
Do you know these "non-everyday" jewels?

author:Oriental Jade Pu

The mention of "jewelry" is probably not unfamiliar to everyone, and the first thing that comes to mind is diamonds, pearls, crystals and other common jewelry. But in fact, the classification of jewelry is very intricate, and there are many niche jewelry that have been ignored by everyone. For example, "coral", the public can rarely link it with "jewelry", but in fact, it is of great unique significance in jewelry, not only beautiful appearance but also beauty and beauty, blood invigorating the name of the effect. Wei Yingwu, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, also praised the dexterity of coral in "Wing Coral" and pinned his beautiful ideals on it. So the selection of corals also has a certain skill, what aspects should we pay attention to?

First, the color

There are many types of corals, and naturally there are advantages and disadvantages. Among the many species, the bright red coral, commonly known as "cow's blood red", is the most precious. As we all know, the color of corals is very uneven, the color gradually fades from the outside to the inside, if we find that the color of the coral is not transitioned when selecting corals, then 80% of them are encountering fake corals.

Do you know these "non-everyday" jewels?

Second, the pattern

The cross-section of the coral has growth patterns of different sizes, similar to the annual rings of trees, and like the usual smaller coral ornaments, you can generally see the growth patterns in the shape of concentric circles. Here to popularize a small trick for everyone to "look at the parallel pattern".

Do you know these "non-everyday" jewels?

Third, the feel

Among the many varieties of corals, the feel of real corals is excellent, the touch is very soft, the overall waxy luster, if it is a fake coral, there will be a sense of porcelain in the hand, and the visual presentation is also glass luster.

Do you know these "non-everyday" jewels?

Oriental Yupu has been committed to the research of the jewelry industry for many years, stepped on countless pits, and also learned a lot of industry insiders, especially in jewelry identification and jewelry dry goods. In order to help everyone spend less money, our team will continue to update the knowledge of the jewelry industry, and welcome friends who like jewelry to communicate with us online.