
Salvia and Panax notoginseng can pass through the blood vessels, which is better? Can it be taken for a long time? Listen to what the doctor has to say

author:Dr. Guanghai talks

Introduction: The incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems is increasing, so that people have begun to pay attention to the protection of cardiovascular health, there are too many blood vessels in our body, it can be said that any body part and organs need blood vessels to provide blood oxygen and water.

Therefore, if there is a blockage problem in the blood vessels, it indicates that the blood circulation is not smooth, and there will be a supply problem of water and oxygen, so it will be prone to such and such problems.

Salvia and Panax notoginseng can pass through the blood vessels, which is better? Can it be taken for a long time? Listen to what the doctor has to say

With the continuous popularization of scientific awareness, many people's health awareness has also been improved, in daily life will choose to take the initiative to use some ways to maintain physical health, among which some people will take a variety of ways to maintain vascular health, in order to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

Many people will use diet or exercise, while some people will use traditional Chinese medicine to unclog blood vessels to achieve the purpose of maintaining blood vessels.

Among the traditional Chinese medicines that unclog blood vessels, perhaps everyone has heard of Sanchi and Danshen, so which of these two Chinese herbal medicines is better to unclog blood vessels? Can you drink it for a long time? Today we will listen to what the doctor said.

Salvia and Panax notoginseng can pass through the blood vessels, which is better? Can it be taken for a long time? Listen to what the doctor has to say


Salvia and Panax notoginseng can pass through the blood vessels, which is better?

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine, Sanqi can also help improve the problem of angina, so everyone thinks that Sanqi can unclog blood vessels, so another "miracle drug" that is said to be able to unclog blood vessels is compared, but in fact, this topic itself is a mistake.

The drug first appeared in the famous Chinese medicine book "Shennong Materia Medica", which mentioned that danshen has a certain blood-activating effect, but the blood tonic effect is general.

According to modern medical research, the main component of salvia is tanshen ketone, which can help improve blood circulation in the coronary arteries and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, and has also been evidenced in animal studies.

In general, the medicinal effect of danshen body also has the effect of activating blood and dissolving stasis, and can also bring about the function of regulating heart and blood, which can be used to improve angina and coronary heart disease of qi stagnation and blood stasis.

Salvia and Panax notoginseng can pass through the blood vessels, which is better? Can it be taken for a long time? Listen to what the doctor has to say

However, for the cause of atherosclerosis in the elderly, it is generally due to the combination of multiple factors such as obesity, three highs, age, alcoholism and diabetes.

These factors will easily reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, but also easy to cause aging problems in blood vessels, for a long time the inner wall of blood vessels is damaged, lipid material accumulation to form hardening plaque, and eventually it will easily bring local hardening and narrowing of blood vessels.

Although salvia and Sanchi can have certain good performance in the improvement and prevention of cardiovascular disease with their ability to activate blood and dissolve stasis, if you expect these two herbs to unclog blood vessels, there is some exaggeration.

In fact, if you want to dredge blood vessels, it is impossible to rely on food, drugs or direct exercise alone, these are just auxiliary methods, and if you want to really unclog blood vessels, you still need to rely on the help of doctors.

Salvia and Panax notoginseng can pass through the blood vessels, which is better? Can it be taken for a long time? Listen to what the doctor has to say


Can it be taken for a long time? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Although these two kinds of Chinese medicines are not called all diseases, but from the perspective of the efficacy of these two Chinese medicines, it is also relatively extensive, coupled with the bragging of merchants, many people will believe it and will take it for a long time.

However, it is a three-point poison of the drug, and long-term use may also easily bring certain side effects.

Long-term large-scale use of salvia and panax notoginseng can easily lead to cytotoxicity and liver and kidney toxicity. And many people themselves are allergic to Panax notoginseng, and after taking it, it will easily bring purpura, allergic drug rash or shock problems.

Therefore, if there is a need for disease or health, be sure to go to a regular hospital, take it reasonably under the guidance of a doctor, and do not take it privately.

Salvia and Panax notoginseng can pass through the blood vessels, which is better? Can it be taken for a long time? Listen to what the doctor has to say


Although Panax notoginseng and salvia are good medicines for blood, these kinds of people are not suitable for taking

Pregnant women, menstruating women

Panax notoginseng and salvia can bring the effect of scattering blood, in order to prevent damage to the tire, pregnant women should not take these two drugs.

Women can not take during menstruation, because these drugs are blood-activating herbs, and it will be easy to increase menstrual volume if taken during menstruation, which will be detrimental to menstrual health.


Itself Chinese medicine Panax notoginseng and danshen can bring certain obvious effects to the cardiovascular system, during drinking will be easy to make the patient's blood pressure has a certain drop, for hypotension, taking it will be easy to backfire, aggravate the disease.

People with weak spleen and stomach

The medicinal properties of salvia are cold, if there is a problem of spleen and stomach weakness, then it is not recommended to take it, otherwise it will easily aggravate spleen and stomach discomfort.

Salvia and Panax notoginseng can pass through the blood vessels, which is better? Can it be taken for a long time? Listen to what the doctor has to say


If you want to care for blood vessels, you may wish to do these 3 things well

Adjust your diet

In terms of diet, try to achieve a light diet, less sugar, less oil and less salt, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables appropriately, and reasonably increase the intake of grains and coarse grains.

Increasing the intake of unsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, olive oil, etc., and controlling caloric intake can reduce the burden on blood vessels, prevent obesity, and help protect cardiovascular health.

Nourish your emotions

In fact, the impact of emotions on people's bodies is also very large, long-term in a state of excessive mental pressure, it will cause vascular endothelial dysfunction, which will cause vasodilation function is impaired, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

Therefore, if you want to maintain cardiovascular health, you must maintain a good mood in your daily life, so that you can better reduce the burden on blood vessels.

Exercise appropriately

Exercise can be said to be the magic weapon for preventing and controlling cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, appropriate exercise can promote blood circulation, balance blood lipid levels, and enhance vascular elasticity, helping to prevent the problem of arteriosclerosis.

Salvia and Panax notoginseng can pass through the blood vessels, which is better? Can it be taken for a long time? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Conclusion: He talked about the role of Sanchi and danshen can dredge blood vessels, and everyone should also rationally look at dredging blood vessels, relying on daily maintenance, rather than relying on what food or what ingredients, usually adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle, which is useful for the maintenance of blood vessels.