinjiang.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

In addition, due to the drought in the Che Chi Kingdom in the Journey to the West, in order to pray for the wind and rain to be smooth, the king of the Che Chi Kingdom invited three Taoist monks to open the altar. And these three Daoist monks did have some skills, and it wasn't long before the wind and rain in the country were smooth, and the people lived a good life of living and working in peace and contentment. In order to thank these three Taoist monks, the king even made them a national teacher and ordered the entire country to practice Taoism. After Sun Wukong and his party of 4 people arrived at Che Chi Guo, they found that these three Daoist monks were just monsters, so they used some means to kill all three Daoists.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

According to relevant historical records, Tang Xuanzang did see a country that even the moat had dried up on his way to the western region, and the geographical location of the country was the village of Yanazigou 10 kilometers west of the present-day Turpan County in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This place is a necessary fortress of the Silk Road, and it also occupies a high and important position in history.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

If the treasure elephant country is mentioned, then the first thing that loyal readers of "Journey to the West" will think of is the yellow robe monster. Before the group came to the Treasure Elephant Kingdom, Tang Monk and Sun Wukong were estranged because of the matter of the White Bone Essence, and Sun Wukong returned to Huaguo Mountain in a huff. However, the Eight Precepts of the Pig were a careless person, and when they went out to make love, they forgot their master and hid in the shade and fell asleep. In order to be able to find the second master brother, Sha Monk had to leave temporarily, but he did not expect that Tang Monk would be captured by the Yellow Robe Monster. In the cave house of the yellow-robed monster, Tang Monk met the princess of the Treasure Elephant Kingdom, and with the help of the Princess of the Treasure Elephant Country, Tang Monk escaped, but he did not want to be turned into a tiger by the Yellow Robe Monster.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

If it were not for Goku's timely intervention, perhaps Tang Monk might not have been able to complete the mission of learning the Scriptures from the Western Heavens. Historians have consulted relevant books and found that the treasure elephant state in the Journey to the West corresponds to the Quzhi state in the "Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty", and the specific geographical location should be Kuqa County in the xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region today. At present, under the leadership of the state, the development of this county town is very good, and in a certain county evaluation, it has become one of the top 100 counties and cities in the western part of the mainland.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

Art comes from reality, and classic stories are passed on forever

To some extent, the stories written in "Journey to the West" are derived from life, and each story projected into modern times will have a certain enlightenment significance. Literary writers believe that Journey to the West depicts a colorful fantasy world, and each fascinating mythological story can make the image of the four masters and apprentices more and more full.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?

In the process of exorcising demons, it reflects the worldly conditions and worldly feelings of feudal society, which not only reveals the wisdom of the world, but also the strong breath of life. And it is such a classic book that also brings the reader into a completely different art hall, while feeling the artistic charm in it, but also understanding the philosophy of life.

In "Journey to the West", where are the countries of black chicken, che chi, and baoxiang that the Tang monks passed through now?


All in all, "Journey to the West" opens up a new era of the long chapter of the mainland gods and demons back to the novel, and the author Wu Cheng'en integrates what he has seen and heard in real life into the storyline, which has both influenced the world and changed the times. To some extent, even the most powerful class cannot destroy a person's desire to change his destiny, and as long as everyone always maintains a positive and unconventional self-motivation, he can definitely regain a new life.