
The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

author:Cold Governor

1. The monkey face flower is named because it has a monkey face, which is composed of long petals and stamens on the flower

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

2, corpse lily is the world's largest rare flower, when flowering will emit a pungent smell like rotten flesh, attracting insects to come

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

3, snapdragon, when in full bloom is beautiful, but after the flowers wither, they will become a "skull"

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

4, swaddling orchids, also known as tulip orchids, look like babies in swaddling

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

5, the earliest discovery of this flower is Darwin, so it is called "Darwin's slipper flower", because it looks like an alien, so it is also called a happy alien flower

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

6, African hydrangeas have no leaves, directly on the ground to grow a flower, native to Namibia, Eswatini, Ethiopia

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

7. The naked male orchid looks like a helmeted human figure and grows in southwestern Europe, West Asia, East Africa and North Africa

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

8, green jade vine is also known as grapes, the color of blue-green shape like claws, very rare

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

9, Crane Wanglan, also known as the bird of paradise, looks strange, like a crane looking forward to it, the flower tray resembles the mouth of a crane, and the flowers and buds are similar to the crown of the crane

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

10, the monarch flower is the national flower of South Africa, the flowers are very large, the flowering period is very long, and it can bloom for a long time

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

11, Utan Borneo flower, also known as the Buddha flower, the flower color is pale, the stem is as thin as a hair, only open at night

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

12. The outer part of the water lily is purple petals, and the middle flower bud is golden, and the annual flowering time is only seven days

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

13, crystal orchid is a kind of saprophytic flower, also known as the "flower of death", full of crystal clear, is a ghost-like flower

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

14, parrot flowers grow like a lifelike parrot, mostly white, purple, pink, brown and other mixed colors

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

15, fishbone makes the leaves of the arrow look like green fish bones

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

16, the lip flap of the flying duck orchid is raised like a duck's head, and the three flowers of the outer wheel are folded back by the upper two pieces like the wings of a duck, and the whole is like a flying duck

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

17. The flower form of the black bat flower is like a bat, the flowers are dark purple or black, and the flower bracts are dark green

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

18, the petals of the manta calyx flower look like wings, and there is a handful of purple furry things underneath

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

19, raw stone flowers grow like stones, flowers grow out from between the cracks

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

20, bee orchid is named because of its similar shape to bees, and the pollination source is also bees

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

21, the two petals of the lip flower are like sexy lips, which are more common in tropical areas

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

22. Titan konjac, also known as "giant konjac", is distributed in tropical rainforest areas, and the diameter of the leaves can reach 5 meters

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

23 The "Devil's Hand", also known as the "Monkey Claw", or "Hand Flower", originated in Mexico, like an evil animal stretching out its claws to hunt prey

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

24 Impatiens Bequaertii, born in South Africa, flowers look like dancing dancers

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

25, Phalaenopsis, when the flowers are fully open, the flower buds are like a butterfly that spreads its wings and flies to the center of the flower

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

26, jade phoenix flowers are all white, looking like an elegant white phoenix

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

27, Suzuran looks like a white bell fluttering in the wind

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

28, pigeon orchids are like pigeons in swaddling

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

29, ghost orchid flowers like a jumping frog, holding a white ghost, perched in the woodland swamp

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

30. The large flower buds of the princess flower have been maintaining a state of bud waiting to be released, produced in South Africa

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

31. The flowers of the golden lotus are golden, and once opened, they can last for half a year

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

32, torch ginger because it looks like a torch, the color is very bright, the petals of the flower are overlapped layer by layer

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

33, the flowers of the swan flower are like the swans, and the flowers are born in pairs

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

34, the "pig cage" of " Nepenthes toilet " is in an open shape, just like the toilet we use

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

35. The mother of the shellfish is named because the flowers resemble polyshells

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

36. When the palace lamp lily blooms, it is like a lantern hanging on the branch

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

37. The flowers of the lotus peony are pink, like a heart-shaped purse

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

38, the blue-eyed chrysanthemum looks very peculiar, and the flower buds in the middle are like sapphires

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

39, Chinese lanterns have different shapes and colors, is a kind of bowl-shaped flower

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

40, fairy shoes are a very rare plant, flower language is "rare"

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

41, chocolate cosmos flower is native to Mexico, will emit the aroma of chocolate

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

42, the underground orchid is a lifelong living underground plant, can not perform photosynthesis, has lost 70% of the chloroplast gene

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

43, the appearance of the apple flower is very peculiar, like a hollowed out small lantern

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

44, six flowers have many colors, is a very special plant

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

45. Horned wasp orchid resembles a female wasp, and at the same time imitates the unique smell of female wasps

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

46, Luoli family chandelier flower, the appearance is very amazing

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

47, dry snow lotus is produced in South Africa, is a beautiful fairy flower

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

48, buttercup, also known as celery flower, Persian buttercup, native to the Mediterranean coast, commonly known as "artichoke" in Kunming, China

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

49. Lijiang Orchid has a very peculiar appearance and is a national first-class protected plant

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning

50, black coral pea is one of the few black flowers in nature, native to southwestErn Australia

The 50 species of flowers that few people have ever seen look strange, each of which is stunning