
Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

author:Tina Psychology
Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?
Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

01 The Abyss

Mu Xin once said:

The so-called abyss, going down, is also a long way ahead.

The so-called clouds, jumping down, will also be deep into the abyss.

Once I also fell into the abyss of life.

I was born prematurely, and before I could feel the warmth of my arms, I was given a critical illness notice.

In the baby incubator, it took 11 days to pick up a life.

I seemed to be destined for a lot of life at birth, and it wasn't over, and then something even more devastating happened.

Once I had a high fever, the doctor used the wrong needle, and I became a cerebral palsy.

Yes, not at birth, because of the doctor's mistake, I began the painful journey.

The hard work my parents put into taking care of me can be imagined.

At that time, my mother would get up at five o'clock every morning, help me with a massage, and then prepare breakfast for the family, and after breakfast, send me to school.

After school in the afternoon, my parents accompanied me to the hospital for treatment, every day, all year round.

Especially my mother, who originally knew nothing about driving, went to learn a driver's license in order to facilitate me to pick me up.

I remember that on a rainy day, my mother accompanied me to treatment, and accidentally had a collision with another car in the parking lot of the hospital, and she and the driver had a verbal altercation.

Watching this scene on a rainy day and feeling my mother's helplessness at that moment, I felt very guilty.

But my mother said to me, "It doesn't matter, for your sake, it doesn't matter how much your mother suffers." ”

This sentence made me break through the defense in an instant!

Fortunately, although my physical condition was not satisfactory, my academic performance has been good.

The teachers and classmates took great care of me and I cherished school life.

But when I began to look forward to the future, fate did not let me go, and it joked with me again.

My health began to get worse and worse, and I eventually had to drop out of school and go home to recuperate.

It was a fatal blow to me.

Since then, it has been in a slump.

It is said that when God closes a door, there is always a window, and a doctor who appears at that time makes me mistakenly think that he is the window that God has left for me.

Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

The "very good" TCM doctor firmly said that he would be able to return to school within half a year.

Expectantly, I began the traction therapy that I was desperate for.

For each treatment, the doctor would fix me on a bed that was only one meter wide and bite into a towel in my mouth.

Every treatment was sweaty and painful, but even so, I didn't want to give up.

However, hope is beautiful, reality is cruel.

Two years have passed, and my health is deteriorating.

Eventually, both treatment and schooling can only be forced to end.

The doctor who promised to return to campus for half a year said something that I will never forget:

"You can only become a waste in the future, and you will achieve nothing in the end."

These words pierced deep into my heart like spikes.

At that time, my parents were not around, my grandparents and I were treated in my hometown, and I did not dare to refute the doctor's words, he sentenced me to death, I was convinced.

How the following years came, sometimes I can't bear to remember, but fortunately, I now have the courage to tell myself:

Honey, you're great, it's all over.

Believe that everything will be fine!

Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

02 Cheer up

For several years after I left school, I felt helpless and depressed, and I was bored every day at home, as if I had entered space, illusory and weightless.

One day, my mother handed me a book, The Biography of Jobs, written by Isaacson.

In the biography of Jobs, there is a sentence that touched me:

"A lot of times, what's really important is following the gut instincts and courage in the heart, which often determines who we become, and everything else is secondary."

Yeah, no matter how it changes on the outside, if I have the courage inside, I can still stand up, can't I?

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to reinvigorate myself.

Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

I started looking for opportunities online.

Once I saw an article about writing monetization, I immediately felt something rising in my heart.

I spent $1,700 on my first writing bootcamp.

But after the training, I found that I had learned nothing but learning to write a condensed book manuscript.

Every time I submit a manuscript, I am also sinking into the sea, which makes me feel very devastated.

In desperation, I changed my mind.

If the submission does not work, then get your own account, I opened my own headline number.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and the dismal amount of presentation and reading once again doused my enthusiasm.

Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

03 Transfer

Sanmao once said:

A person should at least have a dream, have a reason to be strong, and if the heart has no place to live, it is wandering everywhere.

All the transfers start with a video seen on the headlines.

In that video, Tina explained in detail how to write the book manuscript.

Clear logic, practical steps, complete demonstration, I was as pleasantly surprised as I discovered a new continent!

I eagerly brushed up on many of Tina's articles and videos, saw a lot of psychology dry goods, and the teacher's content analysis was comprehensive and profound.

Growing up, I have been experiencing the heavy blows of life, what I need most is not to use psychological knowledge to heal myself?

And the teacher not only writes psychology dry goods, but also teaches writing, which is not right for me!

I think if my experience could be shared to help more people, maybe it would have a deeper meaning.

Later, after in-depth understanding, it was found that the depth of the teacher's content was caused by experience and accumulation, and the teacher was a master of journalism at Zhejiang University and a TV news reporter for many years.

From xueba to journalist to new media entrepreneurship, every step has been very solid.

I decided to follow Ms. Tina!

Because I fully believe that her slogan: Tina is a masterpiece.

Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

I signed up for the Tina Annual Writing Camp.

After joining, I was particularly excited, and this time I finally did not choose the wrong one!

Writing camp is so dry! I found out that my writing had never been a beginner before.

I studied hard and improved quickly, but soon I found a new problem – I was grossly under-read and soon had nothing to write about.

The perspective of the writing camp exceeded expectations, so I did not hesitate when I signed up for the teacher's [Psychology Reading Club].

As it turned out, this time I was right again.

Every time I finished a book, I felt like I was doing a psychological counseling:

"Meet the Unknown Self" tells me:

"Honey, there's no one else out there! All our complaints, accusations, and anxieties are a reflection of our own inner emotions. ”

"Why Does Home Hurt" tells me:

"When encountering difficulties, home is the harbor, and love is the way out."

The Power of The Moment made me understand:

Anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, stress, annoyance – all forms of fear are caused by excessive attention to the future and not enough attention to the present. ”

The Courage to Be Hated taught me:

"What matters is not what is given, but how to use what is given."

By keeping reading and writing, I found my goal, no longer depressed, full of energy every day.

I started reading every day!

I started the article!

I started writing blockbusters!

I started to become confident!

Until I took the manuscript fee earned from writing to show my parents, they originally did not believe in the payment of knowledge, and began to support my choice;

In the community, I am often praised by teachers and teaching assistants, and my friends use me as a role model.

Now, everyone who sees me will say: You are getting better and better now, and you are in a good state!

I knew in my heart that it was psychological reading and writing that pulled me back from the cliff of despair and gave me a new lease of life.

Thank you, Ms. Tina, for leading me on this path of self-healing and self-growth!

Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

04 Freshmen

Now I will think about how to combine the knowledge points in the book with real life.

I found that my thinking began to become deep.

Under the guidance of teachers and the company of the community, whether it is reading or writing, it is more efficient.

In the past, I always felt that there was no content to write, but now I read books regularly every day, insist on punching cards every day, and record small 2,000 words every day just reading notes.

No more worrying about having nothing to write, and reading every day provides me with a steady stream of topics to choose from.

And after writing, you can always get feedback.

In the live review class, Tina's comments were always to the point, and all the questions could not escape her eyes.

After a review, I took the question raised by the teacher and reviewed the teacher's live class again- "How to Use the Story Appropriately to Make the Article Vivid and Moving", and revised the article according to the content of the course.

It was finally successfully drafted.

This positive feedback also gave me the motivation to continue to persevere.

Especially after the article was published, I was encouraged by the community friends without hesitation, and I once again felt my own value.

Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

Now I have a new goal, and I hope that in the near future, I can become a contracted author and use words to help more people.

Nietzsche said, "Whoever cannot destroy me will make me strong."

When I fell into the abyss, it was reading and writing that gave me a ladder to the sun.

Looking back on the time I studied with the teacher, I finally got rid of my decadence and became myself again.

A quarter of my life has passed, but the road to writing has just begun, and I am full of expectations for the future!

As The Power of The Moment says:

"It's not anyone else who decides your lifestyle, it's you."

Now I live only in the present moment, only in the present moment.

So day after day, it is also a kind of "perfection"!

Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?

【Tina Psychology Reading Club】The 7th phase officially opened on June 1st! Looking forward to your joining

Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?
Born to receive a critical illness notice, once a child with cerebral palsy, how to use reading and writing to regain a new life?