
Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

author:Dingmu Vision

Remember when "Sideburns Are Not Begonia Red" was released, many people were powdered by Yin Zheng's Shang Xiaorui circle, and Yin Zheng on the stage had a variety of styles, quite like the style of his brother's Cheng Butterfly dress.

But as soon as he arrived on the stage, Yin Zheng transformed into a foodie and completely separated from his brother, so that the audience clearly understood that this was Yin Zheng's Shang Xiaorui, not his brother's Cheng Dieyi.

Yin Zheng's wonderful acting skills have been recognized by everyone, but with it, there are endless troubles. In order to be able to play a good businessman, Yin Zheng threw open his arms and really opened his mouth to eat meat, and as a result, after a scene was filmed, Yin Zheng gained more than a dozen pounds, directly from fresh meat to fresh meat buns.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

Therefore, weight loss has also become Yin Zheng's top priority. In order to lose weight successfully, Yin Zheng specially hired a nutritionist to make a fat-loss meal for him, and often shared his weight loss tips with the public on social platforms.

Over a period of time, Yin Zheng's weight loss is quite effective, and he successfully threw off a body of fat, but unfortunately, perhaps because the scale fell too quickly, Yin Zheng's appearance fell sharply, coupled with his preference for long hair, the result was that many netizens complained that he was aunty and aunty, no man-like.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

At first, in the face of several netizens' bad comments, Yin Zheng laughed and did not pay much attention. But there are always some people who will regard the tolerance of others as cowardice, so more netizens have intensified their sarcasm yin zheng.

In the face of the influx of bad reviews on the Internet, even the strongest heart is difficult to bear, and under the intolerability, Yin Zheng posted a Weibo.

The central meaning is to admit that he is ugly and ask everyone not to attack his appearance again. A man in his thirties was attacked by some netizens to this position, which sounds sad. Appearance anxiety is not only rolled up by girls, even male stars are not spared.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

For actors, it is clear that what should be paid more attention to is acting, but appearance has become a pain point for people with hearts to attack others. The actor's appearance will always age, but the actor's acting skills will become more and more exquisite with the passage of time.

And Yin Zheng has been using his own strength to speak since he entered the industry, rather than relying on his face to get the love of fans. In 1986, Yin Zheng was born in Baotou, because his parents were not in harmony, Yin Zheng grew up with his mother in Guangdong from an early age.

Thanks to the advantages of the environment, Yin Zheng, who grew up in Guangdong, speaks fluent Cantonese. In junior high school, because of the gu qizai movie, Yin Zheng, who practiced taekwondo since childhood, became the eldest brother of his little brother. When he was in high school, because of the poor results in the cultural class, Yin Zheng chose the road of art examination.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

Unlike many actors from the class, Yin Zheng did not choose acting school at that time, but entered the Xinghai Conservatory of Music to study music.

After continuous efforts, in 2007, Yin Zheng won the Golden Bell Award, after which Yin Zheng honed his singing skills, and finally, after a gap of three years, he won the Stars Award.

Seeing that Yin is achieving more and more achievements on the road of music, at this time, the emergence of a musical theater has completely changed the direction of Yin Zheng's life after that.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

After Yin Zheng graduated from college, by chance, he came into contact with the performance of musical theater, played roles in his own way, and the feeling of wanton performance on the stage made Yin Zheng completely fascinated, so he silently made a wish in his heart that one day, he must become an actor.

In order to play his role well, Yin Zheng often secretly hones his acting skills in his free time, and Yin Zheng's efforts are looked at by the crew.

Also because of this play, Yin Zheng and the heroine Tian Shui are related, and along the relationship of Tian Shui, Yin Zheng got the opportunity to audition for the role of "Kangxi".

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

In order to grasp the hard-won role, Yin Zheng used two hundred percent of his efforts to play Kangxi, and soon, Yin Zheng's efforts were recognized by the director, and in this way, Yin Zheng entered the Shanghai Drama Center.

No matter where the hard people are, there will be people to promote, and the director Wang Yong at that time was very optimistic about Yin Zheng, a young actor.

At the time of the preparation of the TV series "Dragon Gate Dart Game", Wang Yong threw an olive branch to Yin Zheng, and Yin Zheng successfully entered the crew and got a small role such as "Pheasant".

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

In this way, Yin Zheng took the first step into the entertainment industry. From musicals to film and television dramas, these are two completely different performance systems. Yin Zheng, who has just entered the industry, often observes the performances of the same group of actors, secretly ponders on his own, and uses the skills of others to perform.

After the completion of "Dragon Gate Dart Game", Yin Zheng received the opportunity to play on the same stage with Wang Baoqiang, and the overjoyed Yin zheng was more attentive in the performance, desperately absorbing the performance experience of these acting schools during the filming process.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

Fate will not fail to live up to the hard work, in this year, Yin Zheng entered the crew of Hollywood McRobie, although he only played a small supporting role, but Yin Zheng still gained a lot of acting experience in the process.

After that, Yin Zheng has been active in the show business circle as a supporting role, and has been tepid until 2015, Yin Zheng ushered in a career turnaround.

In the movie "Charlotte Troubles", Yin Zheng played Charlotte's love enemy Yuan Hua, which was originally a hated villain role, but when Yin Zheng suggested to the director that Yuan Hua be paired with a bgm of a plum, Yuan Hua's character image had an earth-shaking adaptation.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

The original villain is more comedic, and Yin Zheng also successfully went out of the circle through Yuan Hua, who brought his own bgm. Playing the villain with flesh and blood and making the audience feel pity seems to be Yin Zheng's unique skill.

In "Sparrow", Ming Ming Yin is playing Su San Province, who is fierce and fierce, killing people without blinking, but the audience can see the sad and pitiful side of Su San Province.

This is all due to Yin Zheng's grasp of the character's psychology. From a comedian to a powerful faction in the entertainment industry, Yin Zheng's transformation has amazed everyone and made people feel that this is indeed the case.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

In 2016, Yin Zheng played the tang monk in "Journey to the West", bringing more jokes to the audience.

Although Yin Zheng's Yuan Hua has brought a deep impression to many people, yin Zheng's Susan Province has made people hate tooth itch, but when Yin Zheng appeared in the shape of a Tang monk, the audience thought he was cute and would not be affected by the role played by Yin Zheng in the past.

Wang Jinsong, who criticized the chaos in the entertainment industry, once praised Yin Zheng in public, he is the best actor in the same age group, he is a genius drama maniac, and his future is unlimited.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

With the affirmation of teacher Wang Jinsong, Yin is getting wider and wider in the film and television circle. In 2019, Yin Zheng received an invitation from the crew of "Sideburns", and in Yin Zheng's mind, his brother Zhang Guorong is his eternal idol.

The role of Shang Xiaorui is similar to her brother's Cheng Dieyi. In order to go further away from the idol, Yin Zheng took over the script. It turns out that only Yin Zheng can play the role of The Living Shang Xiaorui. But with that comes the cost of creating characters.

In the apology letter, Yin Zheng claimed to be an eighteen-line paste, but this was not the case, after the end of "Sideburns", Yin Zheng continued to make films, and in the new play, Yin Zheng also used his efforts to bring different surprises to the audience.

Yin Zheng, the "strength faction", from ten thousand people to ten thousand people laughing, what exactly did he experience

Today, Yin is concentrating on honing his acting skills and concentrating on acting. Looking back at Yin Zheng from the explosion to the present, the 36-year-old Yin Zheng has just appeared in front of the audience for 7 years.

Although there are many bad comments against Yin Zheng on the Internet now, I believe that with the grinding of time, Yin Zheng, the "late bloomer", can prove himself with the best works and become the best actor in China.

What do you think of Yin Zheng, welcome to leave a message in the comment area below.

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