
How to use positioning theory to do the promotion of Little Red Book?

author:Everybody is a product manager
Editor's Introduction: As one of the important positions of brand marketing promotion at present, Xiaohongshu has received attention from many parties. So, how can brands differentiate their marketing on the Little Red Book? Perhaps, you can combine positioning theory. In this article, the author combined with the case and disassembled how to use positioning theory to do a good job in the marketing of the Little Red Book, and looked at it together.
How to use positioning theory to do the promotion of Little Red Book?

As a little red book marketer, why talk about positioning theory? Because whether it is a personal blogger or a business owner, in the Xiaohongshu to do the delivery, the final destination is the word "brand", what position in the user's mind, to achieve the name selection.

First, what is positioning

Let's talk about "positioning", positioning theory was proposed by Trout & Reese in 1969, they believe that the core battlefield of business warfare is in the customer's mind, not the factory and the market, positioning is how to make you different in the mind of potential customers, from an external perspective to explain your reason for existence.

In other words, you exist because there is a user cognition, such as thinking of Coke, thinking of Coca-Cola, this is the power of the mind, just think, when your brand or account exists in the user's purchase of the mental ladder, or your account, there is a user about a category of choice, but also to achieve mental pre-sale. The emergence of positioning theory is of great significance not only for the economic field, but also for brands and bloggers.

Second, the significance of positioning

The meaning of positioning economics is the division of labor, Adam Smith, in "The Wealth of Nations", mentioned that the finer the degree of division of labor, the greater the market rules, the more wealth created. In other words, your position is the social division of labor, and after getting this division of labor, you want to think about whether you can do things well.

Positioning for the brand, is to find their own reason for existence, while choosing the location of the enterprise decisive battle, and then gather all the resources and troops into this battlefield, never waste resources in the non-decisive location.

Positioning explains who you really are, what value you can provide, and how different it is from bloggers in the same field. Even if everyone is doing OOTD, then if you are a workplace, an Internet manufacturer, or a designer OOTD, the more obvious your differentiation will be.

Third, locate the underlying logic

That why the positioning, stemming from the spread explosion, product explosion, information explosion, users have to contact a lot of noise every day, in this huge noise, as a brand wants to enter the customer choice, more and more difficult, at this moment need to explore the customer's mental situation. The mind is the key point of users' cognition of the world and decision-making, and mainly has the attributes of seeking determination, simplicity and innovation.

Seeking: The mind is insecure, so you want consumers to pay attention to you and buy your products, and you need to have a clear reason for buying;

Simplicity: The mind hates confusion and complexity, so simple information is easier to enter the user's mind;

Innovation: limited capacity, the mind will be classified storage, category storage, before positioning, the first step to solve the problem of category attribution, first check your homepage, whether you can let users know what you are doing.

The law of mind is also reflected in the brand and blogger planting grass, such as in the search, in order to reflect the professionalism, the blogger in the introduction, naming reflects the professional attributes; such as simplicity, in the selling point to create, must choose the user to understand, the best 1 selling point to plant grass; in the new way, the new category in the promotion, borrow the original category for publicity, reduce cognitive costs. Specifically, how to use positioning theory to guide it mainly from the following aspects.

Fourth, how to use positioning to make a small red book

In the era of information explosion, entering the consumer mental shortcut is to become the first. In a mental race, victory often belongs to the first person, the first product and the first politician to enter the mind of the potential customer. Whether it's a brand or a blogger, make yourself the first in the category and really let users remember you. Specific how to use positioning theory to do positioning, mainly from the following 4 steps.

Step 1: Competition judgment

Brands in the Xiaohongshu competition, the need to analyze the competitive environment of the potential customer mind, through the category drop-down word and keyword planning tools, as well as search terms, to see which brands have occupied the positioning, whether they have the opportunity, if they have positioning, and in the Xiaohongshu also occupied, you can break the circle and renew the strategy, the remaining 3 types, targeted solutions.

How to use positioning theory to do the promotion of Little Red Book?

Figure 2: How different types of businesses place and position

For bloggers, first of all, we must choose their own fields, food, beauty, fashion, travel, mother and baby are good areas, if they are not clear, around the occupation, hobbies and life to find.

How to use positioning theory to do the promotion of Little Red Book?

Figure 3: The situation of the subdivision of the Little Red Book

Occupation: The profession you are currently engaged in, the knowledge that can be output, such as you do operation, you can write operational knowledge, you can write financial management related to financial management, do psychology, you can do positioning around psychology.

Hobbies: What you personally like and are interested in, such as you are interested in wearing, makeup, calligraphy, dancing, writing, music and other fields, you can expand around hobbies.

Life: The living conditions of different groups of people, such as students, family cooks, jobs, models and other areas of life.

Personal bloggers, in the choice of reference accounts, divided into big V level, fans above 20W, this is the ideal goal, 2-10W fans for serious study, 0-2W fans focus on reference. For the beginning of the operation of Xiaohongshu, 0-2W fans are our main reference objects, from the design, content, topic selection, explosive models, monetization methods for benchmarking reference.

Step 2: Clarify positioning

Through the strength of competitors in the customer's mind, or the use of the inherent weakness contained in the strong, for the brand side, when doing the launch, extract their own positioning, form selling points according to positioning, divide the selling points into interests, functions and scene-based selling points in Xiaohongshu, and then arrange the selling points corresponding to different groups, scenes and types.

How to use positioning theory to do the promotion of Little Red Book?

Figure 4: Little Red Book Selling Point Tool House

For bloggers, choose what kind of blogger you want to be, just like above, even if it is an OOTD blogger, we can become the first place in the OOTD subdivision category.

Step 3: Support positioning

After finding the concept of positioning, support this positioning from the perspective of naming, positioning language, visual hammer, brand story, trust story, etc.

For example, taking the Feihe brand, its positioning is more suitable for the chinese baby's physique of infant milk powder, it is in the brand advertising, the selling point of the people publicity, are shaped suitable for the Chinese baby system milk powder, to consolidate the more suitable for the baby milk powder mental cognition.

How to use positioning theory to do the promotion of Little Red Book?

Figure 5: Positioning interpretation of the official website of Feihe milk powder

How to use positioning theory to do the promotion of Little Red Book?

Figure 6: Details of the Release of the Flying Crane Little Red Book Master

Personal blogger: Wake up and drink tea

Positioning tea bloggers, naming: brand + category naming, highlighting the attributes of tea, high recognition, and its profile is also a strong positioning, good tea pit guide, tea science professional master + ordinary office workers, highlighting the professional strength of tea, Yien background view, its 6 months rose by 65,000 fans.

The core of the notes revolves around drinking tea, good tea recommendation, buying tea to avoid pit strategies, and strengthening the setting of professional tea drinkers.

How to use positioning theory to do the promotion of Little Red Book?

Figure 7: Wake up and drink tea homepage

Step 4: Occupy positioning

According to the positioning, all aspects of the internal matching of the enterprise are sorted out, the positioning is strengthened, and the matching resources and operations are supported, and finally the position is occupied in the customer's mind.

The criterion for judging is that when the user wants to find a certain category, the first time he thinks of you. For brands and bloggers, it is to firmly send notes around positioning, and ultimately occupy this positioning and drive the development of the entire category.

How to use positioning theory to do the promotion of Little Red Book?

Figure 8: Brand strategic positioning import process

This article talks about The Little Red Book marketing from the positioning theory, there are many more knowledge points about positioning, and there is still a lot of room for extension.

Although the market has mixed reviews and criticisms in the face of positioning theory, it is indeed the clearest theory of doing brands, whether it is for bloggers and brands, find their own positioning in the early stage, focus on the correct positioning, do valuable and meaningful notes and content, and ultimately make the entire category bigger and bigger, endorsing the entire category.

This article was originally published by @River Chat Marketing on everyone is a product manager, and reprinting without the author's permission is prohibited

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