
These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

Source: Ningxia News Network


A poverty alleviation drama is on fire.

Going out and talking about the day,

The people of Ningxia do not forget to say a word

Have you watched "Mountains and Seas"?

The reputation of this drama is also leveraged

A good review of the water

From costume props to dialects to actors

It is called the most grounded domestic drama

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

"Mountains and Seas" portrays the people in the mountainous areas of Ningxia who have worked hard to create a new life after the relocation of migrants, and portrays the coastal Fujian cadres and technical experts who went to the great northwest to help the poor, without using bold words and without the need for earth-shattering feats, they blew the warmth wrapped in the sea breeze all over the bitter and cold northwest mountainous areas, so that the mountains and the sea met and ended up with poverty alleviation.

"Mountains and Seas" is a poverty alleviation drama, but the theme of the play is "Helping The Zhi" and "Helping the Wisdom", poverty alleviation is the first to help the zhi, and the poverty alleviation must help the wisdom. In addition to the drama itself, we have also seen his propaganda role, the display of poverty alleviation achievements, the implementation of policies to win the hearts and minds of the people, and the earth-shaking changes...

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

Of course, we also paid attention to it in the play

Many local specialties of Ningxia,

Potatoes, beach lamb, goji berries, bisporus mushrooms


Interpret their effects with the plot,

It has become a genuine TV series with goods.

Let's see what they all have

The first to appear is the potato


In the first episode, when ma Defu (Huang Xuan), a poverty alleviation cadre, returns to the village to persuade the fleeing hangzhuang immigrants to return, his younger brother Ma Debao and several companions who are not willing to be poor run away overnight to run out of the mountains to see the outside world.

After Debao was captured by Defu and returned home, his father Ma Shouting Water (Zhang Jiayi) used a whip to enforce the family law, and Debao shouted out the words held in his heart - boiling potatoes in the morning, steaming potatoes at noon, roasting potatoes at night, I have eaten enough!

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

Ningxia Xiji County is known as the "potato town", in November 2020, as the last poverty county in Ningxia to withdraw from the poverty sequence, the potato industry as one of the pillar industries in the fight against poverty has contributed to it.

At present, Xiji County grows 800,000 mu of potatoes, with an average household of 10 mu, and the rural labor force transferred nearly 130,000 jobs last year. In the past five years, more than 100,000 people from 24,000 households have been lifted out of poverty, and the per capita disposable income of farmers has increased to 10,416 yuan.

What was once a "life-saving egg" has now become a "rich egg". With the continuous improvement of the added value of the potato industry, we have reason to believe that the days of the villagers who have made a fortune by the potatoes will become more and more prosperous.

Then the guinea fowl came

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?


In the first episode of "Mountains and Seas", guinea fowl appeared many times "C bit to grab the camera", becoming an accelerator and fuse for story advancement, intensification of contradictions, and actors' dramas, and the audience and netizens ridiculed its "drama bully", "background" and "capital into the group", and jokes were frequent.

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

Guinea fowl is native to Africa, also known as pearl chicken, pearl bird, guinea bird. Because the feathers are dotted with light dots and resemble pearls, it is called "guinea fowl". In 2013, guinea fowl breeding, as one of the poverty alleviation industries in Xiji County, Ningxia, was introduced by local entrepreneurs from Guangzhou. Since 2014, Xiji County has vigorously developed guinea fowl breeding, and the project was once a local "star" project, and later, guinea fowl was caused by reasons such as water and soil dissatisfaction and lack of follow-up management, resulting in a case fatality rate of 63.5%. Coupled with the poor repurchase channels, most of the pearl chickens that eventually survive are directly eaten, failing to bring economic benefits to poor households.

Today, guinea fowl is relatively rare in Xiji County, but there are still farmers in Guyuan City, Wonju District, Shizuishan City Huinong District and other places.

Since it is a drama with goods,

How can there be no star specialty Ningxia beach lamb

In episode 4, before Director Zhang went to the Party School to study, it was both a celebration and a blessing, and specially invited Defu (Huang Xuan) to eat a beautiful salt pond beach sheep hand grab, I believe it is also a lot of blood.

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

There is a saying in China on the tip of the tongue: "The Yellow River rushed out of the Helan Mountains and shaped the Ningxia Plain, and almost all Chinese gourmets believe that the lamb here has the best texture." ”

Ningxia Tan mutton has been on the table of China's state banquet many times, known as the "noble among sheep", taken from the sheep of Ningxia Salt Pond, where unique conditions have created excellent sheep breeds. Anyone who has eaten it knows that the delicious taste without the smell is the most significant feature of the beach lamb. Compared with other lambs, the meat texture of the beach sheep is soft, and the ribs are fat and thin.

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that the beach lamb can warm up the deficiency, replenish the qi, calm the panic, appetize the body, cure the weakness and coldness, and the five labors and seven injuries. It can be used to treat postpartum cold, waist and knee soreness, kidney weakness and yang failure, cold stomach pain and other symptoms.

We must amway Ningxia goji berries

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

Director asked: Bubble goji berries are not? Blessed answer: I am in good health. In two simple sentences, the basic efficacy of goji berries and the characteristics of medicinal and food homology are presented bluntly, which is more real than "soaking goji berries in a thermos cup".

The small "red fruit" has also made great contributions to the people of Ningxia to get rid of poverty and become well-off, and live up to the reputation of "the hometown of Chinese goji berries".

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

Goji berries have a variety of health benefits, the main edible effect is to improve the eyesight, nourish the liver and kidneys. The whole country takes Ningxia as the main production area, especially the quality of the goji berries produced in Zhongning County as the best, and it is the "red treasure" of the first of the "Five Treasures of Ningxia". In the "Compendium of Materia Medica" written by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty, Ningxia goji berries are listed as the top products of this sutra, saying that "the whole country enters the medicinal berries, and all are produced in Ning".

In May 2004, the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China approved the implementation of geographical indication product protection for "Ningxia Goji Berries". The brand value of "Zhongning Goji Berry" reached 19.032 billion yuan.

Episode 10 begins

The two-spore mushroom, which is famous for its "white and rich beauty in the mushroom", is grandly debuted

The first mushrooms with hope were finally planted! Since then, the people of Minning Village have embarked on a bright road, interest-free loans, shed materials, poverty alleviation policies have blossomed on all sides, and as the mushrooms on the golden beach have been planted, more and more villagers have participated in the mushroom industry.

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

From November to April every year, Fujian is rich in high-quality edible mushrooms. From May to October, the mushrooms cannot be produced due to high temperatures. Because of the cold and cool climate, Ningxia can produce high-quality edible mushrooms from May to October, but the lack of cultivation technology is a stumbling block to industrial development.

Agricultural experts from Fujian and Nanjing have joined hands to "take the pulse" of the edible mushroom industry, so that the land of the two provinces and regions complements each other and forms a development path for the edible mushroom industry throughout the four seasons.

For more than 20 years of fujian-nanjing counterpart poverty alleviation cooperation, groups of Fujian experts have bent down to bridge the distance between mountains and seas, and have gone deep into the fields, solar greenhouses, and breeding pens in poor areas of Ningxia, pouring their hearts and minds into Ningxia's agricultural development and poverty alleviation.

Also hidden is the zhongwei selenium squash

In this clip of the play, Chen Jinshan (

Guo Jingfei said several times in a row: This melon is so sweet

, not listening to Professor Ling at all (

Huang Jue) said something, and he cared about eating melons

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

It is said that our wine industry is about to usher in

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

Ningxia Helan WineRy in Minning Town

Some articles say that Yang Gawa, who came back again, brought grape planting to Yuquan Camp, which was not smooth at first, but fortunately finally had a harvest in the end, and with the help of Fujian poverty alleviation experts, the grape industry was made prosperous and made the best wine in China.

You know, the first bottle of dry red wine in Ningxia was born in Yuquanying, which coincides with the era in the TV series.

These Ningxia "treasures" of Amway in "Mountains and Seas", do you get √ arrived?

Located at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain at 38° north latitude, it is the golden area of wine grape cultivation in the world, and sunshine, soil, moisture, altitude and latitude all contribute to the cultivation of grapes. Ningxia's latest implementation plan for the high-quality development of the wine industry said that it strives to use 5-10 years to achieve the scale of the wine grape base to reach 1 million mu, with an annual output of more than 300 million bottles of high-quality wine, and strive to achieve the goal of the comprehensive output value of the wine industry of 100 billion yuan and the doubling of the brand value of the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain.

Are you looking forward to it?