
10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

author:Xiaofei loves life

Summer is coming, some flowers, are very afraid of the sun, after the sun, light wilt, yellow leaves, heavy wilt. However, for flower friends whose lighting is not too good at home, you can raise some flowers that are happy to shade, there is no direct light, but it grows well, colorful and picturesque, just like the following kinds.

1. Happy shade flowers

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Also known as red tung grass, red rope tree, etc., it is a tropical rainforest evergreen herb, and it is also a new generation of indoor yin-loving leaf-viewing plants. There are many varieties of flowers, the plants are exquisite and plump, multi-branched, the stems and leaves are luxuriant, the leaves are gorgeous, the leaves are covered with colorful markings, the leaf veins are clear and picturesque, and the summer will bloom bright red or pink, yellow and other colors of small flowers, the flowers are beautiful, the flowers are bright.

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

From its name, we know that it loves shade, it does not like strong light very much, it will burn its leaves, scorch and die. Usually put it in a cool, humid, ventilated astigmatism environment or semi-shaded environment, the summer temperature is maintained at 20 to 30 degrees, appropriate multi-spray water around the plant, and maintain air humidity.

2. Ruyi Queen

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Ruyi Queen, also known as Ruyi Evergreen, belongs to the Tiannanxing family of herbs, the plant shape is not high, but the leaves are large, narrow and long, the leaf color is beautiful and generous, the leaf surface comes with natural color markings, as beautiful as blooming flowers, colorful. Ruyi Queen is afraid of strong direct sunlight, and it is easy to sunburn the leaves, and the edges of the leaves are scorched and yellow leaves appear.

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Summer in the home living room, study, or coffee table and other cool and ventilated bright scattered light environment, but grow well, when the temperature is higher than 25 degrees, more spray water to the foliage to improve air humidity, leaf color will appear more fresh and beautiful, well-raised, but also flowering.

3. Peacock arrowroot

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

The ornamentation on the leaves of the peacock arrowroot is like the feathers of the peacock, spreading out in all directions, and the leaves are bright green and very beautiful. Peacock arrowroot is also a kind of arrowroot plants, like other arrowroot plants, it is also more like shade and fear of sun, especially in summer, after strong direct sun, the leaves are easy to yellow and wither, curled. In summer, put it in a bright scattered light environment or semi-shaded environment, avoid strong light exposure, it can grow very beautiful and eye-catching. If the indoor air is dry, it can be sprayed with water to humidify the foliage and around, and maintain a good ventilation environment.

4. Red palm

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Red palm is a famous indoor flower, native to tropical rainforest areas, do not like strong direct sunlight, especially in summer, after the sun its flowers are easy to wilt, lose luster, the leaves will also be sunburned leaf spots, difficult to recover, become very ugly. In summer, pay attention to placing it in the indoor living room and other ventilated and bright scattered light, watering dry and wet, thin fertilizer and diligent application, keeping the potting soil moist but not waterlogged, it can grow green and red.

5. White turtle back bamboo

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Turtle back bamboo is the most common indoor foliage green plant, extremely shade-tolerant, does not like strong direct sunlight, and the leaves will be very ugly after sunburn. There are also many varieties of turtle back bamboo, some with white brocade or yellow brocade and spotted leaves of turtle back bamboo, placed at home, with natural ornamentation, adding beauty, high-end atmosphere. However, the price of this variety is very expensive, and some of them have been sold in china for hundreds of thousands of yuan or even more than 10,000 yuan. Usually maintenance, pay attention to it placed in the indoor ventilation of the bright scattered light, the potting soil remains moist but does not accumulate water, the climate is dry, spray more water on the branches and leaves or wipe the leaves, it will often be vibrant.

6. Green velvet potato

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Green velvet potato is one of the popular varieties of seaweed in recent years. Its leaves give people a velvety high-grade texture, the color is emerald green, the veins of the leaves are clear, and the whole shape is full of minimalist colors, simple but not simple, which is very suitable for modern light luxury style decoration of the home. Placed in the indoor living room, study and other places, to enhance the style of home, simple atmosphere.

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

In summer, pay attention to the ventilation of the scattered light place environment, the temperature is maintained at 18-30 degrees, thin fertilizer is applied diligently, and the potting soil is kept moist and does not accumulate water.

7. Dolphin flowers

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Dolphin flowers are perennial herbaceous plants of the family Bittersweed, Cape Moss, with long peduncles and attractive flower shapes, resembling small dolphins, with fresh and elegant flowers, purple or white-blue. When in full bloom, it is like a large party of dolphins, the breeze blows, the flowers flutter with the wind, like the elves in the fairy tale world, warm and romantic.

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Dolphin flowers do not like strong light, placed in an indoor living room and other astigmatized bright, well-ventilated places or semi-shaded environments, or hanging up, flower branches hanging down, fresh and soft, decorative, will be more beautiful.

8. Phalaenopsis orchid

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Phalaenopsis orchids prefer a cool and ventilated scattered light environment and do not like strong direct light. Otherwise, its leaves will be burned or faded, the leaves will turn yellow and black, and the flowers will wilt, ending the flowering period early. Therefore, in the summer, we must raise the phalaenopsis orchid in a place with indoor ventilation and scattered light, so that its leaves are thick green and the flowering period is longer.

9. Colorful leaf taro

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Colorful leaf taro, belongs to the arrowroot is a colorful foliage plant, its leaves are colorful, colorful, as beautiful as a blooming flower. Moreover, there are many varieties, leaf shapes, leaf colors change, most varieties are colorful and beautiful as flowers.

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Colorful leaf taro likes shade and is afraid of sun, suitable for raising in the living room, study or office and other ventilated, cool scattered light environment, there is no strong light direct sun, they grow well. Summer is its vigorous growth period, we must pay attention to the pot soil to keep moist without water, can not lack of water, the general pot soil surface dry to half or three or four centimeters, watering, air dry, you can give the leaves spray humidification, you can keep the leaf color often fresh and bright.

10. Begonia trout

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

Begonia trout is a popular "net red flower" in recent times and is a famous indoor foliage plant. Its leaves are very personal, the leaves are shaped like a fish, the front of the leaves is olive green or dark green, with white spots of different sizes distributed on it, and the back of the leaves is a bright purple-red color, elegant and high-grade color, and highly decorative. Trout begonias do not like strong light, and place them in the living room, study and other places where scattered light is bright and ventilated, but they grow well.

10 kinds of "happy shade flowers", raised in the living room without sunlight, but grow well, colorful and picturesque

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