
Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

author:Bureau of Literature and History

Bathing is a part of life for us ordinary people, tired, sweaty after taking a bath is the right, and if you do not take a bath for a long time, everyone will feel uncomfortable.

If you don't bathe for 6 days or 6 months, you will definitely be alive or dead, but do you believe that there are people in the world who have not bathed for 60 years?

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

An old man from Iran named Haji is the holder of the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest time without bathing so far.

But the reason why he has not bathed for 60 years is not because he is sloppy, nor is it because of the lack of water at home, behind this, it is actually an unforgettable love story.

01 The beginning of happiness, the tragic end

Born in the turbulent year of 1937, Al-Hajj's hometown is a remote village in Iran, but it is very peaceful and peaceful.

When Haji was a child, he always played with his brothers and sisters, although the family was not rich, but his family was around, and he had nothing to do, going up and down the sea and making trouble.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

These laid a deep foundation for his stable and tenacious character, and he spent a pleasant childhood in that small mountain village, and by the age of eighteen, his parents began to marry him.

However, Haji's appearance is not particularly outstanding, there have been many matchmakers in the family, but it has not brought good news, and as time has lengthened, Haji's parents have begun to worry about him.

Who's young and not frivolous? At that time, Haji was at a young and ignorant age, and he had already exchanged feelings with the girl in the neighbor's house.

The girl had big watery eyes, very beautiful, and when they learned that Haji's family was going to marry him, they decided to confess to their parents.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

Innocent love is always rare, and Haji's parents are satisfied after meeting the girl. So they fulfilled them.

A marriage ceremony was held for them shortly afterwards, and the two young people have lived happily ever since.

After marriage, they are very loving, every day they live a small life of male cultivators and female weavers, and they are also a well-known and enviable couple in the village, and whoever sees it will send them blessings.

If there is no accident, they will definitely be happy like this for the rest of their lives, but unfortunately, the sky is not what people want.

But perhaps true love was destined to be put to the test, and in just two years after their marriage, Haji's wife died of a serious illness, and since then Haji has been like a changed person, not eating or drinking all day, withering and decadent, shutting himself in the house.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

No matter how Muchji's parents and brothers tried to persuade Haji, they were indifferent, although the death of his wife was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day for both families.

But for Haji, the loss of his beloved wife is a pain that cannot be walked out, he just can't get around this hurdle, at this time Haji's face has no joy and sorrow, and life has lost its purpose.

Just married for two years, his wife is still a flower-like girl, Haji is only 20 years old, Haji's life has since fallen into boundless darkness, he has been immersed in the good memories of his wife.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

Not only did he not listen to advice, he always shut himself in the room and saw no one, nor did he move under the ground, curled up on the bed like a tadpole, his obsession was in everyone's eyes, but he couldn't do anything.

Time is a cure for people with minor injuries, but for serious injuries it will only make the wounds fester.

Later, Haji became obsessed with smoking, and in this way he could temporarily forget the pain, and that temporary paralysis could also bring him a little spiritual sustenance.

02 Embark on the road to exile

This life lasted for a long time, and When Haji looked at his home without a wife and his parents who worried about him all day, he thought of running away from home, on the one hand, he could relax and on the other hand, he could regain his freedom.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

Because of the long period of depression and smoking, Haji's health became worse and worse, and his spirit was not very good, and he walked alone in heaven and earth with the thought of his wife, and it felt as if loneliness and sadness would drip from his body at any time, and his heart was empty and even like a walking dead.

Some people ask, is it really worth it to sacrifice love in this way? Even today, Grandpa Haji looks like a joke, but what about his original intention, has anyone ever thought about it? His sincerity, his faith, his almost insane attachment to love?

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

Wandering days are so easy to imagine, he is wandering outside begging, and very Buddhist, smoking addiction Haji often has no money to buy cigarettes, then pick up animal droppings and put them in the pipe as tobacco; hungry in the garbage can to find other people's leftovers; thirst is simpler, rivers, rain, can be used to quench thirst.

After a long time, Haji suddenly smelled something when he was still smoking as usual, and this smell broke through the barrier of the smoke and rushed straight into his nose: "It is the wife's ---."

He suddenly found this smell on his body in the direction of the smell, and this smell was exactly the same as the smell on his wife's body, and he was immediately ecstatic.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

He felt that God had taken care of him and left him with the smell of his wife, so in order to retain this smell, he decided not to bathe in the future, and Haji was only in his twenties at that time.

And when he won the Guinness Book of World Records, he was already eighty years old, that is, the long 60 years in between, he really did not take a bath, perhaps, this is equivalent to his wife accompanying him for 60 years.

Because of the smell of his wife found on his body, he had not been cleaned for a long time, which later led to more and more dirt on his body, and emitted a pungent smell, many people passing by him would involuntarily cover their mouths and noses, and some villagers suggested that he go to take a bath, but Haji was still unmoved.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

Gradually, as the smell on his body became heavier, many people began to alienate Haji, and even discriminated against Haji, and some children were even directly scared to cry by Haji.

They even said to him: Your wife's smell has long been covered by your stink! But he still turned a deaf ear.

When there was nothing to do, he would still stop to smell the residual smell of his wife, so as to comfort himself, the voice of the outside world never shook him, he knew what he was doing, even if he was crazy, even if he risked the world, it was his own life after all.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

He just doesn't take a shower, but it's not that he doesn't pay attention to the image. As time went on, the skin of this old man who had not bathed for decades had begun to scab, and dust and dirt had become his thick armor to protect his thoughts of his wife, and he carried the weight forward and enjoyed it.

Sometimes when the beard grows, he will pick up a stone to grind out sharp edges and cut off some, or burn a little with fire, and if his hair is messed up, he will also use his hands to straighten it, and it is obvious that he cares a lot about his image. But even so, he was a disheveled, scruffy-looking freak.

In his heart, the smell of the body is the wife, and his image is to show the wife, to be handsome. The interdependence of love and the decency of a gentleman, but so.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

03 Won Guinness, "The Dirtiest Man in the World"

Guinness started out as a brewery in the last century, but it has since become synonymous with the world's best of all kinds, and this time it was no exception, and they came to interview Him after learning about Haji's story.

In 2014, a guinness world record reporter found Haji, who was 77 years old, and before him, the world's longest record of not bathing was an old man in India, who had reached 38 years.

In the face of Haji's armor, everyone's first reaction was to be puzzled, looking at his rather neat appearance, even if they knew his deeds, it was difficult to really understand him.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

With his crumpled hands and the rough sense of sight like the ground, the people of Guinness, including anyone who saw him, thought that the layer under his clothes was a layer of armor, not skin, and the children of the village gave him an interesting nickname, "The Old Man in Armor all year round.".

Even so, an interesting detail was discovered, namely that Haji had a treasure that he carried in his arms every day— a broken car rearview mirror.

No one knew where he had picked it up, but only that Haji would sometimes take it out and carefully wipe it first, and then quietly look at himself in the mirror.

"This is the treasure he has always treasured."

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

Today, the long-lived Haji remains the holder of the Guinness Book of World Records, and Haji's story is even more moving than that of the uncle in India who believes in giving birth to a son without bathing.

When Haji was first interviewed, the Guinness people did not know that haji was hiding such a story, they only thought that iran might be short of water, or some customs, and some ethnic groups did have the habit of bathing only three times in a lifetime, at birth, marriage and death.

From the first encounter in his youth to the exhaustive life to reminisce, Haji's story and this year's Chinese explosive song "Mohe Ballroom" are the same, one does not marry for 30 years, one does not wash for 60 years, no matter what you do, is this not the most beautiful insistence on loyal love?

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

Now, Haji spends more time in the desert, the world is constantly changing, whether from the ancient times when Ru Mao drank blood or now he can understand the world without leaving home, the most precious and original sincerity in human bones is still there, and it is also the rarest priceless treasure.

Some people say that Haji's paranoia stems from feudalism, in the very early European Middle Ages, Louis XIV of France did not like to bathe, although he lived for a total of 77 years, but the number of baths did not add up to many times, and there are even rumors that he actually maintained the habit of not bathing for 64 years, and even his lover would spit on him.

"The smell on his body can be smelled tens of meters away."

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

However, in ancient China, it attached great importance to bathing, and even the Han Dynasty had a special "bathing holiday", just in order to allow officials to go home and wash up and go to work, in order to show respect for the emperor and the majesty of the royal family.

Although the tradition is different, and not bathing is more of a symbol of the poor, whether Haji's paranoia is in the heart of a child or some other reason, his insistence on love is certainly beyond anyone.

"The belt gradually widened and finally did not regret it, and was haggard for the people of Ishtar."

Perhaps, some people will think that Haji's actions are stupid and unreasonable, that he may not be able to escape the shadow of his wife's death for the rest of his life, and that normal people will not do so.

However, no matter how love is interpreted, it can be evaluated as "incomprehensible" and it is also a kind of sacredness.

Guinness Record Holder Haji: I haven't bathed in 60 years, and my body looks like I'm wearing armor

Perhaps, Haji's state of mind has transcended the ordinary world and reached the state of "all things are empty", whether it is the body or the outside world, it is only a appearance, he pursues his own spiritual world, is that he can stay with his wife forever, in fact, from a philosophical point of view, Haji is not a successful person?

Some records and even world records are not deliberately obtained, anything must have the original motivation to do, when you really desire something, even if there is no world to help you, you can stick to the original intention, you can keep the height.

Reference sources

  1. Guinness World Record holder, 60 years without bathing, can you stand it? 》
  2. Sina Finance", "The Most Special Holder of guinness records, Amo Haji: 60 years without bathing, skin like armor wrapped"