
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

author:Uncle on a donkey

After staying at home for a long time, I want to see the sea. The sea has the power to heal people's hearts.

Especially the sea in summer. The refreshing sea, the rolling waves, the comfortable sand, instantly wash away all your tiredness and irritability.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Heading south along the coastline, the longest and most beautiful coastline in China is hidden in the county seat of Fujian.

The sea here is like Monet's paintings, and every wind movement and lighting is a beautiful impression painting.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Long ago, it was voted "the most beautiful place in China" by CNN, and it also has "the most beautiful beach in the world".

Rare without waves, the coastal scenery of the oil painting texture, the beauty is like a poem, telling the ideals of you and me in the world.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

As long as there is light, it will become a visual factory for professional output blockbusters.

The tidal flats are intertwined with the dreams of light and shadow, and the orange-red tones of the sunset are painted on the surface of the water. A sunset becomes a rare sight in the world, which has led countless photographers to call this place a "posing paradise".

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

It's beautiful enough that in addition to the colorful tidal flats, there are islands here.

There are more than a dozen islands of all sizes in the Four Ridges Islands alone. Known as the "Fourth Pole of the Earth", it is largely unexplored. The most pristine island atmosphere allows you to be in Hawaii for a second without crowding people.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

In addition to the sea, there are also ancient villages that have been quiet for many years.

Thousands of years of ancient banyan trees shade the sky, a thousand years of ancient city does not ask about the world, listen carefully, you can hear the ancient banyan umbrella under the pastoral song.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

The daily life here is far more human pyrotechnic than the photographic works.

The seafood markets where locals shuttle, the food stalls that can't go wrong, you can go to the sea and spend the day with the locals, which is much more niche than many cities.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

50+ casual seafood to satisfy your taste buds.

Here is the "hometown of Chinese kelp", "the hometown of Chinese seaweed", come here to eat the sea by the sea, catch the freshest seafood, the pot is just steamed is enough to be fresh.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

This is a small coastal town with water even its name, and this is Kasumigaura!

From the Hangzhou high-speed rail only 3h direct, you can see the beautiful scenery of both mountains and seas.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery


The wind of Kasumigaura

Blow over the romantic island

The islands of Kasumigaura are diverse. It can be countless kasumi, it can be an endless shadow, or it can be a blue that can't see the edges.

In the busy life, this place has become a poem, beautiful and vivid.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Shimoo Island /

Shimoo Island, known as the little Hawaii of the country, is so beautiful that even Zhou Xun came to punch the clock.

It is not a multicolored tidal flat, but exceptionally clear blue, like all the sea, blue and beautiful.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

However, there are also differences. There are many reefs washed by the sea on the shore, there are no plants growing, and it is rough and grainy to touch with your hands.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Looking at the reef coastline, there is a sense of loneliness, casually shooting, it is all movie shots, full of stories.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

There are many reefs on Shimoo Island, but one is a sea cave that is particularly prominent. If you come here, be sure to take a photo. Casually shoot, you can brush up the circle of friends.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Of course, you can also be an explorer and find the reef that belongs to you.

Standing high up, looking at the sea and windmills in the distance, the huge reef, this spectacular scene is no less than any world-class scenery.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Be sure to wait for a sunset, in the caves, on the reef. Watch the sunset sprinkle on the surface of the sea, sprinkle on the stones, sprinkle on you. Nice and leisurely days, it's great.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Silu Islands /

In the northwest of the Taiwan Strait, there are more than 20 islands in the north, south, west, and east, which form the Four Ridge Archipelago.

Each island has its own characteristics and is waiting for you to discover.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

There are many islands, which make it a beautiful scenery, excellent photography spots, and delicious food. The four archipelagos satisfy all your fantasies about the sea.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Large rock walls, beautiful pebble beaches, fishing spots, pure black reefs, a large flock of seabirds come here...

It's not so commercial, you can explore here, take a walk, or just sit and there's no one to bother you.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Dongan Island /

It is known as the "Venice of the Sea".

Hundreds of thousands of mailboxes and cabins make up the fishing steak at sea, which is spectacular from a distance or up close.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

It's like a community on the sea, and walking here always feels like there are a lot of romantic stories happening at any time. Any shot is like it's in a movie.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/Occidental Island/

The 99% unknown island of seclusion was still one of the 4 most inaccessible islands in China in 2009.

There is not much commercialization here to this day, and it is still a pristine and quiet island.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

It's like coming to Jeju Island, with sea, lawns, cattle and sheep, and beautiful starry sky at night. A quiet and secluded island, it is best to come here in the summer in a daze.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Sea Tail Corner /

Here, there is another beautiful name, called the end of the world.

It's a small niche, there's no commercialization, even the roads are uneven, rugged paths, and the intersections are very hidden.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

But when you go in, you'll be blown away by what you see.

There is a boulder that points straight to the sky like a sword, proud of independence, as if it has been carefully carved by Pangu, and it seems to have come to Greece.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

In addition to the boulders, there is also a thriving agave here, which is also the best place to punch cards, as if it were abroad.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

On the most beautiful S Bay Highway in Cape Tail, you can watch a sunrise here. When the tide has subsided, you can still see the beautiful pebble beach.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery


The light of Kasumigaura

Illuminate the shoals of changing colors

/ Kitagi /

Beiqi Beach is actually the largest seaweed farm in Xiapu. There are a lot of hanging nets here, layered on top of each other.

In the sunlight, you can see the sails and figures swimming between the moso bamboo and the trellis.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

It is the darling of the photography industry, and the "80 most beautiful places in China" in Digital Photography magazine has Beiqi.

Even the photos of Shenzhou 9 in space include the Beiqi mudflats.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

The perfect combination of nature and artificiality creates a unique scenery here.

During the busy season of seaweed every year, the distinctive tiger-skin-like beach stripes and the shadows of poles, figures and boats that fill the beach and the sea evolve into ever-changing scenery.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

At sunrise and sunset, there is a lot of light here, and you can even use a hand towel alone to photograph the golden texture and meandering ditches.

When the fishing boat appeared, it became an oil painting.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Xiaohao Beach /

Those who love photography will not miss Xiaohao Beach. The sandy tidal flats are not as beautiful as they can be seen from any angle.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

When the light goes, you can see a large area of golden mudflats. Like the tail of a goldfish, it is like gold leaf sprinkled all over the sea, and the goose is yellow and brilliant.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

When you look back, you can see the veins of the sea again. The water flowing on the beach is like the lifeline of the sea, and the seaweed bamboo pole is decorated.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ East Wall /

In these two places above, watching the sunset is so beautiful that people can't help but exclaim.

But on the east wall, you will find that the sunset here is amazingly beautiful.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

This small fishing village is located on a hillside facing the sea. The sea here, with its curved waterways, washes out complex and varied textures. Ordinary days, quiet and beautiful.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Whenever the sun sets, the afterglow gradually sets. Bathed in the sunset, the sea woke up from the mist, overflowing with light and covered with gold leaf. Because of the care of the sun and the sunset, this has become a painting.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery


Ancient banyan umbrella in Kasumiura

Hold up an idyllic pastoral song

Xiapu not only has a sea, but also an ancient city that does not care about the world and an ancient village under the eastern fence of picking chrysanthemums.

It's like Tao Yuanming's poems, which are really staged here.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Yangjiaxi /

Yangjiaxi, known as the "Little Wuyi of Eastern Fujian", is located between green mountains and blue waters, and secretly hides another Jiangnan style of Xiapu.

In this one picture, you can win awards internationally.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Here it is like a hermit village in Taohuayuan. Under the thousand-year-old banyan tree, the villagers lead the cattle and drive the ducks to carry the water, as if they do not care about the world, a dusty "sea country taoyuan".

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

When I arrived before 9 o'clock, the fog here had not yet dissipated, and it would not be too thick to float in the woods.

When the first rays of sunlight penetrate under the thousand-year-old banyan tree, beauty is like a poem.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Half Moon /

This village, located in the middle of a half-moon-shaped mountain bay, has a nice name called Half Moon. This is the "Grand View Garden" of the Shes.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Many well-preserved Shezhai buildings have always shone in the long river of history, with few cooking smoke.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

To this day, the villagers here are still here. They worked hard, under the ancient banyan tree, year after year.

The strong atmosphere of shejia has turned this village into a living fossil of culture.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Lower Nanyang Village Discovery Village Half House /

Because this homestay is so beautiful, many people will come to punch the clock. Slowly, slowly, it becomes a "scenic spot".

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

There are more than 7,000 square meters of oversized lawn, emerald green patches, as if you are in a New Zealand meadow.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Walking to the lawn, you can sit and drink tea, blowing the sea breeze, very comfortable.

Then wait for a sunrise, a sunset, and watch the light reveal the beauty little by little, lazy to the extreme.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

There is also an internet celebrity swing here, sitting on it to take a back photo, blending with the sea, very film.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery


The cuisine of Kasumigaura

Endless seafood

Many people come to Xiapu and miss the fireworks here because of the beautiful scenery of the light and shadow of the beach.

Actually, Kasumiura is really delicious! Seafood is super cheap!

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Seafood /

Eat the sea by the sea, seafood is naturally indispensable. Sword clams, shrimp girls, bouncing fish, cuttlefish, white shrimp, Haitian dragons, etc., the price is affordable and fresh.

The best place to eat seafood is actually the roadside food stall, how to choose can not go wrong.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

New Delicious Garden Seafood Restaurant

A seafood food stall that locals would go to and was on CCTV.

The entrance to the shop is filled with a variety of seafood, which is very tempting and looks very fresh.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Recommend the pretzel water and electricity fish here, the outside is crispy and crispy, but it is very tender inside when you bite down. The small squid braised tofu is also very good, and it is steamed with tofu, and the umami flavor penetrates into it.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Seafood restaurant on the tip of the tongue

The public reviews are the first, and the locals recommend the seafood restaurants that are the first. However, compared with the previous one, the taste of seafood here is light, mainly eating its umami taste.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Steamed yellow croaker and braised abalone are delicious, the sauce is not very thick, and even the simplest white-boiled steamed.

But because the seafood is fresh, the easiest way to cook it is enough.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery
With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Pot edge paste /

It's full of Minnan flavors, but there are also authentic pot side pastes.

Rice is ground into rice milk and spread over the side of the pot, until the rice milk is blanched into a powder and then shoveled into the soup.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

The soup base is very fresh, shrimp, squid, oysters and other freshly caught seafood are all down into it.

Just drink the soup, and you already feel that it has been turned over~

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/ Sand Fish Balls /

The fish balls made with fresh fish meat are white and shiny in color, and they are soft and tender and elastic when you eat them.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

It's also wrapped in meat filling, and you can burst out with a bite of juice. The inside of the mouth is full of the taste of fresh fish, which is very delicious.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

/Fried Oyster Cake/

On the streets of Kasumiura, be sure to buy a fried sea oyster cake, super fragrant, and eat the sea oyster meat.

With the most beautiful coastline in China, more beautiful than Sri Lanka, this small county town has a private world-class scenery

Kasumigaura tips

High-speed rail direct, the traffic is very convenient

Don't look at just a small city, if you play carefully, it will take about 1 week.

Small tail

The most beautiful coastline in China

The most beautiful beach in the world

A photo view of space

Photographs of the countryside that have won international awards

... ....

This is Kasumigaura

A small town with mountains and seas and rich food

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